Cooking Fish-How do I avoid a smelly house...?

January 8, 2007 1:12am CST
I love cooking and eating fish but am always leary of cooking it(when it's not BBQ season) inside my house in fear of having the fishy smell remain long after eating it. I have tried it in the oven but just can't seem to get the timing right-too dry or not flavourful enough. Any suggestions?
3 responses
@Junig1 (300)
• Barbados
19 Jan 07
I am not sure what is the best thing to tell you but I usually wash my fish with vinegar and I always use lime juice when cooking it. They both help to take away the smell.
@cutieissa (413)
• Philippines
9 Jan 07
first you have to clean the fish really well - remove the innards, scales and anything mucoid. then rub lemon juice all over the fish and let it stand for 15min. after that, cook the fish the way you want. as for the dishes and other you used, wash it and soap with a lemon-based liquid soap. spray a lemon scent air freshener all over the house. trust me, lemon is the secret =)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Hi, use lemon in to clean you sink and disposal after washing your dishes. Light a few sented candles and cook away.