jade goody big brother

@helpout (210)
January 20, 2007 6:19am CST
has anyone been watching celebrity big brother?? do you think jade,jo and danielle were being racist towards shilpa? i think they were and they should be ashamed of themselves..whats your view?
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1 response
@xXmeganxX (4421)
20 Jan 07
hi, well ive been watching big brother throughout and it seemed to all start turning nasty when jade went in there with her family. i think they were being bully's more than being racist but racism did play a part in the argument, even tho shilpa disagreed with that at some point. danielle and jo were like sheep with jade following her and dforming into groups then picking on shilpa, i think it was unfair but now that jade has been evicted things will start changing and jo and danielle will be shilpa's best mates again, if i were shilpa i wouldn't even speak to them, because they played a part in that bullying.
@helpout (210)
• Ireland
20 Jan 07
thats a fair comment,and if i were shilpa i would not speak to either of them,however i think that shilpa will talk to them,i dont think she would lower herself to their level,i do think the atmosphere in the house will be better now that jade is gone,...:)