Is it just me or people more lazy then ever because of computers?

@all_n_one (2003)
United States
December 23, 2006 8:45am CST
I knew people were lazy more then ever now but didn't realize how much until recently. I had my cousin staying with me and he did everything on the pc. The only things he would do was use the computer and eat all of my food. He didn't leave to pay the bills or rent dvds all of it was done online. The only time he would move was to switch from the desktop pc to the laptop. I love computers and how things are easier but I feel it is going to lead to more people being unhealthy then ever in the world. Is this just me over reacting or does anybody else think the same way?
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43 responses
• India
23 Dec 06
well you are not alone, its me too
1 person likes this
• India
24 Dec 06
If the net is connected with unimagine speed you found the computer is fast and you feel again slow or lazy. This is wrong. Feel the work as divine. And get adjusted to the dignity, then it will be ok.
@Leonzz (195)
• Brazil
24 Dec 06
Me too. After computer, im getting so lazy. My moms think im crazy.
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@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
4 Jan 07
yes, they are lazier because of computers. It has become an even more sedintary world than when there were just couch potatoes who laid around and watched T.V.. Now we sit around and stay on the computer.
• United States
24 Dec 06
well i don't think the advancement of computers is the only thing that drives people to become lazy. not all people own computers anyway so there are other reasons why some people are lazy. however, i do think that people in this world are lazier than they used to be.
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@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
Meybe you are right, When I was in college, most of my time was spent on computer, today just recently when I got my computer, done nothing but work in it, Spend more than 10 hours infront of computer, my stomach is becoming bigger. You have a reason to react that way. Be vocal,your causin might not actually realise he is becoming adicted to the computer.
• India
24 Dec 06
Yes friend, you are correct. This is the most common problem of the people who have the PC'S, especially with Internet connection. I am also one of the example for this. No one can't do any thig for this,every one has to realise themselves and try to control themselves from this problem. I am also trying for that.
@msqtech (15074)
• United States
2 Jan 07
those who need are not lazy those who have abundance lose it through lazyness
@banta78 (4326)
• India
24 Dec 06
I think computers and with internet life certainly become easier and comfortable. we are able to keep in touch with family and friends through emails and chat with them on messenger, pay bills online, get to meet new people and discuss many topics, can earn through internet have the life we want , balance personal and professional life. I think necessity is mother of all inventions. so is case with internet. i can only think of it's advantages. i think it depends on us as we should have routine and active and healthy lifestyle to combat any laziness. we should go for walks, exercise, eat well, sleep well, play outdoor sports like tennis and cricket. We can also do aerobisc and dance, it will get us in shape and we won't feel lazy. it is true that some kids today are lazy play online games and eat junk food and chat online and lead unhealthy lifestyle, but for this one can't blame internet as it their fault for leading unhealthy lifestyle and becoming lazy. i think parents and schools and community and social groups should involve today's kids and youths in outdoor activites and create social awareness of dangers of becoming obese, overweight and how it can shunt their growth in life.
@msqtech (15074)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I think people are lazy because of excess and no need to work hard
@jackpot (138)
• India
24 Dec 06
No, I haven't observed any such changes around me, because of the computer or the internet. In fact, I think it has got more to do with the attitude of the individual towards the features of the computer/internet. We have also got the facility to make all utility payments from the Net. But we do not wish to adapt to this new facility, and rather prefer to walk down to the post office or bank in our locality and make the payment. That way we also have a purpose of going out regularly and more importantly walking regularly. But overall, I can only speak from my experience. Maybe it is happening as you say. Maybe everyone is disconnecting from everyone in the real world, to get connected to others in the virtual world!!
• India
24 Dec 06
hope the same is for all. really computer is making everyone unhealthy
• India
24 Dec 06
Yes friend, you are correct. This is the most common problem of the people who have the PC'S, especially with Internet connection. I am also one of the example for this. No one can't do any thig for this,every one has to realise themselves and try to control themselves from this problem. I am also trying for that.
• China
4 Jan 07
Yes, I agree with you.Because of computers my life is so ruleless. Almost one day I only eat a meal. I lost my weight .
@dkr_1981 (209)
• India
4 Jan 07
mee too feel the same way..
@hassanpk (84)
• Pakistan
2 Jan 07
yes,computers have effected all of us.
@blueman (16509)
• India
24 Dec 06
thats depends i guess if you overdo it, it will definitely lead to more complictions and if you know how to utilise it, then it is the best friend you've got.
• India
24 Dec 06
untoubtedly computer has made people lazy and fat
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
I am guilty for this. When I dont have school, I would usually spend my day in front of my computer. Although at times I would try very hard to do things such as gardening, cooking, etc.
@jen20619 (1300)
• Ireland
24 Dec 06
I must admit your discussion made me laugh about your am too gone a lot more lazy since more laptop but cause I have a child it keeps me motivated and I have to get up wether I want to or not.
@tutul0045 (2630)
• India
24 Dec 06
Yeah that what u call adversities of technologies. Its always going to hurt the human race and it its always going to help the human race. As a matter of fact v need to appreciate the uses of pc now a days and it helps to get the owrld closer. Internet is unique and it depends upon the person whether he get lazy or he utilizes it cleaverly. Cheers, tutul
• India
24 Dec 06
Hello frn, Im not lazy buddy. we can use the latest gadgets upto a certain extent... if its not we may don have any our active role in the any program... So, its my opinion buddy,,,