Cold weather and scoliosis - How to Cope with pain?

January 31, 2007 8:30pm CST
I have a C-curve on my lumbar area. I live in the Philippines so the temperature is pretty much warm most of the time. But in months of January and February, the weather gets chilly and it kills my back. Any suggestions on how to cope with the pain other than warm compress. It only provides temporary relief.
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11 responses
• India
5 Feb 07
hi i am also having scoliosis but there is no pain just it looks bend would it increas with my age i am 20 now
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
I think it may progress with age but it also depends on the activity you do. Be careful not to aggravate your condition by carrying heavy load. As much as possible do stretching exercises and back strengthening exercises. Consult with a doctor to know what is proper for you. :)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
i also have 27-degree levoscoliosis and yeah, it really hurt. but im undergoing therapy 2x a week. my doctors told me to roam around for 2-5 minutes coz i worked 8 hours a day in front of several computers. but so far, my therapy relieves the pain. i guess my case wasn't too bad at all.
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
im a new mom and i can't help not carrying my newborn angel. that definitely aggravates the pain.
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
oh sorry to hear that.. you can get a thermal blanket too.
@babyreyn (934)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
I know what you feel because I have the same feelings. I chill everytime it was cold. There are times I drunk hot water just to relief the coldness I felt.
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
hi there girl, i discovered my scoliosis 2 years ago.. I tried a lot of specialist to help me cure the pain. until one day, a friend of my mom introduces me to the orthopedic doctor of manila doctors and i find him so great about my scolisis. after some evaluations and physical examinations. i discovered that aside from my scoliosis, i have also an osteoporosis which scares me so much. i am only 25 years by then. but you knw what, after a long conversation and explanation, he just advise me to take foods that are very rich in calcium and have given me some exercises for my lumbar scoliosis.. he doesnt give me medicine. he give me some tips about preventive practices and not curative medicines. by god's grace, i havent experience the same pain I had before, 2 years ago. and now, i am regularly drinking milk and eating foods which are high in calcium and i will testify now that it really2 works my scoliosis.
• United States
15 Feb 07
I have a C-curve as well and degree is 37. I love to swim and my mom always take me to my swimming lessons every other day of the week. My mom was a nurse, she immediately said that she thinks i have scoliosis just looking at my back still wearing my bathingsuit. I actually didn't care about it since i was only 7 years old. Then when i turned 14, i started having back pains and difficulty breathing. Back then scoliosis isn't something everybody is aware of. My parents took me to an orthopedic hospital somewhere in Makati. The only solution they have for me is to wear a body brace. Surgery was also a solution but my dad prefered that i wear the body brace instead of doing surgery. It wasn't a problem financially my dad just didn't trust doctors in Philippines and back then they don't have enough research or a lot of doctors who does surgery for scoliosis. I was ready to go to USA for surgery but i have to have insurance in order to have it done there. I had no choice but to wear the body brace for 2 years. i only take it off when taking a shower. believe it or not i had to wear it to my sleep. i lost my self esteem. i couldn't wear clothes i want coz i had to hide the brace, can't wear body fit clothes, i don't like having conversations with guys, and my cousins named me the terminator coz i have braces on my teeth and my body, and i hated travelling and going out of the country coz security from airport won't understand why sensor is beeping everytime i walk in that metal sensor thingy... after two years they took off the body brace and from a degree of 37 it went down to degree of 12. they said they will get me a smaller brace and i had to go back after a week to fit the body brace. i didn't go back anymore. then when i was 22 yrs old, pain and difficulty breathing occured again especially when it's cold. I did my own research coz i don't want my parents to know about the pain thinking that they will make me wear a body brace again. I found out about a chiropractor from Ortigas. It was Php1,500 per visit but it was a great help. During first few session i had to go once a week for 2 months then eventually as i got better, i go every once a month every month then once every 3 months. The pain will always be there but it wasn't as bad when i wasn't visiting my chiro. he also gives advice on how to prevent pain from your sleeping habbits, standing, walking, etc... I suggest you try it. It is expensive but it is for you. Sorry for sharing such a long story. i am very concerned with people like you and me who are suffering with scoliosis coz we're the only ones who understands our pain. scoliosis is a common disease that not everyone is aware of like the awareness they have for cancer or HIV or other diseases. some people don't even know that they have scoliosis. i suggest you try and maybe it will help you also as it helped me and my sister.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
1 Feb 07
hi there, when your indoors try to wrap up warm with mybe a few tee shirts and a dressing gown and put the heaters on and when you actually go outside, wear a few layers of clothing to keep you warm, this should help in a way! :O)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
I don't know what are the treatment in scoliosis. But I had a friend who had it and her doctor recommends to keep a straight back (when sitting, walking and eating) even if it hurts (she always tell me that it's painful as hell.. ). But now she have somehow a straight backbone. Though the doctor recommends her a monthly massage therapy and regular exercise. Like what you said coldness somehow give her some pain in the back that's why she always bring a half sleeve sweather.
@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Have you ever tried to soak in hot water? I really dont know. Maybe try to rotate your warm compress for about 10 minutes to cold compress for 10 minutes. Get a massage. I hope you feel better.
@zannette (17)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
I'm from the Philippines too and I mine is 23 degrees scoliosis. Actually I don't suffer from pain whenever it's cold. But at least I wanted to share with you how to ease the pain whenever it attacks. I actually put a pillow at my back in reverse position of the arch of my scoliosis. Then I make it appoint that I do my stretching and simple exercise everyday. There are times that I sleep without pillow so I can lay down flat on my bed.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
13 Feb 07
bundle up and layer your clothing, that's what I always have done