Wow what a week it’s been

@shaggin (71677)
United States
January 25, 2024 10:57pm CST
Monday my daughters and I went out grocery shopping. One of the stops was to Michael’s where we both as a free $5 voucher. I used mine to buy my son black acrylic paint and my daughter bought cookies. Tuesday school was cancelled before it started snowing. It was a good call though for the kids safety. Wednesday my niece who is 7 was up all night unable to sleep so her mom didn’t make her go to school. My sister had to work so she asked if her daughter could come here. My little one and my niece had so much fun together and I enjoyed so much getting to spend time with my niece. I miss the days I used to babysit her daily. Today I found out that my nephews (from my first marriage) fiancé hit a man last night (who was walking) with her car. It wound up being her boyfriend’s brother’s father in law. Yikes I wonder if there will be any bad feelings between the two woman who will be sister in laws come September. Today the well pump quit working so after my husband was done with classes he had to go to for work he had to fix this. After two trips to stores it still isn’t fixed. He had to be so exhausted and irritated I felt bad for him. He is taking the day off tomorrow to go to the store again to get a new pressure tank and then hopefully all will be good. Thank god my parents live across the street for me to get 13 gallons of water off them after already buying 3 at the store. Today we had to run to the store. We stopped to see my daughter at the thrift store. My little one accidentally pulled on an unsecured shelf and it tipped over on us. Unfortunately it was candles and votives etc. They would not allow me to pay for them and I felt so bad. My little one was so embarrassed when it happened and was crying and hiding from the people who rushed to see if she was okay. I bought her some stickers and balloons and that made things better. You can see her sticker fun in the photo. Afterwards we went to the library to play for a bit and to pick out some books. I thought you might get a chuckle out of this. My son who has autism does this stimming behavior “Stereotypy”. He was listening to music he really liked and doing the shaking of his arms behind his back. My little one told him to stop dancing. He said he wasn’t and I told him what he was doing and he laughed and said he didn’t even realize he was doing it. He doesn’t like if I point it out so I have stopped since he said he can usually feel he does it and doesn’t do it in public anymore. I just worry about people being mean and picking on him.
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15 responses
@LadyDuck (462280)
• Switzerland
26 Jan
I am sorry that you have this well pump problem. It is exhausting when you cannot find what you need to fix things. I think that your son is accepting comments when they come from your little one better. The color of your daughter's hair is beautiful.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
26 Jan
@LadyDuck yes I’m glad he laughed about my little one thinking he was dancing instead of being sad about it. It irritates him if I mention he does it so I stopped pointing it out about a year ago. I’m glad he was able to tell him it bothers him. Thank you. It’s changed color a lot since she was born. It was much more orange now it’s pretty much blonde like mine was as a kid.
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@LadyDuck (462280)
• Switzerland
26 Jan
@shaggin - Young kids are so innocent, may be your son understand that there is nothing wrong if her little daughters points out some things. I am glad he was not upset. I was also very blonde as a kid and I became darker growing up.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
26 Jan
@LadyDuck mine went from blond to red to orange to mostly brown now. I like it best when it was red.
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@arunima25 (86144)
• Bangalore, India
26 Jan
It's so cute of your little one to ask him stop dancing . She is so cute. Stimming helps them to calm down and self regulate. We should not restrict it too much. I am a mom with a 17 years old bright girl on spectrum and a special educator by profession. I am still trying to understand Autism. The more Children I work with, the more I am mesmerized by the uniqueness of Autism in each one of them.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
26 Jan
@arunima25 oh I’d never tell him not to do it I just tell him he is doing it so he is aware. His is very noticeable and different then most kids who do the arm flapping. Since he told me he doesn’t like me pointing it out when it makes him feel good to do it at home I don’t mention it. I had to this time due to my little one telling him to stop dancing . Yes they are all so very different. My son is very low on the spectrum I feel so badly for the kids who are non verbal it has to be so hard for them.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
27 Jan
@arunima25 yes it is amazing the technology that can help special needs children now. My husbands nephew with selective mutism uses a phone to communicate his needs.
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@arunima25 (86144)
• Bangalore, India
27 Jan
@shaggin Yes, I meet the non verbal or only need based communication ones. Things are bit tougher with them. But I have seen that parents, educators and caregivers develop a way to connect and communicate with them. Things get settled and better with time. It's good to see that there are technologies being developed fo help these children and young adults communicate.
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@allknowing (130659)
• India
27 Jan
All in all you seemed to have had a good week Nice that you did not have to pay for the things your daughter dropped I too am having trouble with our well pump. It looks like the water from the tank is getting back to the well
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
27 Jan
@allknowing oh no that’s not good. We are down to a few cups of drinking water I wish I had run to the store today to get more. I’m so so sorry your well is acting up I know how tough it can be. With how my husband’s acting over this my nerves are terrible. I hope yours can be fixed soon and crossing my fingers by tomorrow ours will be fixed.
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@allknowing (130659)
• India
27 Jan
@shaggin The rate at which the tank gets filled and the rate at which water flows back keeps us going We only need to fill the tank a few times.
