Does it snow every winter where you live???

@ronita34 (3922)
January 17, 2007 3:43pm CST
I live in Canada and i have never been really anywhere. So i was wondering if you could help me out here. What type of weather do you get in your country during the winter months?
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81 responses
• Romania
17 Jan 07
i live in Romania, we have 4 seasons:spring , summer, autumn and winter.I live near mountains and there is no winter without snow.Since 3 years ago, the winter is not really winter any more, because of the global warming, the snow is very rare.This winter it snowed just once, in rest it rained and was like in spring.My grandparents said that they never saw something like this in their life, they say that winter was alway winter(very much snow) until 3 years ago.An in summer there ar a lot of floods from too much rain , too.The climate is changing
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
You know that this is a fact our weather has changed rather dramatically and it has also been in the past 3 years. It has been said that this is a sign that the world we know will not remain the same!
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@rein2410 (809)
• Australia
17 Jan 07
I got winter, summer, spring and autumn. Well its not snowy. but there is snowing part in the mountain,
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I see i don't think that winter for me would be the same without all of the snow and cold weather that we get in my part of Alberta!
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Here in Western NY State we get all of the cold and snow, also. I was reading a post yesterday from someone in Cambodia who was complaining that it was raining but that the rain wasn't cooling things off and it was still hot and muggy! Can you imagine that in January? I could deal with it right about now!
@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
28 Jan 07
It usually does snow in the winter months here but sometimes we get very little and sometimes we get a lot. So far this winter all we have had are flurries and only a dusting of snow at the most. It is actually snowing here right now but not very heavily and it snowed the other day a little bit. Up until recently it had been a warm winter here in Delaware.
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Well that is great that you have at least seen snow this season we always get tremendous amounts of snow each and every year! At least for the last 25 years of my life anyway!
@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
18 Jan 07
No, here never snows. I live in Brazil, and there is snow, rarely only on a few places more to the south. I never saw or touched snow in my life.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
For real wow i could not ever imagine not knowing what snow is. We get alot of snow every year from October until about February or March!!!
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• Australia
28 Jan 07
All this talk of snow is making me want to change countries. Not really, though: I LOVE Australia and I'll put up with the heat to stay here. I live in Queensland, just south of the tropics. We don't get extremely high temperatures here, but we get VERY high humidity. I find it very trying to always be WET, with perspiration dripping down my back and clothes sticking to me. This is the weather we have just now, so all I do is sit with three fans on me (one blowing on my face, one on my legs and one oscillating in the room) and drink litres of water. Our temperature only gets to about 36 C but the humidity is often around 60 - 70%. Sometimes, early morning it is around 70 - 80%. I have been in much higher temps. It was 46 in Broken Hill when I was there, but it was a dry heat and it didn't bother me. Of course, there are parts of Australia where it does get cold, and where we do have snow in the winter - but not here.
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@JeTBoy (154)
• Portugal
18 Jan 07
Unfortunately no. Here in the city I live, in Portugal, only snowed once. It was last year. During winter months we get mostly could (about 10ÂșC) and rainy weather. Short days where sun barely shows up. Oh God... I'm missing summer sunny days. :(
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
I don't know what i would do without my snow... LOL! As much as i complain about it it has always been there. For the children to play in and gives a better reason for hot steamy cocoa when they come in from building snowmen and throwing snow balls!!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
28 Jan 07
I live in the UK and no we hardly have snow now and I really miss it I prefer the Summer but I do love the Snow and I would not mind the Winter so much if there was Snow
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I am used to having snow i have lived in Northern Alberta Canada all of my life and i have never known anything different!!
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Here is Northern Ohio we get snow most winters. Some winters it can be pretty mild and the snow just does not accumulate. Other winters we can get really snowed upon and need plows to clear the roads and driveways etc. Without our cold we would not get apples and other fruit that requires so many hours of chilling weather to trigger bud set!
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
So i guess that Ohio isn't all that different in weather and climate than we are here in Alberta. The produce point is great . Have you heard about everything freezing and ruined millions of dollars worth of crops. Produce proces will be increasing shortly because of this.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
28 Jan 07
This year we had two blizzards in a row, which is terribly unusual. Right hafter the second storm the temperature plummeted to the below zero club and there are still 18 inch snow drifts in front of our home, which have been there since the end of December. There are horrible ruts in the side streets but the major streets are pretty clear. I think the city will have to consider upgrading their snow removal plans. I have a feeling this isn't the last time this will happen. I have this awful feeling that it is just the beginning.
