BOOM BANG & the rains came down

Cloverdale, Indiana
April 2, 2024 4:50pm CST
I hope everyone is alright from the storms that has swept through the states, We got hit but no damage, Thank God. The only thing we got was a lot of rain & a flooded cabin whew. I'm going to see if I can get that fixed as soon as things dry up around here with 4 bags of concrete, I can't be having this after I get the flooring down & it ruins my floor H3LL NO ! ! The red buds are blooming & my dog wood tree is putting leaves on what flowers I have is coming up, I hope my bay tree comes back I have the main 1 I brought from Fla as a twig I lost a branch from it & have been trying to keep it alive so I could plant it to see if it takes I put it in the flower tub that I put some other plant's to start growing, I hope it makes it. I save my fish tank water when I do a water change, I use it to put on the plant's when they start coming back from winter to help them get a good start, & then there's this. I have 3 Dr appts this mon, 1 is to see why I have dizzy spells when I look up, the 2nd 1 is for my wellness visit for the year that I haven't had yet & the 3rd 1 is my sugar Dr. After all 3 of them are out of the way I'll know just how good or bad my health is lets pray there's no bad surprise's. I sure hope it doesn't go like last year where I saw the Dr & 3 wks later ended up in the ER for 6 mons & 60 lbs. lighter. So friends & readers what you got planned for this month ? something exciting I hope just remember April showers May flowers.
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8 responses
@just4him (310766)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
3 Apr
I'm sorry the cabin flooded from the rain. I hope the doctor appointments go well on Monday.
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@just4him (310766)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
4 Apr
@2ndchances24 You had a busy day.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
4 Apr
@just4him yesterday & today, we went paid best buy card off, then went to Menard's, to get some trim work that Lowe's didn't have. Went to Tractor supply to get dog food, & Lowe's to get some other trim work for the cabin, not to mention went to the Dr this morn.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
3 Apr
Yeah I am too I can't be having that happen after I put the floor down, & have it go bad on me. As far as the Dr appt goes, I also pick up all my meds I'm on & I'll be set for my meds & my food, as well as my reg Dr appt after this 1. Cause the week after, I have to go BACK & get my wellness visit check up, & that will be ALL DONE. I just spent 300$ for 3 mons of food from the ins card that gave me 250$ for all my food & boy howdy I loaded up a 100 $ extra by the time I was done, so that's taken care of. We got the 1st 1/2 of bills today & tomorrow & next week we'll have ALL the bills paid & some of them are paid for the next 6 mons. & I went & got my ID renewed too, it's been a LONG DAY now I'm fixing to wash the dish's & CRASH.
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@LadyDuck (462771)
• Switzerland
3 Apr
I am sorry you have been flooded. I have dizzy spells when I look up, I know it's the cervical spine that causes this problem.
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@LadyDuck (462771)
• Switzerland
4 Apr
@2ndchances24 I always had a sort of vertigo looking up and I know it because my high cervical spine cord was damaged when I was born, they used a forceps.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
4 Apr
@LadyDuck OH man that sucks, I seen my Dr about it this morn & she want's me to have a xray So MONDAY I'll go pick up ALL my meds & then head to the hosp to have a neck Xray & go from there.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
3 Apr
REALLY? I didn't have it B-4 I crashed, but come out of the Hosp with it, so what does that tell you? cause I sure would like to know what caused it in the 1st place.
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@AmbiePam (86450)
• United States
2 Apr
I had my first of five doctor appointments this month, this morning. Why make me an appointment only to come in at 10am, I’ll never understand. My dad continually got dizzy when he looked up. His doctor told him it was from crystals in his ears. The doctor gave him some tips to get rid of them, and eventually, he did.
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@AmbiePam (86450)
• United States
3 Apr
@2ndchances24 Tiny little crystals apparently form in the ears as we age, and it causes a person to get dizzy when they look up if enough crystals form. That was the cause of my dad’s dizziness when looking up the doctor said.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
3 Apr
Yeah I didn't have a choice on setting up the 2nd 1 wish is my wellness visit but the 1 I see about my dizzy spells, that was a ASAP dr appt being I've had it since I got out of the hosp in Sept. & I just didn't think about it till I seen I can't help my husband or ANY 1 for that matter in the cabin like that SO. But the 2nd Dr appt for my wellness visit, that had to be done too but they had to have a set up prep time to get that 1 done, but that's alright, I hoping by MAY things will where they NEED to be cause that's my 1 yr mark. From when I went in the hosp & Sept will my 1 yr mark from being home so I have a goal to get my health back & I'm doing whatever needs to be done to get it DONE. CRYSTALS what?? you got me on that 1, never heard of a thing.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
3 Apr
@AmbiePam WOW, learn something everyday.
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@much2say (54095)
• Los Angeles, California
4 Apr
We were hit with a lot of rain this year and still some . . . but looks like it's finally tapering off. Flooded cabin - argh - may it all dry up quickly so you can get to the repairs. Hope your plants continue to thrive. Wishing you well on all your appointments - let's hope for the best!! It's been busy here so I expect it to be the same for April . . . just gotta take it day by day for now.
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@much2say (54095)
• Los Angeles, California
7 Apr
@2ndchances24 Oh gosh. Well I hope warmer and dryer weather will be heading out there soon. May your cabin be ok in the meantime. We're all at Mother Nature's mercy with these things. Your doctor seems to be thorough and caring - that's good. May you get some answers soon and that it's all good stuff on the health end.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
7 Apr
@much2say Me too cause I can't nothing done in the rain & I should know something by Wednesday I hope.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
4 Apr
the weather here has put EVERYTHING to do with the cabin on hold for the week & it looks like next week is going to be the same as well too, so that puts a damper on all the work to be done off in & outside the cabin, I went t my Dr this morn & we had a good conversation about what was on my mind & what she thought about what's going on, she want's me to go have some Xray's done on my neck to see how that goes & we'll go from there.
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@paigea (36031)
• Canada
5 Apr
I hope all your health checks are great and that you can stop the flooding.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
7 Apr
My Dr says she's surprised that I bounced back as good as I did from my health crash I went through & for some 1 my age that's a GOOD thing, cause not many do as good as I have done in the amount of time it's been. But I will be going to the hosp tomorrow to have a neck xray to see if that's what's causing my dizzy spells.
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@Deepizzaguy (96287)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
2 Apr
I will be working at home spreading some good news stories here as well as completing surveys..
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
2 Apr
Amen good news is never a bad thing.
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@Deepizzaguy (96287)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
3 Apr
@2ndchances24 That is very true.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
3 Apr
@Deepizzaguy Sorry I'm just getting back to you it's been a busy long day, I'll have to tell you about it. TOMORROW I'm BEAT.
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@RebeccasFarm (87134)
• United States
3 Apr
Oh so it rained so hard there. Here it is a beautiful sprig day. Wish I was moved already though.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
3 Apr
Yea with all them storms. we got 1'2 of them & it poured cats dogs & COWS & it SNOWED today while we were out paying bills & shopping, CHILLI WILLY.
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@wolfgirl569 (97726)
• Marion, Ohio
2 Apr
Sorry you got flooded. Hope you can get it fixed
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
3 Apr
yeah we HAVE to Fix it there's no if's or can we it HAS to be fixed B-4 I put ANY new flooring down.
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