
@sissy15 (12269)
United States
February 19, 2024 7:03pm CST
It's President's Day here in the US and I've come to the sad realization that a good portion of US citizens can't even name most of our presidents. I know all of the presidents but sometimes struggle to remember the order they came in. I can name the first eight fairly easily but after that, I sometimes forget. I know a little trivia about several of them. I can tell you that Washington was the first president, he was the only president that did not have anyone run against him. He also did not live in the white house as it was not built yet. He is one of the most famous presidents simply because he was the first president. Another pretty well-known president was Lincoln who was our 16th president. He was known as "Honest Abe". He was president during the Civil War and is known for freeing slaves although he probably wasn't as kind as people thought he was. A lot of people who wanted them freed still treated black people as second class citizens and definitely not as equals. Abraham Lincoln was also assassinated which is pretty well known. Franklin Delano Roosevelt "FDR" is also super well known thanks to WWII when he did a lot to help our country and he is the only president in history who served more than two terms. Now presidents are not allowed to serve more than two terms (one term is four years). John F Kennedy is yet another famous president. He too was assassinated and I know a lot of older people who remember how sad his death was. The Kennedy family had a lot going on and they are believed to have connections to the mob. A lot of the Kennedys had tragic or mysterious deaths. Something a lot of people don't seem to know about JFK is that he was a very ill man and had he not been killed he probably wouldn't have survived his presidency anyway. He had almost died on several occasions. He had something called Addison's disease. People with Addison's disease can and do often live a fairly normal lifespan but I remember watching a documentary on JFK that said he struggled a lot with his health because of it. Ronald Reagan was president when I was born and he was a movie star before he was president. A lot of people really liked him and a lot say he was probably the best president in history. Richard Nixon is well known but mostly in an infamous way because of the Watergate scandal. He would have been impeached and probably removed from office had he not resigned. Something a lot of people seem confused about is the term "impeach" they think it automatically means the president will be removed from office which is not at all what it means. An impeachment is a trial that can get them removed from office but has yet to have anyone removed from office. The first president to be impeached was Andrew Johnson. Johnson fired someone who was protected under the Tenure of Office Act and because the house felt he brought the office of president into disgrace. He was only spared removal by one vote. Nixon is the only president to resign. There have only been three presidents to ever be impeached Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump. None of them were removed from office had Nixon not resigned he probably would have been the first to be removed from office. I'm sure there is a lot more I could share about the presidents but there's a lot. I will say that each president no matter how horrible offered at least one good thing to office even if we hate to admit but often that one act of good doesn't negate all of the bad they did. It's not an easy role and I can honestly say I would not want that job. No matter how good they are they are going to face opposition. Everyone has their own idea of what they think the president should be doing but know this the president doesn't even have most of the power. They are more or less the head figure. We have three branches of government for a reason so that no single branch holds all of the power.
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4 responses
@jstory07 (134782)
• Roseburg, Oregon
20 Feb
With JFK Kennedy it is known as the Kennedy curse. Rose Kennedy was my Great Aunt and President Kennedy was my cousin. I would never want to be a President it is a hard job.
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@sissy15 (12269)
• United States
20 Feb
Yes, it was. That's pretty cool. Tracing my family tree Davey Crockett was my semi-distant cousin who is the only famous person I've found I'm related to. I would never in a million years want to be the president.
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@franxav (13671)
• India
20 Feb
I'm glad to know that you are a cousin of President JFK. I admire some of US presidents and JFK is one of them. I fondly remember his and Jacqueline 's visit to India.
@AmbiePam (86269)
• United States
20 Feb
I know I have heard a lot of Democrats denigrate Reagan, but I had great respect for him. And, Abraham Lincoln. He still did what no one else wanted to do. I believe there is a lot more good than bad. And shout out to Teddy Roosevelt. Gotta walk softly and carry a big stick.
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@AmbiePam (86269)
• United States
20 Feb
@sissy15 If we really knew any of these men, we’d probably end up respecting none of them, huh.
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@sissy15 (12269)
• United States
21 Feb
@AmbiePam I think you're probably right, but the same could probably be said about a lot of people we know or know of. People are incredibly flawed and our beliefs are often tied to the era we grew up in. Look at slavery, it was a time in life where people honestly thought they were in the right because they grew up to believe it. We have progressed a lot as a society but still have a long way to go. The presidents back then were just living life as they were taught to live it and it took several people and presidents to realize that something wasn't right to help make the changes needed. As long as some people keep seeing the bad in the life they've grown up there will continue to be progress and those are the people we need as presidents. The way I choose to see it is every president had some good in them and that helped make up for some of the bad they harbored. My favorite president was probably FDR. Too bad he didn't exist during my lifetime.
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@sissy15 (12269)
• United States
20 Feb
Reagan as a whole is often spoken of fondly by both sides but of course, there is opposition from people. It doesn't matter who is president you'll have that. I remember reading some stuff about Lincoln but it has been a long time and what I learned was that he wasn't quite the man people are lead to believe, not to say there wasn't any good in him just that he had some ulterior motives for some of the things he did. A lot of presidents had some stuff going on that had it happened today it wouldn't go over well. Back then they could keep a secret, today it is difficult to keep any secrets. Teddy Roosevelt was an interesting individual. We have a book in our classroom about the animals of the Whitehouse and Teddy almost had a zoo. His daughter had a pet snake she liked to keep in her purse and would let slither out and scare people for her own amusement. I found out that Teddy Roosevelt once stayed at a hotel that is no longer a hotel in my hometown. I thought that was pretty cool. It's one of my favorite buildings in town to learn about (it was made into apartments and stores). I feel like some of the least known about presidents would be Chester Arthur, Calvin Coolidge, and Franklin Pierce along with a few others. Some presidents just stood out more than others. Rutherford B Hayes isn't overly known about but in my area he is. I live about half an hour from his home which is now a museum. He won the presidency by one vote.
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@db20747 (43438)
• Washington, District Of Columbia
22 Feb
FDR was a strong man. The depression and straight into WW1. Poor man just had a heart attack one day while sitting for a portrait. I'd like to see an FDR Day. Yes, every president has their accomplishments.
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@sissy15 (12269)
• United States
22 Feb
FDR and his wife were interesting people and I feel like he probably was one of the presidents that accomplished the most.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
20 Feb
I never paid attention to politics till Trump got into office THAT'S when I started paying close atten to govt issues & now I wish I never got so close to what's going on but at the same time I'm glad I do pay close atten to it now.
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@sissy15 (12269)
• United States
21 Feb
I hate politics but know enough about them. I feel like it's important to have some idea of what is going on. I try not to focus too closely to them though because there's a lot going on that I have no control of currently so sometimes ignorance is bliss. I know just enough to make sure my vote counts at the polls. The president is more of a figure head and while he holds some power he doesn't hold all the power like some people would like to believe. He probably has the safest office as far as how much damage can be done because he can only run two terms. I know there are term limits to other offices too but I feel like some of it is more about how long they can run consecutively. There are also senators who can run for life who I believe are appointed. Regardless there are definitely people serving our government who have been there way too long.