Hot diggty dog

Cloverdale, Indiana
April 7, 2024 10:20pm CST
I don't believe it, I had NO idea I could cut a plum tree limb off a butchered up plum tree & put it in a pot with leaf compost & layer it with leaves & it would come back. I wanted to save a limb of the tree cause we had to butcher the tree to get the other trees off of it that the tree people did & I thought the tree might die. So I thought why not try & save a good limb of it & see if I can't get it to grow so I found me a deep ceramic pot that already had a good part of the bottom busted out of it so it had good drainge. I put it about 1/2 way in the pot in some leaf compost dirt I had made up from last year & layered it with some dried leaves & more dirt & leaves then once I done that I put some 1/2 sized rocks on it to keep it compacted & let it go after I put a supprt board b-hind it to keep it stable from the wind & I'll be, it's getting leaves on it, I was tickled pink with joy So now I have a 2nd plum tree to look forward to next year when I go to put it in the ground to grow that's amazing I could save a limb & have it come back where I can have me 2 plum trees to grow. I tried to save a bay tree limb but it didn't work so I'm just glad I got me a 2nd plum tree to watch grow & HOPEFULLY give me some plums in a few yrs, I have some other trees I'm regrowing but they're not fruit trees & that makes me happy. I'm no gardener for sure, but when I can take a branch & stick it in some leaf (dirt) compost & it starts growing that makes my whole day great. That saves me from having to buy another tree to start growing, & it gives me plenty of time to figure out where I'm going to plant it as well so I can get the plums it makes for me, AWESOME. I also did what should have been done the 1st time I tried to fix the cabin from leaking inside which is I got like 20 bags of Concrete & dug a deep enough ditch next to the cabin the WHOLE length of the cabin & started pouring the concret I piled up the concrete where it had a good slant >/I next to the wall of the cabin where it would just run down to the ditch infront of it & run off that way. I then saved me some rain water in the pond I haven't gotten started yet & poured it on the concrete infront of it (ditch) to let it soak up the water to start setting up, I did like 3 good buckets then I started pouring water on the top of the slanted part to help it to set up, SO crossing my fingers this works. We'll see what it does if we get some heavy rain from what we are getting as far as rain goes & it it works that will be a GOOD thing that I won't have to worry about it flooding again AFTER we put the flooring down, in a few months to be on the SAFE side but it has to rain pretty good to know. We didn't use the whole 20 bags of concrete so IF we need more we have it on hand, never can have enough for that kind of job to make sure it works. I didn't lift any of the bags I had husband do that I just did the work getting the concrete slated like I wanted it & husband dug the ditch so that was a big help I just got everything moved from the cabin. No I didn't do any straining on my body but I'm sure glad that we got it done B-4 it started raining today I'm just praying it does what needs to be done. What's next? I have no Idea, other than what ever mood he is in to work on, I know I'm wanting to get my dog cematery cleared out & redone & that means I need to have him cut some tree limbs out & get them cleared away where I can work on that area to fix it. What plans do you have going on? you need help? I would come help if I was closer to you ha ha ha
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8 responses
@marguicha (217157)
• Chile
8 Apr
Congratulations! I would invite you over, by all means, if you were closer. You are a real magician.
2 people like this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
8 Apr
Ha ha ha yea I'm no master mind, but I do figure things out & do what I can to make things happen that either works or don't work, + I watch a LOT of videos to help me out too.
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@marguicha (217157)
• Chile
8 Apr
@2ndchances24 Excuse me for differing, but you are brilliant.
2 people like this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
8 Apr
@marguicha Hey I'm o.k with that, you would be amazed at some of the things I come up with out of the blue, & 75% of the time it works.
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@kareng (56704)
• United States
8 Apr
Good luck with your plum tree! I am glad I read this because a nursery in our area has plum trees on sale and I was supposed to go and get a couple tomorrow! I had forgotten all about it! Thank you!!
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@kareng (56704)
• United States
8 Apr
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
8 Apr
you welcome glad I could be of service for you.
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@RebeccasFarm (87122)
• United States
8 Apr
Well my first plan is to move, get out of Dodge and get some sleep. I love that the tree took.
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Apr
@2ndchances24 Yes Mam.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
8 Apr
I hear you on moving hope it all goes good when you can get the chance.
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@LadyDuck (462825)
• Switzerland
8 Apr
Very well done, I hope this limb with continue to live and grow, I always try to save plants from cuttings.
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@LadyDuck (462825)
• Switzerland
9 Apr
@2ndchances24 I am growing a rosemary plant from a cutting now.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Apr
@LadyDuck I wish you could send me some.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
8 Apr
Me too on both, limb with continue to live and grow, & save plants from cuttings.
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@just4him (310865)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Apr
I'm glad you got the concrete poured so it will stop the leaking in the cabin.
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@just4him (310865)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Apr
@2ndchances24 I hope it did. I'm also glad the plum tree is leafing out.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
8 Apr
@just4him Only time will tell & I'm tickled pink that I thought about planting the plum tree cause now I know that I can get me another 1 from my main tree if I want 1.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
8 Apr
I am too but we don't know if that fixed it or not till we get a good pour down to know for sure.
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@JESSY3236 (19190)
• United States
9 Apr
My mother wants us to have a small garden. She has watermelon seeds and she is going to get some cucumber seeds soon. My great uncle made us a garden box. He also had set up a clothes line for us, but we haven't used it yet because it's raining.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Apr
I bet that will be fun to do (hanging clothes) I love hanging my clothes out to dry it saves a lot of $ on the power bill.
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@jstory07 (134828)
• Roseburg, Oregon
8 Apr
Now you will have another nice plum tree.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
8 Apr
I'm hoping it grows better than the MAIN tree did that thing had limbs all OVER the place on it, IF I had of known I could do that I would have got a few more to start, but I didn't think about it till now.
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@wolfgirl569 (97763)
• Marion, Ohio
8 Apr
Congratulations on the tree. Hope the concrete works
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
8 Apr
well with what rain we've had hasn't been enough to really tell I'm hoping it has.
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