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
It could be and i must agree with all the global warming problems i definately agree that the world through out will all suffer from severe weather changes very soon!
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@SarahEC (545)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I live in Ohio, and yes, it snows every winter. Usually for about 5 months, we have cold and snowy weather. It is way too much if you ask me. I would give it up for a full year of warm sunshine in a heartbeat!
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
I have a good internet friend that lives in Lima Ohio. Here in Alberta we have snow from like October to March maybe. The cold can be viscious here also like minus 49 degrees below zero at times!
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• Mauritius
18 Jan 07
We do not get snow here and the winter here looks more like summer. :)
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
It is so different how the world can be full of snow in some areas and other areas don't ever even see snow! Amazing don't you think?
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@pix_trix (447)
• India
18 Jan 07
the coldest has been 2-4degrees... never snowed..not once in history.. i m in delhi.. in india
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
WOW ... That is an extremely warm climate then. We can get down to minus 40 degrees celsius here and the ground is also covered with snow!! I do miss a beatifully, warm summers day though that is a fact!
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@simplysue (631)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I live in Michigan's Upper Penninsula, close to Lake Superior. I think we may have close to the same weather as you do but it probly gets colder in your area. :)
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
It is nice to know taht we at least have similar weather patterns. We can get pretty cold temperatures here but we are far from the coldest in our region!
@hottie0728 (1732)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I also have winter, spring, summer and fall. I lived in California and I haven't seen a snow since I got here. I've been here 5 years already. Some part of California does not...all the way to the mountains. I wish I would have got there this winter, too bad I need to wait again on winter.
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Well we still have a ton of snow here and we will probably still be seeing the ground covered in its nice whit fluffy blanket of could for about anotyher couple of months or so!!!
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• United States
28 Jan 07
Sorry...I should've said that some part of the California does snow. Thanks!
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@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
27 Jan 07
I live on the west coast of vancouver Island and we do not get snow every year.There have been years where we have not received any,but they are few and far between.Usually,if we do get a snowfall,it is followed by a rainfall that clears it away within 24-48 hours.
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Wow...I bet!! I travelled through Vancouver on the bus about 3 months ago! My bus actually had a 4 hour lay over in Vancouver City and it was even raining there! I wish i could have seen more British Columbia is truly a wonderfully, beautiful and breath takingly stunning place to visit!!
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
27 Jan 07
We have moved this year from a state in Australia where it never snows to Tasmania which is right down the bottom of Australia. Here there are 4 distinct seasons and we have actually seen snow for the first time in our lives this year. The locals say that it has been a poor snow season though and we are looking forward to next winter to do some snowboarding etc.
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
LOL...Yes winter activities can in fact be loads and loads of fun. You can skate, tobaggan, ski and snowboard!! Winter and snow does seem to have its benefits for sure!!
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I live in Ohio in the United States and it gets very cold in the winter here and very hot in the summer. The other day it was miserable cold outside but it is starting to warm up a little now. The snow is starting to melt so hopefully it warms up some more. I want to move to Hawaii, Florida or California where it is always warm because I can't handle the cold. Like I said it is really hot in the summer here but I would rather be hot than cold. :)
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I don't know the desiscion between prefering hot or cold would be hard for me to decide. I for one hate to be too hot and at the same time i hate to also be too cold as well!!
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@biratm (162)
• Nepal
27 Jan 07
i live in nepal in the mountanious area it snows every year in winter but in my place where i live dont fall snow ..n winter//
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@fregus75 (258)
• Australia
27 Jan 07
i would love to go to nepal some day.
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@fregus75 (258)
• Australia
27 Jan 07
I grew up in sweden. It snows there every winter. The temperature in the winter varies from south to north. in the south its about 0 to -5C. In the north it can drop down to -40C.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Sounds like our winter temperatures also here in Northern Canada! Our temperatures are also know to drop to minus 40 degrees celsius at times too!
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
so sad. it doesnt snow in here.. thats one thing why i wanted to visit canada nor US or anywhere which snows.. but i would never dream of snow here.. people in my country cant live with it.. our livign is not suited for which :)
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I would love to visit a tropical country where everything is so warm and beautiful!!!
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