Do you think Hillary can beat Barak Obama and John Kerry in the race?

@achyuta (2851)
United States
January 24, 2007 6:41pm CST
Hillary Clinton is going to fight for the democratic party nomination for presidency. DO you think she can get it?
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18 responses
@unisis (1673)
• Indonesia
25 Jan 07
Hillary - Hillary Clinton one of the candidate of US president
i think so that Hillary will be the winner in the election of US president, cause mayority of US population is the white so America is still not ready for accepting the president from the black race,if she become president hopefully the world become peace,no agression,no war everywhere,
@msqtech (15074)
• United States
25 Jan 07
there is plenty of time for someone new to win the race
@achyuta (2851)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I hope that Barak Obama gets a fair chance and is not discarded because he is black. That would be really pathetic. America claims to be a developed nation. Development should also be in thought and not just in economy. I hope people judge the candidates purely by their credentials.
@shogun49 (437)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I hope she will win the presidency, USA needs a new President like her.
2 people like this
• United States
25 Jan 07
I am pleased to hear that Kerry is not going to run this year. I don't think that Hillary will beat Obama in the race for the Democratic nomination though. Barak Obama has a very charismatic personality. He is an eloquent speaker. I'm not saying Hillary isn't, but I think the American people are wanting change. I personally feel that with Hillary in the White House, it would be a step backward, to the Clinton era. Obama offers change and he is very in touch with the common man, where Hillary isn't.
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@otshock (271)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I'm with you on this one. I would definitely vote for Barack Obama. It would be nice to have a female president, but I sure don't want it to be Hillary Clinton.
@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Kerry has said (recently) that he's not running.
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@Smith2028 (797)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Honestly, no. I won't leave it at that as that would be too simple. Fact 1: Kerry is not running. Fact 2: Hillary is a Northeastern Democrat Fact 3: We have 1 year until the elections kick off. Senator Barak Obama is a youthful, up and coming Democrat. A midwestern down to earth guy, he is seen as the peoples candidate. While inexperienced, which will be exploited, he has admitted his faults and past indiscretions. Senator Hillary Clinton is a northeastern Democrat who splits the nation. People love or hate her. She will easily win New York and Pennsylvania and California, three strongholds and large electoral college vote holders. However, with a midwesterner (Obama) and a southerner (Edwards) running she will lose those regions and thus lose Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Texas, Ohio and Florida. This is critical to her campaign. Her baggage and past will catch up with her.
@achyuta (2851)
• United States
26 Jan 07
So who are you backing to win? You think Edwards can make it? People are saying America is still not ready for a black president. So will Obama get his chance?
• United States
26 Jan 07
Yes I do. Hillary is outstanding and has the political experience to take on the Republican machine. Although, she doesn't have a chance until the media starts showing her more. I truly believe that once people get to know her more, they will like her more.
@achyuta (2851)
• United States
27 Jan 07
But Hillary is also having some negative aspects. She is nto considered a person of the common masses. Also She does not ahve the persona of a Barak Obama or John Kerry to win in republican ruled states.
@Dennik (537)
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
No, This is not her time. She should settle for senator.
@anonvenu (401)
• India
25 Jan 07
It is my firm belief that Hillary will become the first woman president of America. She will easily beat Kerry and who ever else for the nomination easily. I am sure she will become the President as well.
@achyuta (2851)
• United States
25 Jan 07
If naything, it is not going to be easy for her thats for sure. Last time also kerry was not really int he reckoning in the initial phases of the primaries. But he picked up pace later on. I agree with those who said there is lot of time left for positions to change.
@Anil4all (21)
• India
25 Jan 07
She will definetely get an oppartunity to contest for president position from democratic party. she has been serving as a senator for the last two times. kelly lost in lost elections. so he did n't get ticket from democratic.
@achyuta (2851)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Kerry lost lat time so what? He cna still get ticket. There is no such rule that he cant fight this time. Hillary does have a better chance as of now to win the primaries. But it all depends. Equations change very quickly.
• Egypt
28 Jan 07
I think the next U.S.A. president will be either a black one, a woman one, or a Muslim one!. No one else!!!
@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I didnt know that john kerry is running in the presidental race again but if he is it wil be an intersting race between him and hillary. either way, i think they would be better than geoge bush, i do not like him at all, i dont know what people see in him, but hopefully who ever step in can change the dirction of the wars, because there is no point of going over there in the first place.
• United States
28 Jan 07
I don't think Hillary can get elected. She may get the nomination, but that's as far as she'll get. The people who hate her are too organized and have too many scary connections. They'll keep her out of the White House; they'll do whatever they have to do.
• India
26 Jan 07
i think so hillary will beat both of them
@pyro19h (30)
• Bangladesh
9 Feb 07
she already got the nomination.
@msqtech (15074)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I think Hillary can win he democratic nomination because I dont think there is a strong positional candidate to take charge of the democratic platform
@stegio29 (70)
• Italy
25 Jan 07
yes I think Hilary'll win election.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Well at this point it is clear she can beat John. He has backed out of the race. I do hope that she will beat Barak. But that view may change with time.
@jjones474 (123)
• United States
26 Jan 07
God help us all if she does, then again, Obama is vehemently Pro-black and anti-white, so I wouldn't vote for him.