Shopping, a playdate, a stye and more

@shaggin (71677)
United States
February 4, 2024 1:58pm CST
Shopping, a playdate, a stye and more Monday my daughters and I went shopping. My little ones needed new pants so she got some new outfits and we got groceries. Tuesday I took my 2 year old to a winter playdate / story hour at the library. There were so many kids but my daughter loved it. She kept following one little girl around wanting to play with her and read books together. Wednesday I had to do some errands in town. I stopped at the thrift store my daughter works at to check out their BOGO 50% off sale on books. I made a new recipe “Red wine venison stew” for the guys for dinner and my husband surprised me by bringing me home a veggie patty from Subway. Thursday the winners of the online scavenger hunt were posted to Facebook. It showed that all of us had much lower scores then we should have had and that another girl and I tied. I knew the girl should have been in their place and second should have been a different girl so I mentioned it privately to the woman who runs the group and she was very unkind about it and left a very rude post on the group. It has killed my enjoyment of the group a lot and others feel the same way. I had to take my little one to the walk in where I was told she has a stye. I had thought so but wanted to make sure it wasn’t something contagious. At bedtime my little one was being very active bouncing around when we were laying down reading. I asked her to lay back and she flung herself back with her arms out and accidentally hit me so hard in the nose I got a nosebleed. Friday I finished reading a book by Jodi Picoult called Mercy. Saturday my husband and stepson went to an outdoor show in Harrisburg. Today my little one and I made a new recipe for “ Caramel brown no-churn ice cream”. My husband took the dogs out to run this morning and is out with just the puppy to have a play date in the woods with her litter mates. Photo is unrelated and is just a photo of how oddly my cat was sleeping.
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15 responses
@Juliaacv (49211)
• Canada
4 Feb
Many of our libraries run organized playgroups with story time and sing songs that my hubby takes the twins to. They have learned so much and their social skills and personal independence have skills have really flourished. I am sure that you will see the same with your sweet little daughter.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
4 Feb
@Juliaacv more and more seem to be doing story hours and events for kids this year. Next week there are three within 15 minutes of me. I will for sure make it to the one a mile from me and depending on how much free time we have I am hoping to make it to at least one more if not all of them
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@Juliaacv (49211)
• Canada
4 Feb
@shaggin My hubs takes the twins to 3 different locations, on 4 different mornings. There are different children and different people hosting the programs, so different habits and things like that the children need to learn.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
4 Feb
@Juliaacv that is so incredible for your grandkids your husband is the best grandpa. I used to do weekly playgroups in my home when my older two kids were little. It really helped bring my oldest out of her shell.
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@JudyEv (328394)
• Rockingham, Australia
5 Feb
Before I started reading, I was thinking what an odd position for the cat. I have read a couple of Jodi Picoult books. I find them really good. She does such a lot of research for each one.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
5 Feb
@Judyev yes I was thinking that with her writing in this book how much she must have had to learn on the topic to write about it so in depth.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
6 Feb
@JudyEv I’ve read 8. I always get so excited when I see a book of hers I haven’t read in a thrift shop or a little free library.
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@JudyEv (328394)
• Rockingham, Australia
5 Feb
@shaggin I read at least three of hers now and every one has an incredible amount of detail and facts that she would have had to research.
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@kaylachan (59971)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
4 Feb
Sounds like that you had a good productive week.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
7 Feb
@kaylachan it was a busy week but a pretty good one
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@kaylachan (59971)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
7 Feb
@shaggin Busy is not a bad thing.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
8 Feb
@kaylachan yep most the time I enjoy being busy
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@LadyDuck (462290)
• Switzerland
5 Feb
Cats sleep in the most weird positions, your cat is cute. Shame that the woman left a rude post, some people spoil everything. A stye is usually not contagious, I hope your girl will be well soon.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
6 Feb
@LadyDuck this is the 4th cat I’ve had and the first time I’ve ever seen one sleep so strange. My husbands lab used to sleep very strangely with her body all twists up too. I have gotten to know her very well over the past 7 months. I have seen her be rude to others on groups but this was the first time I’ve dealt with it. I really have enjoyed our friendship so I was very hurt over this.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
6 Feb
@LadyDuck they must be comfortable that way even if it doesn’t seem to us like they would be .
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@LadyDuck (462290)
• Switzerland
6 Feb
@shaggin - My cat sleeps very strange, sometimes I would go there to position him better, but I do not want to wake him up. I wonder why some women can be so rude and aggressive. I am sorry you had this experience.
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@thelme55 (76670)
• Germany
5 Feb
Cute cat. I am sorry that your daughter hit you accidentally. I hope it was not so painful. No churn ice cream is also delicious.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
7 Feb
@thelme55 it was very painful. She hit me on the underside of my nose. Twice in my life I’ve been hit there accidentally and each time it was so painful it must be a very tender spot compared to the bridge of the nose or the rest of it. Homemade ice cream is so good!
