What do you think about the problems with CPS (child protective services)?

United States
January 20, 2007 3:03pm CST
What do you think of the problems with CPS? I am asking b/c I have personally been affected and non-personally seen the tragedies that are happening. I had a case open against me in 2005, where someone (I still don't know who) lied and said that I left my kids outside to play by themselves, my youngest two kids father abused them in public in front of the house, my 3 year old, at the time, would be walking down the street by himself, and that I left them at home to go get pizza. Yes, that detailed like they know me, but all a lie. I wasn't worried about the case b/c anyone can tell you that, at that time, neither my kids nor us adults were at home long enough for them to be left at home, play out front, or be abused in front of the house, I worked 10 hours a day, he works 12-16 still, and on our off days we are resting or gone. However, it still took them like 2-3 months to close the case. They even had a social worker come out. She and the caseworker even stated that they did not see why a case had been opened against me. My thing is, after one visit and seeing nothing, why waste 2-3 months when you could have focused that time and energy on someone who really needed it? I have more to say, but I will let you all respond to this first.
1 response
@ladyambi (80)
• United States
22 Jan 07
That is the way the system is. If someone calls on you they will open a case. People get jealous and make up things to hurt you, and by law they have to investigate. However, I heard of someone that was reported for child abuse 3 or more times, and the child had a bruse. CPS didn't do a thing. Well they did go out to observe the child, claim there were no signs and they did not open a case. I'm sorry you went through that, but the system is a funny thing.