Is it Okay to Call Your Parents by their First Names? Isn't it Disrespectful?

February 2, 2007 11:36am CST
there are people, old and young alike who call their parents by their first names instead of calling them daddy, mommy, mom, pop, mama or papa. I find this very unrespectful to do. I call my parents dad and mom. i don't call them by their first names, for to do so is like i don't look up to them. My parents are the persons who raised me into this world. If i call my teachers- "professors", then why can't i call my parents, the proper designation these honorable man and woman of my life deserves. Anyone who calls his parents by their first names? What's your justification for doing it? As for others, do you think it is okay to call your parents by their first names?
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164 responses
2 Feb 07
I have no problem at all with my children calling me by my first name. They both do call me mum most of the time, but when they find it hard to get my attention they call me by my first name and I always turn round. I don't mind as I should be taking notice of them anyway. Also they both think its a bit naughty to do that, so if I showed it bothered me then they would probably just do it more.
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• Philippines
2 Feb 07
thank you for sharing that michelle. as long as you are not bothered by the idea that your kids call you by your first name, and that you still feel the respect they have for you, i think there shouldn't be any problem with that.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
2 Feb 07
micheleedarcy - I understand that. I know I've tuned some things out from my kids and if they would have said my given name, they would surely have gotten my attention!
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• China
3 Feb 07
ok but i call my parents like dad mother ,no first names they may feel bad
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@nicolec (2671)
• United States
2 Feb 07
My sister in law calls her parent by their first names. I, like you, always thought it was disrespectful. I asked her about it. She told me that she grew up with a large extended family (many many cousins). As an only child, these cousins were her main group of friends and would often be together for play time. She explained that if she said 'mom' about 10 different heads would turn. So she got in the habit of calling her parents by their first names. I can understand this. I too have found myself yelling mom in a crowded store and not getting the response. At that point I call her by her first name. I get her attention everytime. But in general, she's always mom to me.
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
thanks for the reply nicolec. that act of calling your mom by her name in a crowded store in order to get her attention is pretty much justified.
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• United States
2 Feb 07
I call my father, dad. I never call him by his first name. He raised me and deserves to be called Dad...I think of it as an honor. Now, my mother on the other hand, I call her by her first name. I have no use for her. She was a horrible mother, destroyed our family and even helped in my and my sisters rape. She does NOT deserve to be called Mom or mother, for she isn't one. I am a very respective person, but if you don't deserve it, then I won't give it.
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
That is so sad to hear. how can a mother do that to her chidren? By your story, i can't blame you if you call your mother by her name. You have your own strong reasons for doing so. anyway, thank you so much for responding to this post.
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• United States
2 Feb 07
Well, I think you have a really good discussion post. For the most part yes I feel that one should respect their parents and by calling them by name your not. However, I just wanted to point out that there are some extenuating circumstances.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
2 Feb 07
i am of the old school i am afraid..i would find that disrespectful..idon'tknow is the way i was brought upi guess.
• Philippines
4 Feb 07
beyonce knowles - beyonce knowles in white dress
same with me yanjiaren. Am not taught this way. But i respect if other cultures call their parents by their first names.
• United States
2 Feb 07
I think that it has something to do with culture and what people got used to. I still believe that "Action speaks louder than words" so the important aspect is the show of respect. I am not a Native American but I live here. I was born in the Philippines. Even before I got here, I know that a lot of kids call their parents by their first names (as can be seen in the movies) and I can see that even then, there is a show of respect. In the Philippines, we can't even do that! So whatever is comfortable with the parents, they can instill that to their kids as part of their training, and there is no problem. Nice question!
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• Philippines
2 Feb 07
am from the Philippines too ag_abscruzmd. And in the Philippine culture we do not call our parents by their names. thank you for responding.
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• Philippines
3 Feb 07
sure, i got what you mean. glad to meet another filipino here in mylot.thank you for responding.
