There is a cheater on line right now,Why doesn't myLot do something about them??

United States
January 27, 2007 10:59pm CST
"do you want fries, silver or gold, do you chew, tap water or bottled, blue or black ink, are you tired, sugar or spice, are you cold." these are some of the 20+ riveting topics (title and entire post) this member has put on in the last 5 minutes. definitely in violation of the guidelines. i have reported him to mylot and i have rated him negative on every post. what else can i do? his name begins with jyots and ends with adaiya. look for yourself.
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50 responses
@shaz6611 (951)
• Australia
28 Jan 07
Yes I have seen these discussions also. I think there in total about 70 discussions that have been started in the last 30 min. I have also reported them and also left negative feedback....this is the type of thing that needs to be stopped.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I agree with you and you say that there was 70 of these started in the last 30 minutes. Now that is definately ridiculous and i hope mylot does something about this guy!
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@lovedude (4447)
• India
28 Jan 07
yeah I reported negative to him also
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@vicat506 (132)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I'm pretty new here but I know that sounds wrong. I will report them as well if I can find them. Thanks for the info!
• United States
28 Jan 07
you could report this person if you haven't already.
3 people like this
• United States
28 Jan 07
oops sorry. Didn't notice the first time I read it that you done reported him. Good for you!
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@willocfc (963)
• Australia
28 Jan 07
I should probably know this, but i am new here :/ How do you report someone?
3 people like this
• India
28 Jan 07
oh yeah, i have been on the new discussions and saw lots of his/her post which are so stupid and nonsense post, don't worry they will be deleted later on, just don't reply to the topics and report them
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@wiccan (347)
• Australia
29 Jan 07
You are so right. These type of topics drive me insane! If people just ignored them and didn't respond, then maybe users would finally give up on them. I admire your zest to get rid of this stuff !
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• United States
29 Jan 07
I have not seen any of these. If I do, I will report it too. MyLot will look into it I'm sure. I'm glad that you reported it. You did it though the !, right? Or did you write an email to mylot? That works too. We work as a team to stop these cheaters. Good job dear.
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• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Cheaters is everywhere!...You cant avoid them!...Many members of mylot are cheaters and spammers!...Mylot did an action but in silent mode!...They keep on monitoring to those members who doesnt care about the other members!...Mylot is more strict now than before!...They enhances their systems to avoid those cheaters and spammers!...
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
28 Jan 07
I haven't searched for this person yety, but I will. I will report them. I know there is another user who has over 100,000 posts that has been posting old news stories from 2001 as if they are new news stories. He has been copying and pasting the exact full article and this is against MyLot guidelines. Besides that he is using old news articles as if they are new news. He also posts mindless discussions. You should keep an eye out for this one as well.
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• United States
28 Jan 07
Thank you.
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• United States
28 Jan 07
I agree with everone...stupid and quite annoying. What is really sad...this one is getting up to 2 responses for each ridiculous post. Hopefully none of them will count for jyot. It is really frustrating to look for good topics and have to scroll past 10 of jyot's and answer a legit one...then scrool past 10 more. Waste of time, no?
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@dana234 (2114)
• Spain
28 Jan 07
Thanks for the info. I´ll search for these discussions, a day (european time) has gone by, hopefully I won´t find them. This would mean that myLot has deleted them.
@kylesmiles (1910)
• United States
28 Jan 07
That is good that you are reporting them! You should also join our yahoo group, the link is on my profile. We work together to report all of the cheaters we find. :) I saw a cheater last night and I was reporting her and find the article online and posting the link to the copied article in my response! LOL It was pretty fun. She tried to play dumb, or maybe she is dumb...saying she didn't understand.
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@kawillow74 (1416)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Oh yea I see what you are saying but when people do that I just don't responed to there discussion they are stupid but I am not going to waste time reporting thme because I really don't think mylot cares there are other out there. Just as bad as people that give yes or no answers to a question I have seen allot of them to but I am not going to waste my time bothering with them.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I guess my score is going to go down when I answer this. I think there are too many post that deal with what other people are doing on this site. If they are posting against mylot policy I am sure they will be taken care of my the people who run mylot. I have looked through some of the discussions started by the people who have answered this discussion and some of them are in my opinion dumb. I try not to critisize others discussion because they may be important to them. I also like to discuss my favorit television show with others who like the same programing. When I come to a post or discussion that I am not interested in I don't give them negative marks. Just because I am not interested it doesn't mean someone else isn't. I do not think that we should judge someone else because that leaves us open to be judged. Look back at your post and I am sure you will find that all your post were not all that either.
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• United States
31 Jan 07
If someone is posting an intelligent question or discussion on a subject that I'm not interested in, that's ok, it their right. But when someone posts inane questions, as the member I was referring to was doing, simply to boost his numbers and -- he thinks -- make more money, even though he is in violation of the guidelines the rest of us have to follow, then it is not okay.
@darckj (885)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
even a cent won't do -
i thought it was only me who have noticed that.. i was supposed to have a discussion on that, but i saw your discussion, so i just comment on here.. it was not only jyots, but there are others also.. i have responded in some of like that, but i added a warning in there, and i encouraged them to read the guidelines first before posting.. they won't get a cent on that! i am not trying to have mylot ban them, but i hope they will know the rules..
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Dragonstar, go down the lists of today's top discussions. A post was put up telling about someone who had 2000 posts removed. I think the MyLot people are trying to do their job and actually it is more fun to have this person go on for a while, and keep thinking they are getting away with these things and then have it pulled out from under them. You know, let them wallow in a false sense of security. I agree, they must have come over from yahoo Answers, a lot of questions were like that over there. And what was worse people answered them.
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• United States
31 Jan 07
Oh, that's mean. I like it! Unfortunately, anyone stupid enough to do this in the first place, probably isn't smart enough to understand what's going on when it happens.
• United States
28 Jan 07
I had just made a discussion on this myself. There is no way to give a quality responses to these. They are simply one worded answers to give. I am assuming it will take mylot a little bit of time to get these removed if that is what they are going to do. They are definately annoying.
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@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
29 Jan 07
That is great that you have reported this person to myLot as I am sure they will do something about it as soon as they have the chance. There is nothing else we can do other than to report the person and give negative ratings. I am sure there are some others out there doing the same thing. I have seen all the lame discussions created lately. Thank you for the heads up about this person.
@freesoul (3021)
• Egypt
1 Feb 07
The problem is he is not just one person, there are many here doing the same thing, some of them are being reported by many members time after time and little or nothing is done against them .. I mean mylot does delete "some" of their discussions but they keep posting the same nonsense again and again.. :(
• United States
29 Jan 07
We will all do our part and mylot will surely do their part. It sometimes takes them a little while to get to it but they seem to always get it taken care of.
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@cuhkiz (568)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
well, i bet you responded in their discussion for sure??? thats their thoughts so what can you do? Sabotage their mylot acct. their rating and everything? you can't stop a person in posting something that for you is meaningless. This is just my opinion.. only mylot can do whatever punishment they want to do with the member. As for me, i dont mind to those people who likes to discust small and similar things. The hell i care. it their thoughts and thats what they wanna share and i have nothing against with it.
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• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Let us put to them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they have just posted topics right away without even checking the somebody already posted it.Or maybe they are just new members of this site? But i guess mylot doesnt really pay that much on these topics.Even if it reaches 500 responses. Topics leading to choices are so common in these website. Each mylot member should also abide to the rules the site has imposed.
@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Yes I really do agree with you. There are some myLot members who seems not so serious putting a good discussion and made all myLot member go crazy looking for good ones. I myself rated them negatively in able to stop useless and nonsense topic.
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