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@thelme55 (76670)
• Germany
8 Feb
@shaggin OMG! I can feel the pain. Yes, it is good.
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@LindaOHio (160747)
• United States
5 Feb
Thank you for the update. I'm glad you are exposing your daughter to the library at such a young age. The library has always been magical to me; and I worked there when I was in junior high and high school. Have a good day.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
7 Feb
@LindaOhio I always wanted to work at a library. I didn’t get hired when I applied 3 years ago but it was just as well because she mailed me a letter saying how much she enjoyed my interview and she wishes she could have chosen two of us. She said out of all the applicants I came in second. I got pregnant with my youngest about two months later and had such bad morning sickness for 20 weeks I had to lay on the couch with my eyes closed constantly so working wouldn’t have been possible anyway.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
8 Feb
@LindaOHio it really did make my day and makes me feel like if I apply in the future I have a good shot at it
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@LindaOHio (160747)
• United States
7 Feb
@shaggin I'm so sorry you had a tough time of it. I'm sure it made you feel good to know that they would have liked to hire you. Have a good day.
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@snowy22315 (172208)
• United States
4 Feb
Sounds like everything is busy in your world as usual.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
6 Feb
@snowy22315 yes but it wasn’t a bad week at least
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@celticeagle (160960)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Feb
Sounds like a fun week to be alive. Enjoy your ice cream.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
6 Feb
@celticeagle when you really think about it that’s sad isn’t it all the things we would miss if we weren’t alive in the past week. The ice cream was tasty thank you!
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@celticeagle (160960)
• Boise, Idaho
7 Feb
@shaggin .......Yes, indeed and glad you enjoyed your ice cream.
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@wolfgirl569 (97508)
• Marion, Ohio
4 Feb
Very busy there. Glad it is just a stye.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
5 Feb
@wolfgirl569 me too at first I was worried it was pink eye but it didn’t have puss and her eye wasn’t bloodshot so I ruled that out. I still wanted to make sure it wasn’t anything contagious though so I took her to see the doctor.
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@RasmaSandra (74756)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
5 Feb
Sounds like it was a busy week, I hope you all have a great start to the new week ahead,
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
7 Feb
@RasmaSandra this week started out good and much the same as last week.. shopping with my daughters.
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• United States
5 Feb
Your week sounded pretty busy. I feel bad for your little one having a stye. I used to get them and they hurt. Your no churn ice cream sounds good. I love ice cream especially anything caramel. It's nice to know that the library is still offering story hour for children.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
6 Feb
@Marilynda1225 I have had a few in my life. Back when I was in elementary school. The ice cream was tasty. The caramel was too salty though if I made the ice cream again I’d use unsalted butter. My oldest daughter and my husband loved it the way it was though. Yes I’ve been going to them for 18 years now between my kids and my nieces.
@sallypup (58597)
• Centralia, Washington
4 Feb
Your Siamese kitty is handsome. Facebook can be a monster at times and a blessing at other times.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
4 Feb
@sallypup that is exactly how I feel about facebook. It’s always good when you get to know people to see all sides of them. This was a side I didn’t like meeting.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
5 Feb
You had a nice productive week. Sorry you got a nosebleed. I hope it was just a minor injury.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
7 Feb
@mildredtabitha my nose bleeds easy. Not as bad as when I was a kid but still much easier then most peoples. It hurt but it wasn’t broken or anything.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
7 Feb
@shaggin I'm glad it wasn't broken. Maybe it was just a ruptured vein in the nose.
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• Georgia
5 Feb
Love the cat. Sorry to hear about the stye (had to look that up to be honest) and good for you to still go to the library - I do not any parents who still take their children to a library, which is sad in a way. And home made ice cream - you a star!
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
6 Feb
@Traveonworld my little one is looking forward to going back to the library tomorrow as well. Her stye is pretty much gone. The ice cream was tasty we all enjoyed it.
@RebeccasFarm (87088)
• United States
4 Feb
What a nice week you had with your daughters. Sorry about the scavenger hunt. Good you finished that book Shanny. Great you hubby and step son went to that show too. Ice cream yum.
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@shaggin (71677)
• United States
8 Feb
@RebeccasFarm it was disappointing how this woman acted. I have gotten to know her pretty closely since June and that’s why it upset me so much. I’m just hoping she was having a bad day and that we won’t be in a situation again where he makes me feel so bad. I won’t be counting the likes for anyone again whatever she says is the count will have to do. I’m going to try to ensure I don’t win this month. I don’t want to deal with it again. I used to go through books so much faster than I do now. I don’t have a lot of time but I’ve been trying to read at least a chapter before bed each night when I’m not to tired to keep my eyes open. The ice cream was very good. I’m using the leftover caramel for an easy dessert tonight.
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