Illegal immigrants are violent, criminal's & drug dealers, is it time for action

@nextgen (1888)
September 21, 2006 1:54pm CST
Why do we Americans put up with the illegal invasion of our country. Our Government won't do anything about it. is it time we Americans take the law into our own hands to repel this illegal invasion. ?
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4 responses
@Sweety76 (1594)
• India
21 Sep 06
You are so simple-minded, I'll have to speak to you with veeery simple words: no immigrants=you stay hungry Wanna bake in 100F and pick crops? Say " thank you " to all immigrants who work hard and feed you, silly boy. Were your ancestors ivited to this country? NO, they showed up from somewhere poor and got citizenship on the spot. Just like you, undeserving brainless prick. Go pick tomatoes to learn some RESPECT!
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
26 Nov 07
That is a rather unAmerican sentiment, as soon as you begin to talk about immigrants in America, you are actually talking about yourself. The original Americans were annihilated by immigrants like you whose only advantage was that they invaded the Americas in the middle ages. I am very sure you are not an original American nextgen and you need to begin to put immigrants in their rightful place and on a case- I agree there are terrible immigrants who take pleasure in causing trouble, but the American Law is a good one it can handle that-Americans are very busy people, adding te law into their busy hands will be too much!
@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
13 Mar 07
you have been miss informed, not all legal alliens are violent and criminals. there are people who are trying to make a better life for themselves and there children.
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
18 Apr 07
What do you suggest we do to prevent it? What is your idea to do away with the illegals? Go through the streets like Nazi Germany searching every home until all illegals are caught? I don't really care if someone comes here from another country. That is how this country was started. I think everyone should have the opportunity to come to the USA. However I do think they should learn the language. I am calling them ignorant as a whole. Yes ignorant. It is ignorant to move into a country and not learn the language and expect the country to change to meet you. That is ignorant any way you look at it. If I moved to France I wouldn't expect them to convert the country to English. What a crock. Go away if you don't want to speak the language.