why most people are afraid to admit their mistakes?

January 28, 2007 9:08am CST
and even have the ability to find another ways of diverting their faults... or has the disorder of blaming you or others instead? is it so hard to admit such faults? is it pride or ego thats better than humbleness and repentance.. i have meet most of these kind of people and guess what they are arrogant and sometimes selfish, most of them doesnt have permant partners or even always have missing piece as you can see through them...
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18 responses
@g_aileen09 (1354)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
I used to be that kind of person...until I found out that being one might mean losing people who are dear to me. I used to argue with my hubby before on petty things that gave spark to bigger fights. I always won the word war. But one day...i just woke up from a nightmare, realizing that if I don't swallow my pride sometimes, I may end up losing him one day. Now, I already learned to apologize not only to him but also to other people, if I know I am the one at fault. For one person whom i revere taught me this lesson: Accepting defeat is not a weak gesture...but rather a sign of greatness.
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
thanks for this... i am so glad your honest and have bloom into the best of you.. take care.
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• Philippines
2 Feb 07
I don't know what to say... but one thing i learned from being a member here in myLot... being true to ourselves may help us give out the best response we never thought we could give. Thank you so much. I just hope I'd be able to sustain this for the rest of my life.
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@toonatoons (3737)
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
it's human pride, i guess. sometimes, we feel that we are the best at something. so the realization that we are wrong and that somebody else is better than us is often unacceptable.
@msqtech (15074)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I think it is just political and avoiding responsibility for everything until they can claim success
• India
2 Feb 07
People are afraid of accepting their mistakes because they know they are selfish, meglomaniac and down right suffering from superiority complex. They cant face their own ego to get bruised.
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@Deane_2005 (1644)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
People are afraid to admit their mistakes because of there huge ego and pride, they thought by accepting mistakes they will be less of a person. They also think that people will judge them because they had admit their mistakes.
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• Philippines
29 Jan 07
thanks deane...
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@jinuxnet (675)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Because, one's you made a mistake critisicm will be there, and sometimes you can't accept that.
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• Philippines
29 Jan 07
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@cicci8331 (178)
• Pakistan
2 Feb 07
it is easy to make mistakes when you have lost your focus on the task on hand.it is okay to make mistakes,but you need to admit when you make them.many workers will not do that,but will,instead,cover them up or blame them on somebody else.usually,they do this for one or more of these three reasons---laziness,pride,and fear.
@anup12 (4177)
• India
2 Feb 07
It is a human psycology u know,he feels that he will be rebuked for the mistake he has done.The key here is not to repeat the mistake and apologize if that mistake has hurt somebody.
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@sweetrala (1436)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Because of PRIDE.We have this ego we want to feed that we fail to see our faults.
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• India
29 Jan 07
They are worried how people or their best friends and family will think about them. They are afraid of criticism. And how people will accept them in the community again.
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• Pakistan
29 Jan 07
It is because they are loosers. First proof they give by doing a mistake and second proof they give by not accepting their mistake. If you have done any mistake then atleast have the guts to face it and appologise it for that mistake.
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@Gwapako_28 (2140)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
Most of the time we are afraid to admit mistakes because we dont want to be blame or called bad.And even idiot in doing such things.People got pride too that we even hard for us to ask forgiveness and admit that we sometimes get mistakes un intentionally!
@raj_neo07 (151)
• India
1 Feb 07
the reason is just that they are not ready to face the world, when it looks at them with a look of accusion. when a person admits his mistakes, it sometimes creates a bad impression over him. but when people come to know abt it and also know that he has tried to hide it from them, it is even worse.
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
coz it is human instinct to defend himself
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• India
1 Feb 07
if agree mistake u r going to be afool in every one heart
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@msqtech (15074)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I admit all misteaks and I kind of admit misdeeds too but I dont like to be alone on the chopping block
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
well i guess pride has something todo with it. plus the fact that admiting once fault may lower his self esteem. this is one of the reality, almost most people find it hard to admit cause these may cause them courage and superiority.
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
there's a lot of that in this world. I have also meet a lot of them. Its their pride and ego thing that make them not accept mistake. They feel that they are perfect and they knows everything. They are afraid of failures and escape from the fact the people are not perfect at all times. We have to recognize mistake because through it we learn and become a better person.
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
basically pride. they kept on reasoning or justifying their acts but not the mistakes. also at times its a sign of immaturity in life. they must realize that to admit a mistake will notv demoralise a person but It will slowly resolve the mistake, for once admitted you can start resolving things one step at a time. ACCEPTANCE, HUMBLENESS and LOVING the person who critize you or you've hurt more will make life easier and you'll learn to appreciate everything in your surroundings people around you, the material things and most of all your relationship once PRIDE is out of picture