That's going to look AWESOME

Cloverdale, Indiana
April 9, 2024 9:44am CST
Finally, better late than never things are starting to come together little by little week by week, MAN O MAN, it just makes me so happy to see SOMETHING is finally starting to come together for once after all this time & stress I've been through trying to get it done, No we're not there YET but gettting close. Well still have a ways to go yet but at lest I can see what the kitchen is going to look like & it's going to look SO FLIPPING awesome I can't wait for it to be done where I can just sit back & gaze at it for awhile. I'll get you guys dome sphotos of it here in a few days where you guys can see just what I'm talking about & see what you have to say about it I've waited SO LONG for this day to come you just have NO clue how happy I will be when I can see my cabin sealed up & dressed up like a cabin is SUPPOSE to be OH my landta AWESOME. On THAT note I just heard from my Dr's nurse & she had some bad news to tell me about my dizzy spells, which sucks, but MAYBE it can be fixed without surgry, fingers crossed & prayers to God that I don't have to go back in the hosp, which is going to be hard to go through AGAIN. I have some slipped disk's & pinched nerves in my neck & she want's to try thearpy 1st B-4 doing anything major to fix it, in other words I may have to have surgry to fix it. So I'll get on my dest top computer that's BIGGER so I can do a little research on what THAT'S all about to be prepared JUST in CASE I have to go through surgery to get it fixed. Man, if it's not 1 thing it's something else, Lord give me strength to over come this bad news & help me get through all of this 1 day at a time, cause I'm not ready for anything else to go bad. Husband doesn't even know yet & when he hears about it I don't think he is going to be ready for it & hope he takes it serious like I have to, cause this isn't good being all I've been through already. I knew something wasn't right after all this time, I knew there was SOMETHING going on that had me dizzy & off balance since I've been out if the hosp, well NOW I KNOW & it's not what I wanted to hear BUT at my age what else could it be other than that?? I'll let you know more when I get into my chart & see what my dr has put in there for me to know what she has found out from the Xrays they did yesterday, All I can say is let pray for the BEST. If you want to send me some Videos on neck surgeries that'd be a big help on me to help me get prepared for the worst of my fears & what to expect from what they have to do if it goes that way, GOD I HOPE NOT BUT, we never know, so it's best to be prepared than to wait till the last min to be ready for it. Thank you all for being here for me through all this, may God bless each & every 1 of you, in your lives of hardships & give you all the blessings in life you need to enjoy life everyday.
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5 responses
@dya80dya (34799)
11 Apr
I am sorry. Having health problems is difficult. I am a young person, but I have a lot of health problems.
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
11 Apr
It's not very easy to have health issues being at ANY age cause as you age it gets worse.
@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
9 Apr
I hope you won't need the surgery.
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
10 Apr
Me either, I'm just 7 mons from being home from my LAST hosp health isssues.
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@RebeccasFarm (87134)
• United States
9 Apr
I hope you do not have to have sure don't need that time off.
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Apr
That's what I'm saying cause I know nothing will get done & what it's going to take to get back from that I have no clue.
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@wolfgirl569 (97726)
• Marion, Ohio
9 Apr
I hope therapy works
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Apr
Me too cause I'm sure not looking forward to another surgery after I had my stay in the hospital from my last health issues 7 mons ago.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Apr
Sending you lots of positive thoughts and prayers that you won't need surgery and that therapy will help. Glad that your kitchen is coming along and you sound so happy about the progress.
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Apr
Thank you, I sure HOPE it don't come to surgery cause I've been looking at some vids about how to manage this through excersise's & so forth. Oh Girl, from what I see of how the kitchen is going tolook like it's going to be AMAZING.