Are You Done Christmas Shopping Yet?

@shirgie (230)
United States
December 4, 2006 6:49am CST
I still have a ways to go but doing better than most years. Ordinarily, I wait until the last minute and risk items being sold out. Last year, many items I went to buy were all gone. This year I vowed that wouldn't happen to me and got a very early start. Hopefully I can do the rest of my shopping online. I don't like to fight the crowds and sometimes still come up empty handed. So are you still shopping or all done?
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5 responses
• United States
4 Dec 06
I almost am, but i still need to get a few things for ppl. I need to also start paint some ppls presents
2 people like this
• United States
5 Dec 06
I haven't started yet. We are broke. We did take the kids out this weekend to see what they wanted. The two youngest are going to be expensive. The one thing I want to get the baby is $30 and my 4 year old has expensive tastes, lol. There were a few things that caught her fancy and that I know she would really like but each thing was $30-$40 and we can only afford 1. My older two should be more affordable. I'm waiting to see if my dad sends any money. He is on disability so he doesn't have extra money. I've still got time, though. I mean Christmas is still 20 days away, lol. Nothing like waiting til the last minute.
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@shirgie (230)
• United States
5 Dec 06
What are your kids wanting? There are a lot of sales and promotions going on. Perhaps some of us could point you to some great bargains. Last year I waited until last minute and couldn't get much that I wanted. We ended up giving the kids a coupon for a shopping trip in the amount that we would have spent. So they got to go out and pick out some presents. They were really happy about it. They still had something to open just not as much as we had planned.
• United States
5 Dec 06
My 6 year old daughter wants Bratz Kidz dolls but the ones she pointed out were all like $20-$25 each. Not going to happen. We will get her the cheaper ones (maybe 2) and a bunch of books (she reads these Junie B Books). My son is 5 and all of a sudden into professional wrestling so we know what we are getting him. Then there is my 4 year old. She liked the Fisher Price Mommy and Me (I think that is the name) toddler doll. It talks and makes slurping noises. She has the baby version of this doll (actually 3 of them) and really like the toddler. It is expensive though. She also liked this Barbie vet thing. It is a small stuffed dog that makes noises when you pet it. She loves dogs and wants to be a vet when she grows up so she really like that one. She also wanted furniture for her doll house and a Polly Pocket car that had some animals and people with it. And the big things she wants is a toy kitchen (she really loved the talking Dora one). We can't afford the kitchen. I wanted to get her one a couple years ago but they are so expensive. She has a ton of dishes and play food but no kitchen. I just don't know what to get her because it is all expensive. The baby is probably getting something small now. The thing I wanted to get her was $30 but she liked these train things with little animals in it so we will probably get her those. She is only 8 months old so she won't care.
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@khan_jee (1053)
• Pakistan
5 Dec 06
i dont celebrate christmas bcz i m muslim!
@Asimk12 (737)
• Pakistan
5 Dec 06
@yarntales (639)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I am way behind in Christmas shopping. I"m usually done by now. SIGH!