How do you handle sadness?

January 30, 2007 11:05pm CST
2006 was the worst year of my life. I lost my mom last sept, got problems at work and then break up with BF last xmas. =(. I entered 2007 with loneliness and tears in my eyes. My mom was the best. Even after death she made sure that she wouldn't be a burden to us. She had an insurance plan we didn't know about only until her agent had called us. I really miss her. Its not the same without her. Work, same as usual. yada yada. Low salary. Work-mates who pretend they know everything. Trying my best to adjust with people who have different cultures than mine. I broke up with my ex last xmas. I found out he is still married. Geeezee! I dunno who was the loser me or him. Have to lie to keep me. Does it have to be on xmas? Life really hits you and when it does, it hit you hard. I am trying to smile yet I feel pain. I am doing my best to forget yes it keeps on crawling back. Please tell me, how can you handle sadness like mine? How will you move on?
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5 responses
@aniushca (142)
• Romania
2 Feb 07
i know how u r feeling... i lost my father a few time ago.. then i lost my bf whom i loved with all my heart..and then i lost my best friend.. it is like i am punished ...and my life is getting worse by the day...
1 person likes this
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
Just take one day at a time seul_angel. Its okay to give yourself sometime to grief, but life has to go on. Instead of feeling all your pains, try to look for good points in yourlife.. like friends who supports you, brothers or sisters who is with you, or things that you find happiness and solitude. Just as when we thought, life is hitting on us, its actually our ways who hits life. Hey, your still alive. So dont let anyone or any event stop that lit in your life. Be strong. It will pass.
• Thailand
7 Feb 07
thank you for your kind words cyndhirella. yes i am trying to focus on different things. like my career, how to earn extra income and manage to put up a blog :). its hard, it is. but as everybody had said in this discussion i must move on. and thats what i am doing. moving on slowly.
@angel108 (570)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
Letting go of the past is very essential to move on. All of the things that you mention are the things of the past.They had happened and so just learn from them. Past is past.It is a scene in life to make you stronger.Appreciate the gift of the present.Remember that present is a gift that is why it is called "present". If you make your present wonderful now then your past and future will also be good.Surrender all your pain to God. All of this things I have learned at Brahma Kumaris(
• Thailand
6 Feb 07
thank u for that wonderful thought angel. thats what i am trying to do now.... just so hard
@opinder (420)
• India
6 Feb 07
i think 2007 seems to be a bad one for me......when i thought it would be best. my mom and dad do not approve of the guy i wish to marry and something more terrible happened yesterday......i feel terriblly upset.
• India
6 Feb 07
Even it was my worst year, has lost many things but i always tried to learn from all my mistakes and things happened to me, and still iam finding it hard to get out of those issues and slowly i am getting out of it, a new ray of hope, first i got a scholarship and going to italy now, second i joined this wonderful community, third now i am getting many job offers which i was struggling last year. So there will be good days ahead, only thing is that we need to be more stronger and should try to find new ways to make ourself happy, as everyone has to go one day and we should find ways to live on our own.