Rude woman upset me at the vet.. I was just reminded of this story.

@shywolf (4514)
United States
January 12, 2007 2:48pm CST
I was just replying to another topic about the vet's office that reminded me of something that happened when I was about 13 or 14 years old. Do you think that this woman was wrong to treat me the way she did? Read on - We had just adopted the sweetest kitten in the world a few weeks ago. I have never before or since hat a pet that I bonded with so much. We only had her a few weeks before she ws one day hidden partway under our living room table in the dark, and my mother accidentally stepped on her not seeing her there. I do not blame my mother for this at all. It was a pure accident, the kitty was so small and it was so dark and she wasn't making any noise. Anyway, the point is that we had to rush her to a vet. Not our usual vet because I think that it was the weekend and there was only one emergency place open. Anyway, we rushed the kitten there only to find out that the only way to even possibly save her was through some really expensive medical procedure that my family could not afford. I was upset and crying in the vet's office because I truly didn't want to lose this little treasure of a kitten that had so captured my heart. I know that I may have raised my voice a bit and I was in tears. But I wasn't causing a huge commotion and I also don't remember there being other people waiting around who I would have been disturbing. Nonetheless, this rude nurse or woman who was working in the place came up and told me to basically get out of the building if I was going to continue acting in this manner. I felt so awful. I've never been told off like that almost at any point in my life. I hate confrontations and am a very shy person. I have never forgotten how callous this woman was to my obvious pain. I feel that I deserved to be upset and I really wasn't throwing a huge fit or screaming in the middle of their office. Sigh. Do you feel that this woman was right or wrong to basically kick me out? I did end up going outside. I didn't wish to be around such a nasty woman any longer.
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35 responses
• United States
12 Jan 07
It obviously that this was a horrible women and a tramatic experience, as it still hurts you. I understand, and think that women was out of line and most definately in the wrong line of work.
2 people like this
• United States
13 Jan 07
She is heartless, you are a child. She should have exert some kindness and sympathy and if she wants to calm you down she should offer to take you outside. She also should have some compassion especially working in that Vet's Emergency office and knowing that in certain situation there will be some grieving since people love their pets. Sorry about your kitty and I hope that people learn to be more kind to other people especially children.
@klystron635 (1519)
• Philippines
13 Jan 07
i think the woman treated you badly. she should be more understanding on your situation, since your kitten is sick and dying. she should try to comfort you at least. let's say there's only one procedure that is left for your kitten and you can't afford it. there must be something left that they can do, after all they are the professionals. if i were you i would have demanded the resignation of the lady that treated you badly.
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@Thiru178 (460)
• Sri Lanka
13 Jan 07
I agree that lady was wrong.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Jan 07
The lady should have been a little nicer considering the situation. Then again it depends on what kind of day she was having on the count of sometimes people lash out without thinking.
@Riptide (2758)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I think that person was extremely rude and wrong. If she can't understand the grief a family feels over a pet in danger or feel any compassion for pet owners, she was working in the wrong place. I find it too often though, that a alot of vet and cet assistants only get into the profession for the money, because a lot of them sure don't seem to love animals.Shouldn't it be their first priority to save the pets live and worry about payment later? I'm just curious. Did the kitten make it?
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Feb 07
This woman obviously had a stone heart and a brain to match it. I was in a discount bargain store one afternoon when a shelf of cheap cosmetics tipped causing a dominoe effect to happen to the nail polishes. This clerk raised her voice so loudly at this little cherub faced girl who was no more than 7 or 8 years old that she ran out of the store crying. Her mother followed. I was cashing out when this occured. When I went outside I met the mother and her little girl. The mother said that it wasn't the first time that the clerk yelled at a kid. I told the little girl that the woman was not worthy of her shedding the tears. I told her to go back inside and show that beautiful smile off. She gave me a big smile. Some people don't have any common sense or the ability to work around people.
@Aeval39 (773)
• United States
13 Jan 07
First of all, I'm really sorry about your kitten, that's horrible! I can see this from a few points of view, and none of them can justify the woman's behavior. You had every right to be upset, and I would have been too. I probably would have thrown a scene, too lol. On the other hand, the woman had probably had a long and hard day, or just didn't like children in general. She probably didn't know why you were crying. Still, that doesn't mean she can be so heartless about it. :/
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@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Yes she was wrong. There so many hard, cold, callous people in the customer service work force. It amazes me that they even have a job. She may have been having a bad day or she may have been told to handle the situation. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doublt after I get mad, but it was still no excuse. I am sure things happened to her that hurt her just as much after this little episode.
@imakella (665)
• United States
13 Jan 07
i feel she is wrong...
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Jan 07
Yes you have every right to be upset even at the age you are now, and for a woman to tell a child that is outrages. You would think that someone who works in a vets office would be more understanding then that. I have a sister who works in a vets office and I wouldn't think she would do something like that. She has help out family members with animal problems many a times over the years.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
14 Jul 07
She sounded a bit cold in her emotions, yes there might be other people there upset about their own animals, but she should not have kicked you out..She maybe could have ushered you into a different room because you were so distraught..She sounds like she didnt have a heart and shouldnt be working there because its just not about the animals.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
1 Feb 07
The woman sounded cold and callous, for so many of us, a pet is a member of the family. Just last week, my one pooch had a cough, I set my alarm so that he was getting medication around the clock. I understand your being upset, I am surprised one of your family members did not put that woman back in her place, or her employer. If nothing else, they could have put you in an empty room until you felt better. People can be so nasty.
@manmaxman (850)
• India
6 Feb 07
this is right dear rude woman it is impossible to make them understand anything
• Israel
13 Jan 07
How insensitive to a child who loves their pet and doesn't want to lose it. I can't believe they were like that there. I had a dog who lived to be 17, that dog was a big part of my family. He started having strokes and the vet put him on a med to slow his heart down. It was very expensive, but he only charged for the med, and not his service. That is one way of being sensitive, after our dog had gotten so bad off that the vet put him down, he sent us a beautiful Sympathy card. That was the other way of being sensitive. They didn't have to do it, but they did, and the words they wrote on that card was very nice, and touching. Everyone cries when they are about to lose a pet, if they have a heart..obviously that woman was in the wrong business. Maybe a good job for her is to be a Prison Guard. There she can be insensitive all she wants.
• Israel
13 Jan 07
How insensitive to a child who loves their pet and doesn't want to lose it. I can't believe they were like that there. I had a dog who lived to be 17, that dog was a big part of my family. He started having strokes and the vet put him on a med to slow his heart down. It was very expensive, but he only charged for the med, and not his service. That is one way of being sensitive, after our dog had gotten so bad off that the vet put him down, he sent us a beautiful Sympathy card. That was the other way of being sensitive. They didn't have to do it, but they did, and the words they wrote on that card was very nice, and touching. Everyone cries when they are about to lose a pet, if they have a heart..obviously that woman was in the wrong business. Maybe a good job for her is to be a Prison Guard. There she can be insensitive all she wants.
@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
13 Jan 07
She sounds like she was pretty callous. I feel bad for you having to go through that at such a young age.
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Wow...what an insensitive b!tch (excuse my language). You would think they'd be used to seeing people upset in their office, especially kids. I would like to think that whoever was in charge would have spoken to her and told her to apologize...that is a client lost and had I been there and witnessed that, I would never have gon back there with my pet.
@ahsan15 (334)
• India
13 Jan 07
it waz totally wrong ...wot waz done by the woman...
@bonbon50 (659)
• United States
13 Jan 07
She was VERY insensitive; hope she comes across kinder people in her hour of need....