Short story: Truth, lies, and facts

Never confuse truth with facts
@innertalks (21246)
April 18, 2024 10:10pm CST
Tom Worlinson was lecturing to his Philosophy students, about truth, lies, and facts. Here are his words, as said on that day. '"We cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life's morning; for what in the morning was true will in evening become a lie."' "Carl Gustav Jung, (1875 to 1961) the renowned Swiss psychologist, said this." "The esteemed man has surely uttered an untruth here though." "Facts change, but truth never does. A fact of today can become a lie tomorrow." "So, as truth is unchanging, and always remains truth, what he said here is rather misleading, and perhaps just plain wrong." "Truth never changes as itself, but our understanding of it is what changes, and keeps changing, so that later in our life, we should have a greater understanding of truth, that is, if we grow wiser in the understanding of truth, through God's love living in us, and his spirit guiding us rightfully in our life." "Truth then, trumps facts, reality, and lies too, and will also do so." '"Half a truth is often a great lie."' "Benjamin Franklin, (1706 to 1790) a former American President, said this." "Unless we are holding onto the whole truth, it is not even half a truth, it is already a lie." "Truth never plays games with itself, only going halfway with you." "Embrace the whole truth in its entirety, and it will change your life, as truth is always truth, and truth can never change." "In the Christian Bible, in the New Testament book of John, chapter 8, verse 32, it says." '"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."' "Truth then, never ties you up in itself, it is always freeing for you, and truth is always unchanging in its truth." "Think over what I have said here," he then said, "and I will answer any of your questions on this subject matter at the start of my next lecture to you, in two days time." Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site, Never confuse truth with facts. Truth always remains truth; facts can change over time, when new knowledge emerges.
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4 responses
@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
19 Apr
Very good. I get the reference photos for my art from
3 people like this
@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
19 Apr
Thanks. Yes, I get most of the photos that I use here from there too.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
19 Apr
@sharonelton Yes, they do.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
19 Apr
@innertalks My pleasure. Yes, they have some good photos there, don't they?
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@jstory07 (134791)
• Roseburg, Oregon
19 Apr
Those are a lot of good sayings about truth.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
19 Apr
Thanks. A good saying, if remembered, can help us to walk in the right path of truth, than be confused, and falter, on the wrong path of lies.
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@jstory07 (134791)
• Roseburg, Oregon
19 Apr
@innertalks So many people like the wrong path.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
19 Apr
@jstory07 We will always go wrong on the wrong path eventually, it's only about cheap frills, lies, and self-gratification.
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
19 Apr
You need to be careful what you hear. I agree with you about truth never changing, but facts do.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
20 Apr
Yes, truth to be truth must always be, and remain truth. Truth never wears different clothes, but is always itself.
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@Shiva49 (26273)
• Singapore
19 Apr
When we abide by truth, our life's journey is on a higher plane than stuck in the mundane otherwise. I have pursued the truth and clung to the reality that keeps changing. That approach makes me embrace life with its warts and all.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
19 Apr
Yes, sticking to the truth, despite the apparent reality, is certainly the best way to live our lives.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
21 Apr
@Shiva49 Yes, it is not how many times we fall down, but how many times we get back up again that is important.
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@Shiva49 (26273)
• Singapore
20 Apr
@innertalks We need to make sense of the changing reality and adapt. It may not be comfortable for the faint of heart at times. A few times I had been floored and disoriented but managed to get up to fight another day!
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