Having trouble getting pregnant?

@hmbw_24 (404)
United States
January 23, 2007 2:59pm CST
My niece is going to the doctor tomorrow to hopefully find out why she is having trouble getting pregnant. She is 25 and her and her husband have been trying for over a year now. She was on birth control pills for a few years before that and we thought that might be part of the problem, but thought that by now any effects of them would have worn off. Has anyone else had this problem and what are some of the possible reasons?
1 response
@helper1 (765)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
Hello, I just thought I would tell you that the birth control could be a potential problem. I was on birth control pills for one year when I was younger, and it took me 10 years to get pregnant. Hope this does not happen to your neice! But another problem could be that they are trying to hard. Alot of people that are wishing and dreaming for a child always try to hard to conceive. I would say to your neice to live it up a little, go out and party with her husband, get drunk, if she drinks and just let life take its course. Everytime I got pregnant it was after a night of drinking and just having fun, and not worrying about the deed, but just doing it for the fun of it. Hope I could help, type with you soon!
@hmbw_24 (404)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Thanks I really hope that it all works out. We'll see what the doc has to say. Have a great day!