Is second hand smoke as bad as smoking yourself!!

United States
January 22, 2007 12:40pm CST
My boyfriend smokes and i want him to quit but it doesn't seem like he's going to do it anytime soon. So in the mean time he continues to smoke around me all the time and i keep breathing it in. Is this affecting my health because i've heard that second hand smoke is very bad. Does anyone know good methods to quit smoking?
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4 responses
• United States
24 Jan 07
I have SECOND HAND SMOKE SYNDOME something I obtained from being around a mother that was a heavy smoker and a husband. Although in my mid-40's I have a frequent cough and when visiting doctor often mistaken for someone that smokes, although I have never smoked a day in my life. I am told as I get older it will get worse. So YES, I can honestly say Second Hand Smoke is just as bad as smoking yourself.
• United States
24 Jan 07
Second Hand Smoke - Bad??
I know that the media is bombarding us with the dangers of second hand smoke. My only reason if it is really as bad as they say is because my (ex) husband and I both smoked and yet we have a had pets who lived to a fine old age and they also have lungs so why are they not affected?
• United States
22 Jan 07
Yes second hand smoke is bad. They say its worse than smoking. I'm a smoker and I have been trying to quit. I have a couple of times but it never sticks. Hopefully you can get him to quit.
@imrajesh (1965)
• India
22 Jan 07
i can say that u r being affected by the smoke. this is called passive smoking and is considered worse than smoking itself. it is bad for health as it contains CO i.e. carbon monoxide and it is dangerous for health. u have more risks than him. so at least u can stop this from doing this in front of u. have nice times ahead.