It Would Already Be A Done Deal, Folks

@porwest (79028)
United States
February 19, 2024 2:32pm CST
Think about this for a second. No, I mean really think about this. How dangerous is Trump? I mean, if you ask the Democrats, he's Hitler hiding behind the corner waiting for his comeback. They have all this stuff he has supposedly done wrong. Everything from treason to insurrection, fraud, felonies out the wazoo. You name it, Trump's been accused of it. He will be the nominee. Everyone knows it. THE DEMOCRATS know it. All of the prosecutors and DAs know it. Joe Biden knows it. And everyone also knows Trump very well could win back the White House. It's not just a possibility. It's a strong possibility. So, "knowing" all this, don't you think if they had THE case. THE smoking gun. THE one that would end Trump's campaign in one fell swoop. THE clincher. THE final coffin nail. THE absolute, irrefutable case... They (the Democrats) would have already brought it, tried it and convicted it. The fact that they haven't should clue everyone in on the fact that they DON'T have that case, THAT proof, THAT clincher... And the only thing they DO have is a story to tell that they are hoping you will buy and change your vote over. People. We have to be smarter than this. I am not telling anyone to suddenly go to Trump's corner tomorrow. What I AM saying is to examine more closely what's really happening out there and why. Who's telling the story and what's their agenda? Why are they trying so hard to tell it? And if the story was true, why is Trump still running legally? If anyone had THE GOODS to stop that, as badly as they want to, don't you think they'd have already done it? Please people. WAKE UP!
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5 responses
@xander6464 (41051)
• Wapello, Iowa
21 Feb
Good news, Jim. People are waking up. To Trump's rape policy. His bungling policy. Fraud policy. Theft policy, of elections and many other things. Lying policy. His senility policy. And many many others. Republicans lost three elections last Tuesday, including George Santos's seat. Trump was booed in Philadelphia. He's running out of money ((Actually, his cult is running out of money because they pay all his bills. Which is just what you would expect from a guy who says he's worth $10 Billion)). He was named The Worst President In History. And many others. The first criminal trial is set for March 23 and will wake up the few who are capable of waking up but haven't yet...It would already be done, all the other ones would be, too, but as @NJChicaa pointed out, it is Trump's delaying tactics that made them take this long ((All the while, he's telling you that he has more than enough evidence to win. But somehow, he's afraid to go to trial)). So, you can relax. Things are finally going the way they should.
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@xander6464 (41051)
• Wapello, Iowa
22 Feb
@porwest No. There is not that. Except in your fevered imagination. As usual. So now, you're pretending that his policies aren't policies. That means, in your mind, he has no policies. But, I bet you're gonna keep telling me you like him for his policies.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
24 Feb
@xander6464 You said rape, fraud, theft...these aren't policies. These are accusations. I go by his record and things he actually did as president, and things he says he wants to do now as president. I use my brain, not my TV to make decisions about who has the right idea and who has the bad one.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Feb
@porwest Biden couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag much less be a president in the 1st place & THEY know it. So what do they do? they cheat lie & cheat AGAIN ! ! !
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@kaylachan (60253)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
19 Feb
I have to wonder, one, they either don't have anything solid against him. or, two, they're holding out hoping scare tactics work, because that's basically happened with COVID. Mass media got people so scared of a cold, they panicked and lead to a lot of the problems that snowballed. And, yet Biden's being credited for the vaccine getting out so quickly. And, while we're on the subject, how come Biden's being painted as a saint? He's no more qualified to run this country.
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@NJChicaa (116595)
• United States
21 Feb
Biden isn't qualified? Are you kidding me? He was a senator for decades and has served as VP. Trump bankrupted casinos and played a successful businessman on a reality TV show.
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@kaylachan (60253)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Feb
@NJChicaa So what? He's getting up there in age, he's had his share of problems. People have made meme of him tripping and falling all over himself. He's but our country on the back burner, and has ill-advised other presidents in the past. His background doesn't mean jack, if he does a piss poor job in the oven office. Which he has.
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@NJChicaa (116595)
• United States
21 Feb
@kaylachan what was a piss poor job? Infrastructure bill? Inflation Reduction Act? Student loans being forgiven? aid to Ukraine? Vaccines for anyone who wanted them?
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@RasmaSandra (74883)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Feb
SIGH I am keeping out of everything TRUMP but I would not be surprised if one day I see the headlines that some maniac has had enough and blasted him away
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@vandana7 (99367)
• India
7 Mar
Milk of magnesia does the trick. From bottom.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
7 Mar
I think the hatred of Trump is mostly made up by the media. Because the media does that, I think some people are convinced the hatred is as real and pronounced as they say it is. When you listen to a Trump speech, he talks highly and proudly of America and the American people. But of course the media won't report THAT. Trump will win, I think, and you can't do that if more people hate you than support you.
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@lovebuglena (43332)
• Staten Island, New York
20 Feb
They hate Trump as a person and wanna do anything to get rid of him. Wasted efforts on their part. Why not focus more on getting the current president out of Office? It’s clear as day he isn’t fit to run this country.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
20 Feb
That is what elections are for. When they work. When you can trust them. I am not sure we can right now. Because of 2020. But they will do anything to try to keep Trump out, no doubt about it. And at the same time, I don't think they have anything on Trump but innuendo and false narratives.
• Cloverdale, Indiana
24 Feb
You know we're talking to deaf ears, they want to think that the dems are right & never do any wrong it's crazy. You know when I left this place that was my main post's but it didn't go anywhere like it it's doing now & the more we try to wake people up the worse they seem to get.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
25 Feb
I think it is important to still talk about things even if we can't change minds. And sometimes we DO change minds. It's rare. But I think keeping an open dialogue is important, especially if we have the ability to not simply say, "This is what I think," but can follow it up with, "And here's WHY I think this."
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
5 Mar
I can't keep doing this cause it "MAY" offend some sensitive minds that don't want to change their way of thinking, but "IF" by chance some wake up & see what is right from what's been wrong all along. @2ndchances24 All we have is our voice, and I think what matters more than changing minds or being heard, is at least still having the ability to share our thoughts even if no one gets it. Regardless of how ridiculous or heated arguments become, I still think having the discussion is important. We cannot find common ground if we never share our thoughts to find it.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
4 Mar
@porwest I can't keep doing this cause it "MAY" offend some sensitive minds that don't want to change their way of thinking, but "IF" by chance some wake up & see what is right from what's been wrong all along.
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