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@jstory07 (134867)
• Roseburg, Oregon
26 Jan
I hopeyour son outgrews autism some kids do. Your little one is so cute.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
26 Jan
@jstory07 it does not ever go away. Their behavior can get better and they learn to control their emotions and stimming more as they get older. He has overcome a lot of issues as he’s gotten older plus he takes a medication to help regulate his moods.
@paigea (35992)
• Canada
26 Jan
Well, look at all the stories you got to tell! I was substitute teaching in a grade 4 class the other day and a boy was doing a repetitive movement with his hands. His classmate asked him what he was doing. He said stimming. She asked what's stimming. He said it's part of my autism. I was really impressed with how he handled that. I asked him if he minded her asking and he said he didn't mind.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
26 Jan
@paigea there’s never a dull moment around here. I was going to most a shorter post on Wednesday but didn’t get time so this was quite a bit longer then I would have liked. I’m glad the boy was able to explain it without getting upset and that the girl didn’t say he was weird or something. It’s always good when we can educate others and that’s what this boy did .
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@paigea (35992)
• Canada
27 Jan
@shaggin That's what I thought too.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
26 Jan
I hope he is not afraid of dancing in public when he grows up.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
26 Jan
@mildredtabitha well it isn’t actually dancing what he was doing it’s a type of stimming from the autism.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
26 Jan
@shaggin Alright. I now understand.
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@AmbiePam (86328)
• United States
26 Jan
I was encouraged last year when I was getting a pedicure last year, an an autistic teenager was asking some invasive questions to people (his babysitter was on the other side of the salon), completely innocently. People were so sweet to him, and when his nanny found out, while she apologized profusely, everyone told her it was just fine. I was very encouraged that no one made a big deal about it. I hope this means the world is changing when it comes to treating people who are a little different from us, better.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
27 Jan
@AmbiePam aww I’m so glad everyone was so nice to the boy. I sure hope as well the world is becoming more accepting. I know with people in the generation my kids are in they are much more accepting then my parents generation.
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@snowy22315 (172211)
• United States
26 Jan
I hope the pump gets fixed. I had to have some work done on mine awhile back. I hate expensive things like that.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
26 Jan
@snowy22315 the new pump was $400 the new tank was $200 or $300 I can’t remember what he said. The bills are due for the month too it’s been a costly week.
@RebeccasFarm (87091)
• United States
26 Jan
Oh dear..a lot going on for you Shanny. Hope husband can fix the well. Sorry to hear of that accident hitting the man. Oh your little one ..sad she was sad about knocking that over. Your son is a gem.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
26 Jan
@RebeccasFarm after three trips to hardware stores he had to go into work because his coworker hasn’t shown up for two days. So he isn’t able to fix it until after work. I feel bad for him he must be exhausted and so irritated.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49427)
• United States
26 Jan
That’s really bad having problems with your well. I hope it gets fixed.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
28 Jan
@Tampa_girl7 it is as of about dinner time. I’ll make a post Monday about my weekend and will update on the well issue we had.
@wolfgirl569 (97511)
• Marion, Ohio
26 Jan
Glad neither one of you got hurt when that fell over.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
26 Jan
@wolfgirl569 thankfully the shelf itself is kind of a cheaper metal and lightweight. It was candles and candle holders on it and they weren’t very heavy either thankfully. We were bent down and they kind of fell in front of us and didn’t hit us.
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@RasmaSandra (74758)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
26 Jan
I love the golden color of your daughter's hair. Sorry you had to experience that problem in the store and I hope the pump is working fine now. It is good that your son is accepting comments about what he does from your daughter. At least they communicate, I hope you all have a good weekend and that next week will be a better one for you,
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
27 Jan
@RasmaSandra hes a great big brother. There’s a 14 year age gap between them. The pump has been unable to be fixed so far. My husband is going to work on it more tomorrow.
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• United States
26 Jan
It certainly sounds like you had a busy busy week. I hope you can get the pump for the well fixed but thankfully you can get water from your parents. Being without water is stressful enough without everything else you have going on, Your little ones hair is gorgeous. She looks like she's really enjoying her stickers. It's nice that your son takes his little sisters "dancing" comment and didn't get mad.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
28 Jan
@Marilynda1225 yes I am so lucky they live across the street and we could get water from them any time we needed. My husband got 25 gallons off his sister today only to wind up needing 4 . Everything is working great now thankfully. She loves stickers! Putting them on and taking them back off . My son adores his little sister and she adores him as well.
@LindaOHio (160755)
• United States
26 Jan
That's a cute picture. Thanks so much for the update. You have a lot going on. Have a good day.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
26 Jan
@LindaOhio it was a long post I know . I intended mid week to make a post but didn’t have time.
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@Fleura (29264)
• United Kingdom
26 Jan
Gosh what a time you've been having! So much going on that I don't know what to respond to! I hope the well gets sorted, that's the main thing I guess.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
26 Jan
@Fleura yes having running water again is so important I’ll be so thankful when it gets fixed. Luckily my parents live across the street and I’ve been able to get 13 gallons of water off them to flush the toilet.
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