We’ve been quite klutzy and forgetful lately

@shaggin (71950)
United States
February 10, 2024 9:27pm CST
Yesterday I tripped and fell up the steps in our cellar three times. My son bumped into the wall and dropped something twice yesterday. So when my stepson dropped a bowl three times yesterday while trying to put it back in the cupboard I chuckled and said we were all having a day. Yesterday my husband left the bathroom faucet running and today he left the spigot outside running. Seems like a klutzy couple of days for most of us in our home here. Photo is unrelated. It is a small quilt I saw hung on the bathroom door at Aldi’s.
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16 responses
@JudyEv (335343)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Feb
It's funny that you've all chosen the same day to have these episodes.
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@BarBaraPrz (46590)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
11 Feb
I don't think they actively chose them.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
11 Feb
@Judyev I thought it odd too I was like gosh is it a full moon.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
11 Feb
@BarBaraPrz nope definitely not
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@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
11 Feb
Best to go to bed and start over again. Have a good day.
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@BarBaraPrz (46590)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
11 Feb
Good advice.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
14 Feb
@LindaOhio not much else that you can do even in worse situations
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
11 Feb
Oh my goodness, it is true that accidents happens, but it seems you are all have klutzy days.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
12 Feb
@LadyDuck right but so odd so many in my house were having the same kind of day.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
12 Feb
@shaggin This is also my opinion, weird that so many in your family had problems.
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@Deepizzaguy (100135)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
11 Feb
Accidents happen to all of us from time to time.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
12 Feb
@Deepizzaguy yes definitely just usually not so many of us at once they way this was in my home.
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@Deepizzaguy (100135)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
12 Feb
@shaggin You are right.
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@thelme55 (76645)
• Germany
11 Feb
I have not read or heard a German word (klutz) being used in English language. That is good to know. Klutzy days happen sometimes.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
13 Feb
@thelme55 yes I’m not sure what year but well over 125 years ago.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
11 Feb
@thelme55 hmm well my great grandparents came from Germany so my grandfather probably said a lot of German terms. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents growing up and say some things that other people my age deem to be unusual.
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@thelme55 (76645)
• Germany
13 Feb
@shaggin I see. Probably as many Germans came to the US before.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
11 Feb
ha ha ha yep it's time to have a sit down & think about what's going on, it may be funny now but it's really not when you start to think about it all in 1 sitting.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
13 Feb
@2ndchances24 none of us got hurt though so it definitely could have been worse
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
13 Feb
@shaggin yes it could have, thank god it wasn't.
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@GardenGerty (159885)
• United States
12 Feb
Maybe it is something in the weather, or atmospheric pressure. Who knows. Get it all over with and have a good week coming up.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
12 Feb
@GardenGerty I thought gosh there has to be something going on for us all to be effected the same day. I thought hmm maybe a full moon but then realized it wasn’t. Things have been calm since.
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@AmbiePam (89317)
• United States
12 Feb
It seems like these kind of things catch on, doesn’t it? Yawning AND klutziness can both be contagious.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
13 Feb
@AmbiePam I don’t think I’ve ever experienced this before but the yawing definitely happens a lot.
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@BarBaraPrz (46590)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
11 Feb
Your house was infested with mischievous gremlins yesterday... did you call Ghostbusters? I like that quilt, thanks for sharing it.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
14 Feb
@BarbaraPrz thinks have been less accident prone since thankfully . Looks simple to make but nice!
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@RebeccasFarm (88703)
• Arvada, Colorado
11 Feb
Thats funny all those accidents but glad no one was hurt from them.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
14 Feb
@RebeccasFarm so coincidental that we all had those blunders in such a short period of time in my house. Yes we were fortunate nothing got broken and no one was hurt.
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@jstory07 (137893)
• Roseburg, Oregon
11 Feb
I have had days like that. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
14 Feb
@jstory07 it must happen to all of us now and then I think just ironic so many of us were effected at the same time in my home.
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@Juliaacv (50342)
• Canada
11 Feb
At least you are in good company, everyone having the same kind of a day.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
14 Feb
@Juliaacv yes I think it kind of helped my son to know others were having similar things happen the same day as he was. He gets pretty irritable when things go wrong that way.
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@Juliaacv (50342)
• Canada
14 Feb
@shaggin Sometimes we all just need to laugh at ourselves, nice that you could do that together.
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@wolfgirl569 (102577)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Feb
I was clumsy a couple of days ago
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
14 Feb
@wolfgirl569 strange how certain days that happens and not others isn’t it! Usually when I’m trying to hurry to much!
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
14 Feb
@wolfgirl569 yep definitely
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@wolfgirl569 (102577)
• Marion, Ohio
14 Feb
@shaggin It can happen then. But some days it just is
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@MarieCoyle (34570)
11 Feb
I certainly have my shot clutzy days. Just glad no one is hurt!
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
14 Feb
@MarieCoyle yes luckily no one was hurt and nothing gone broken
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@MarieCoyle (34570)
15 Feb
@shaggin In the end, that's all that really matters. No injuries and broken bones!
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@snowy22315 (177341)
• United States
11 Feb
One of "those" days I guess.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
13 Feb
@snowy22315 you definitely could say that!
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@sallypup (59945)
• Centralia, Washington
11 Feb
That is a lovely quilt. I'm glad noone was hurt with all the falling and no bowls etc. were broken.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
12 Feb
@sallypup yes thankfully the bowls my stepson dropped were plastic ones so no worry about them breaking.
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