Short story: We are our own journeyman, but God plans our journey for us

In life, we need to go our own way, at times. We cannot be ferried everywhere
@innertalks (21249)
February 20, 2024 8:53pm CST
Sri Josmin Artenko, a spiritual master, was being ferried across a river, by a ferryman. When they got halfway across, the master asked the ferryman to stop the boat, for a few minutes. The oarsman, a rough-looking Arab guy, looked at the master a bit quizzically, and said, "No, I have a tight schedule to meet." Sri Josmin, looked over the side of the boat for just a minute, then he jumped in, and he was gone within the swirling waters of the rapidly moving waters of the wide river. "Now, he was a strange one," the ferryman thought to himself, as he kept the ferry going towards the other side. Once, he had reached the other side, he pulled in against the wharf there, threw out a rope over the wooden mooring block there, and he secured his ferry. Then, looking up at the wharf, he was very surprised to see the master seated there on a seat, at the end of the wharf. "How, did you get here, then?" he asked him. The master smiled, and said, "I was brought here by another ferryman, my friend, who always grants me my requests of him." "The way of all truth can never be known to anyone else who never has the time for this truth. Living in truth allows you to walk in truth, and this takes you out of the clutches of others into the arms of God, who will ferry you to where you need to go." Then, the master laughed: "I am pulling your leg, my good man." "I am a good swimmer, and I swam here." "I wanted you to stop, as I had spotted something floating in the water." "I found this old wooden carving there, and I wanted a closer look, as it seemed to have religious motives to it. It is a carving of Buddha." "Only our own self as the ferryman, can live our own life for us, but we do need to get guidance from God too, to get through our life unscathed." "The floating Buddha reminded me of this sound advice that my own old master used to give to me." "Oh," said the ferryman, "a ferryman has no time to waste on looking for floating Buddhas." The master had a last word, and then he walked off. "No time is wasted, when we get something from what is found." Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site, In life, we need to go our own way, at times. We cannot be ferried everywhere.
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5 responses
@sharonelton (25884)
• Lichfield, England
21 Feb
This is a good story. I'm relying on God to direct my path. I feel a bit stuck here living with my Mum and step-dad. I want to find a boyfriend to marry and move out. I listened to a sermon on the internet recently that made me see that this period of time is preparation for what is to come. But I have to admit I'm impatient. I know God will do it in his time, but I'm always saying, When, God? A bit like the psalmist....
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@innertalks (21249)
• Australia
21 Feb
Thanks We all need to rely on God, as after all it is God, who has made his plan for our lives, and yet, we should not just sit on our hands either, and when an opportunity presents itself to us, we should examine it, and take it, when opportune/good to do so, rather than leave it, and continue waiting for more signs for something from God, as for who knows, God might be behind this too. Sometimes, we will see God's hand behind something only after we start moving in life, and not just sit still, waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
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@sharonelton (25884)
• Lichfield, England
23 Feb
@innertalks Thank you very much. Yes, I agree. And that is why I'm so glad I went on the art course, and I'm going again this year. If I hadn't have gone I wouldn't have met Paul.
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@innertalks (21249)
• Australia
23 Feb
@sharonelton Yes, when we begin to move, and be active, things happen in our lives then that we never expected to happen.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
21 Feb
Nice story. The ferryman must have learned a big lesson from the master. You are right, we can't be ferried everywhere. God can ferry us to anywhere He desires us to go.
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@innertalks (21249)
• Australia
21 Feb
Thanks. Yes, life is a combination of us making our way, and also of our connecting to others too, and to God. We need to both help ourselves, help others, and receive help from ourselves, and from others, too.
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@innertalks (21249)
• Australia
22 Feb
@mildredtabitha Yes, he had a whale of a time before he eventually decided to do God's will.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
22 Feb
@innertalks you are welcomed. You are right. This reminds me of the story of Jonah in the bible. He tried to escape God's calling but God ferried him in the stomach of the big whale.
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29 Feb
very philosophical story
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@innertalks (21249)
• Australia
29 Feb
Thanks. I like to write stories with some type of a philosophical message in them.
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1 Mar
@innertalks thanks Steve you are doing a great job
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@sarik1 (6792)
29 Feb
You are right say.nice story.
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@innertalks (21249)
• Australia
29 Feb
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@apsmine9 (314)
24 Feb
Sometimes people fail to see what we see, fathom what we do. Some things are better left unexplained.
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@innertalks (21249)
• Australia
24 Feb
Yes, if people undermine us, when we share our ideas with others, perhaps, we should keep these things to ourselves. We need to pick the right people, who are like-minded, to open up to, and to share what we see with them.
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