What is the last time you were asked to show your I.D.? (87 year old man...)

@shywolf (4514)
United States
January 25, 2007 2:24pm CST
I was just wondering what stories you guys have about times where you were asked to show proof of identity even though you knew you were well over the legal age? I was just reading this story about a man, aged 87, who was asked to show his ID even though there is no way in the world that the lady behind the counter couldn't have known that he was old enough to buy the bottle of sherry that he was attempting to purchase. It is just a policy of certain stores that anyone over the age of 18 has to show proof, no matter what age they are. What is your most outrageous, interesting or funny story about having to show your ID card? You can read the news here: http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_2173153.html?menu=
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33 responses
• United States
26 Jan 07
I ALWAYS get carded. I'm 28 and if I don't have my ID, I don't bother ordering any drinks. I once went to Walmart and bought a Rated R movie--the Dukes of Hazzard movie for my husband and the old lady at the counter almost made me put it back because she didn't believe me. I had to be over 18 and she didn't believe me. There I am standing with my 6 year old and he is mom I want this, mom can I get that and she doesn't think I'm over 18. I know teen pregnancy is common but I would have had to been 12 when I had him...lol
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• United States
26 Jan 07
No one ever really ask me for id unless I use my credit card.
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@rjbass (1422)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I am 37 years old and friends have mentioned that I look young for my age but I would never pass for being under 21. About a month ago I was in South Beach, Florida on business and went out with 10 colleagues all over the age of 30. I was the only one carded and questioned at the door and the bouncer refused to let me in claiming that I had a fake ID. I had a California drivers licence which to me are very sophisticated and hard to falsify and it was obviously me in the photo so I don't know what the problem was. To make a long story short, all of us ended up leaving and going to the bar next door where I wasn't even carded. I don't usually mind getting carded as I feel flattered but enough enough.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Well, sometimes I am asked when I buy cigerettes my id...Nothing major...But I find it funny when I'm asked to show it being I am 33 years old...I actually like it...as to your story, no matter how old you look, you are required to show ID..that's in alot of stores out this way as well..You could be 95, they would still ask...lol great article
@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
26 Jan 07
I think the only time I would get carded now would be if I asked for a seniors discount. Other than that I can't remeber when I got carded.
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• India
26 Jan 07
i am just 25 years old, but i was never asked to proof my age by showing my id, although i show my id at work more than 5 times everyday i do not remember anyone asking me to confirm my age by an id card.....may be i am just lucky
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@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
25 Jan 07
I have never been carded, even when I just turned 21. My wife, who is only a year younger than me, gets carded all the time.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
26 Jan 07
Hardly a day goes by that I don't have to show my ID. It's a common thing here in Portugal. Seems like you can't do a thing without identifying yourse. I even have to show my passport when I want to make a cash advance with my Visa card. They know me at the bank but they have to verify that I am the person I say I am. They tell me it's because if someone else somewhere else used my card fraudently they could prove that the bank was not at fault. The trouble is in the United States there is no ID card and if you don't have a driver's license you are up that proverbial creek without a paddle.
@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
26 Jan 07
Well Im turning 30 soon but I still get carded for smokes and papers at certain places. Sometimes it feels nice but other times its a pain because I don't always carry my I.D.
@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Hahaha! That is a funny story! But, that is the rules. I bet that made him feel young! :D I have never had anything like that happen to me! :P
@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
31 Jan 07
When I go to music clubs I am always carded; they have a policy of checking everyone's ID and the card checkers are on video camera, so they can't slack off. I guess it's good because then no one can argue 'why did you check me, but not this other guy.'
@bhattee (164)
• Pakistan
26 Jan 07
I was askd to show my ID 3 days ago when i had to make my Driving Liscence well once i was askd to show my ID(WHEN I WAS NOT 18 AND WAS DRIVING ILLEGALLY) by a traffic policeman.I Simply Said I Dont Have It.he fined me for 350 rs here in Pakistan
@manmaxman (850)
• India
6 Feb 07
it is the bad thing to listen .......... my ID is never asked
• United States
26 Jan 07
I'm only 22 and I don't drink much or smoke...but everytime I try to buy a horror movie at Walmart they ask for an ID.
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
26 Jan 07
It seems as if I never got asked for ID in my 30's, but in my 40's I get carded all the time. I think this is because the kids in the stores are not able to judge age. They are so young that anyone over 30 now looks "ancient" to them. I guess it's better that they get in the habit of checking everybody rather than relying on their instincts, because some people definitely can pass for 21 when they are not.
• India
26 Jan 07
well something very funny happenned to my friend once...he had joined a kids club and by mistake he gave the made up identity card....to the bouncer of the discwe were entering....the bouncer could obviously see that my friend was of age...but after seeing the club identity card...he did not allow us guys to enter....we beat our friend then....very funny..
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
26 Jan 07
A lot of bars now ID everyone regardless of age, so it has happened to me quite a lot recently. The best response I ever heard though was at a bar in Salt Lake City. An elderly gentleman came in and sat beside me at the bar and when the bartender asked for his ID he replid "Would my Civil War release papers be okay?"
• India
26 Jan 07
I have been asked daily to show my ID in my office. Actually my Office require all employees to bring their ID cards and show us at the entrance, this is done as a security measure.
@alaguc (61)
• India
26 Jan 07
i show my id every day......coz no1 can beleive im in colege till theyve seen an id.....its hillarious really the amount of people that ask me for an id....to see if im old enough to to gain entry into such and such a place......
• United States
26 Jan 07
I hardley ever get carded. Most of the time when I do get carded I am in the bar. But the very last time that I got carded I was buying ciggarettes. The guy stood there and looked at me for a minute and then asked me for my ID kinda made me feel good that he would think I'm under 18 by the way I'm 27!