What kinds of dogs do you like?

United States
December 9, 2006 11:02am CST
I am looking at getting a dog. Growing up we have had a Fox Terrier, Poi Pitbull, Chihuahua, & another that I cant remember what she was. What is a good day to have with a infant in the home? My sister has a Jack Russel Terrier & he played with my 6 month od daughter a lot & she had fun playing with him but he is really hyper. I think getting a puppy would be good for my daughter. I am a stay at home mom so I have the time to watch my daughter & a puppy. My daughter is not a demanding child. She is really mellow & just likes to laugh & play pretty much as long as she can. What kind of dogs do you have? What kind of dogs do you like?
3 responses
• Philippines
9 Dec 06
i like chow chows. they're great guard dogs and toy dogs at the same time
• United States
9 Dec 06
I like Chow Dogs
• Romania
9 Dec 06
Great Pyrenees Top tier in dog intelligence. Big and Loyal, yet Soft and Caring. A Gentle Giant. This dog will protect you, your family, your pets, and your home, yet can be in a room full of newborns and not harm a single one. They are massive in size, yet eat moderately and do not require much exercise. They are happy in a home as a lap dog a lot of times as well. The most admiring point is watching them at night. They are night dogs. They like to roam. They like to roam the yard and mumble. They talk to themselves. A sign of high intelligence in both humans and animals, except this animal actually talks to himself!