My Mother in Law

United States
December 3, 2006 3:55pm CST
She is causing problems and im not sure as to what to do.. She treats my son like he is second best and dosen't show equal love for him.
3 responses
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
8 May 07
i know how u feel, my mom in law doesn't celebrate their birthdays at our parties b/c my family is there, and she doesn't even buy them b-day or christmas gifts. she's so selfish! she'd do for herself b 4 anyone any day, and that's hecka selfish.
• United States
4 Dec 06
You need to explain your situation a little is she causing problems? and who does she treat better than your son!? All I can say is that if you live with her the problems are only gonna get worst...and if you don't...then you can always stay away from her and not have her come over!
@dsunny (999)
• India
3 Dec 06
better stop bothering about her....