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• United States
2 Feb 07
Oh, I hope you understood what I meant. I am in the US right now and I knew that the kids here could call their parents by their first names. I meant that in the Philippines (where I grew up in), I couldn't even be allowed to call my parents by their first names (I actually call mine momma and papa) until now. Hope you got what I meant. It is cultural perhaps, as I said. I am still 100% Filipino in every way.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Absolutely not ok. Very disrespectful. My sisters and I on rare occassions will call our Mom by her first name as a "joke" because we know she did not bring us up that way. She gives us the "Mom Look" and we aplogize really fast.
@weemam (13372)
2 Feb 07
I could never do that and I don't think my parents would like it either but as they say " to each their own " xx
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• Philippines
2 Feb 07
thanks weemam. yes you are right "to each his own".
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Hi! I don't call my parents by their first names unless I'm introducing them to someone. I've always been taught that it's disrespectful. My little daughter will hear my parents call me by name when we are visiting, so my little daughter will call me by my name instead of mommy. LOL It's cute now, but it probably won't be cute when she gets older. LOL
@greengal (4286)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I agree with you, I think it is disrespectful to call parents by their first names. I call mine Dad and Mama. In India we don't call even strangers by their names, we refer to them with respect..either sir/madam I felt odd when I came to the US and here everybody refers everybody by their first!
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• Indonesia
2 Feb 07
Never cross in my mind to call my parents by their first names. I'm just not use to it and wouldn't want to get use to it, either. In our culture, calling parents with their first name, is considered very disrespectful. Or calling a person older than us, by their name only (with no title like: ms, mrs, miss, or mr) is also consider rude.
• Philippines
4 Feb 07
thank you for that response pooksywooksy. Where are you from?
@aquarian9 (548)
• Canada
4 Feb 07
The way I was taught is 'you best to not'. I mean, I've heard kids do that and I think wow, what is up with that. Just the way I was brought up.
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• India
2 Feb 07
yes i agree with u but this is not teh case in my contry like india
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@mimatexas (1818)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I call my parents mom or dad. To me it is unrespectful to call them by their first names. I wasn't raised that way.
• Italy
4 Feb 07
It depends from the relationship you have with them.You may think that is disrespectful 'couse you have different habits , culture and education from the ones that do that. Sometimes it's just different way of think!
@rusty2rusty (6751)
• Defiance, Ohio
4 Feb 07
I don't like it when my kids call me by my first name. I will not answer them if they call me anything besides mom or mommy. They know this and respect my wishes. I have never called my mother but her first name. I do call my step-mother by her first name. I do because I already have a mom and noone can take the place of her.
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• United States
2 Feb 07
When i was young and growing up I never called my parents by their first name and was taught that it was disrespectful so I will never do it. And when I have kids I will teach them the same thing that it is disrespectful to call your parents by their first name. It is a sign of respect and a sort of chain of command type deal.
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
3 Feb 07
Great discussion gave you a + rating. When I was growing up (I'm 40 now) we had to call our friends parents Mr and Mrs. We wouldn't have even thought otherwise. I don't know when, where and why it changed but yes today they call everyone by their first name. As you say even parents are being called by their first name instead of Mom and Dad. That would really bother me if my kids called me by my first name. I'm a Mom and I earned that name and the respect that comes with it.
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• United States
3 Feb 07
I think it is very direspectful to call your parents by their first names. I always call my parents Mom and Dad. I have a niece who calls me by my first name without putting "Aunt" in from of it, and that has always urked me. But I don't really blame her, that is the way my sister raised her. She never had any respect for adults and that is very sad. My sister always complains that her daughter has no respect for her, yet it is her own fault for not teaching her since she was young to respect adults.
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• India
3 Feb 07
well calling your parents by there first name is a nondisciplinary act .calling them by there name tells us that he doesn't have any respect for them.well for a person like me it is very bad & i wont do a thing like this
• Italy
2 Feb 07
You know when people love each other, they tend to show signs of their love. So... there's some people who hugs,others who kiss... and so on. Calling your parents by their names has to be intented not as an absence of respect, it could be seen as absence of distance, because there's intimacy, familiarity. There's love. Different people love in different ways.