Have you ever seen a talking parrot?

December 16, 2006 4:15am CST
I've seen it at my cousin's place... what about you friends?
4 responses
• India
16 Dec 06
cool.... I've also seen a talking parrot at my friend's place! :)
• India
18 Dec 06
gr88.. thanks for responding techie! :)
• India
22 Dec 06
Yeah i can see ...
@Anulesh (1579)
• India
19 Dec 06
Yes I hav seen Even I hav this type of parrot
@rms2727 (815)
• India
16 Dec 06
i had a talking parrot some seven yeasr back, he just knew around five words and three short sentenses. but with just that much he use to try and convey most of his needs and feelings.