do you like being alone?

@gexi1987 (329)
January 11, 2007 7:26am CST
i have once consider myself as a person afraid of being alone.when friends or family is getting together,i alway have fun and the sense of security.but recently i feel myself prefer to be alone.i indefatigablly spend eight hours a day in library,and enjoy my internet surfing at night.the only communication with people is just on you think it's normal?do you like being alone?
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174 responses
• India
11 Jan 07
no i do not like to be alone for even a minute,i always want someone to talk to on any topic...lolz...
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@gexi1987 (329)
• China
11 Jan 07
thanks for your reply.
• United States
12 Jan 07
It isnt normal to want to be alone all the time and it isn't normal to never want to be alone. There has to be some balance, its ok to lean more one way than the other but there shouldn't be just one absolute.
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
there are times that i prefer to be alone than with friends. coz being alone makes me feel that im in touch with myself. it gives me the sense of security and serenity. most of the time i just surf the net and read articles online and that makes me happy. =) some friends find it weird but i dont. hehehe
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@gexi1987 (329)
• China
11 Jan 07
i share that with you.but i may have problem of being too isolated.thanks for reply.
@gagana (757)
• India
11 Jan 07
I generally like to be with my friends and family always but in a few occasions i would like to be alone and think deeply
@gexi1987 (329)
• China
11 Jan 07
thanks for reply.
@roadromeo (376)
• India
11 Jan 07
I hate to be alone and it really annoys me when I am alone. Yes, I can be lonely but that will be only for a while or for some moments in which I would like to regain my enthusiasm and energy. Otherwise I love to be around and with some or the other person every time or atleast do something or the other everytime!!!
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@gexi1987 (329)
• China
11 Jan 07
thanks for your reply.that's fine to experience may be a real happy life.
@car0811 (184)
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
Yeah, sometimes I do enjoy being alone since I get to read books or surf the net without anyone to disturb me but I don't enjoy being alone all the time. I also love to be with other people who are fun to be with like my friends and some relatives.
@gexi1987 (329)
• China
11 Jan 07
thanks for seems we have something in common.:)
@gigarange (1165)
• United States
11 Jan 07
There are times in life that I wanna be alone. Doing something by myself. Like you said, in the library, surfing..things like that. I think it is normal. I am sure few more months, you will be back to the usual ways of gathering with some of your friends and relatives. That happened to me sometimes. I just don't know why there are moments like that.
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@gexi1987 (329)
• China
11 Jan 07
hi,lily.thanks for your seems we do have something in common.:)
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
11 Jan 07
eversince, i love to be alone. i don't want to be in parties where there are too much people in it. i don't usually go bar hopping. it's not that i get irritated. it's just that i don't get fun out of it. i spend time with my family everyday and stay at home most of the time. when bored, i go visit the malls and since my boyfriend is in another country, i love to go to malls on my own. but i don't think i am. i am just different in away compared to other people. i find peace on my own. i do spend time with my friends, too. and i love being with them. but i still love to find time for myself on my own. it's the time when i gt to know myself better.
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@gexi1987 (329)
• China
11 Jan 07
thanks for your reply.:)
@Piratesware (2888)
• Indonesia
12 Jan 07
ya u normal guy , long time ago before I know net more, I lke to has party with friend , like go out, but after I know net I prefer like to be on home stal for more with net
@lakheysub (847)
• India
12 Jan 07
well my confidence is down or i have taken a long decision in life or if my heart is broken for any reason i like to stay alone for a while. *such a time in my life has came only once when i was selected in an interview.
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• India
11 Jan 07
Sometimes we feel better when we are alone. If we are alone we can proceed comfortably with our thinking, sometimes with our job without any external disturbances. It definitely depends upon the mood in which we are in.
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@gexi1987 (329)
• China
11 Jan 07
ya,i agree with you.insightful thinking is always come with long period of help us to be smart.thanks for reply.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
12 Jan 07
yaa, i sometimes just want to be alone. uit gives me greater chance to retrospect myself.But i don't want to be alone for long time. I enjoy being with my family.
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@bondgarg (105)
• India
11 Jan 07
some times its needed that i am alone.. on other times its interesting for being alone.. but most of the time.. i hate being alone.. some times we require oneliness .. bcoz.. loneliness.. allows us to assess ourselves but on other times .. if we are alone for long.. it hurts.. so.. the thing is both the things are necesssary.. but .. staying alone fro a short term and.. along with ur owns.. fro a long long long time.. :-)
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@gexi1987 (329)
• China
11 Jan 07
thanks for are right.most of time i am alone for fun.but it may hurt my friendship,and mental.i'll try to be more open.:)
11 Jan 07
Yeah, I like being alone, I probably couldn't cope with it for huge amounts of time though. But I do like my own company and the freedom to do whatever random and stupid things I want to do. I do think its normal to a certain extent but its not good to be totally isolated for to long, even if you think you enjoy the isolation, it's not good for you mentally I think. Have a nice day!
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@gexi1987 (329)
• China
11 Jan 07
thanks for the rationable reply.i also think i should be more open to guys.isolation may result in llness.isnt it?
• Indonesia
12 Jan 07
although i said that i want to be alone, at lonely time i always imagine someone come and hold me with lovely. i always ask, when it will be happen.
@lizabeth (666)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I am the kind of person that always like to be around people. I don't like being alone. Although I think at some point people do enjoy some alone time. You might want to try and get out with your friends a little more often.
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• India
12 Jan 07
yeah I like to live alone, where there is more privacy
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@orejin (198)
• India
11 Jan 07
yeah i do it.....but not everytime....once in a week i like to be alone and talk to myself
@Darren78 (18)
• Philippines
12 Jan 07
Yeah, it's quiet good being alone for sometime, it avoids pressure from peers, family and other matter. Personally, I preferred to be alone during weekends, I just stayed at my room watch dvd and do other stuff that I barely forgot during weekdays. In my case, being alone helps me remind of things that I should have prioritized, it gives me time to organize my things, fix some old stuff and scan some old pictures from grade school to high school.
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@amyh2637 (82)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I like being alone, but I don't like being lonely and I think there is a big difference there. I am home alone all day while my husband is at work and I enjoy having the time to get things done. In fact, I don't like doing things when other people are around (ex: cleaning, cooking) so in that aspect I like to be alone. But I always know that at the end of the day someone will be here and even when he is away on business I know that he is out there somewhere and he loves me. However... it does become abnormal when you prefer to not be around anyone any of the time and your only communication with the outside world is on the computer. Even when you are at the library you are around people and Im sure if you are there every day you must at least say hi to people who are also there every day.
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@roxified (90)
• Philippines
12 Jan 07
i don't like being alone. i love being around people. i love hanging out with friends and being around people i like and love makes me happy and i can easily forget my problems. i'm telling you, it's great to be in a group of friends.
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