which song of sarah is your favorite?

@labesi (22)
February 10, 2007 10:44pm CST
i like angel. it's soothing but sad. It's so peaceful. what's your favorite sarah song?
16 responses
@LadyLeene (584)
• United States
20 Feb 07
My absolute favorite Sarah McLachlan song is 'Full of Grace'.
1 person likes this
@joshua_w (501)
• Malaysia
10 May 07
Ah, Full of Grace. Always did like the song and the opening line: "Winter is cold. And bitter. It chill us to the bone. Haven't seen the sun for weeks. Too long too far from home..." Such cold and distant words for such a warm, beautiful song. The sparse musical instrument only serve to complement the mood of the song. Listening to it alone at night could only makes me think of people from my past...
@ninetails (154)
• Philippines
13 Feb 07
I have a lot of favorite songs from Sarah Mclachlan, I like "Sweet Surrender", "Adia", "Vox", and "Possession". Her voice has such an ethereal atmosphere to it and it makes me calm just hearing her. That's why I LOOOOOOVE her sooooo much ;)
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
17 Dec 07
I love the song Angel. Yes. It is peaceful and gives you an introspective mood. :)
@jeiyah_12 (1041)
• Philippines
14 Jun 08
Me too. I also like her Angel. For me It's for therapy, it is really soothing and I love the lyrics... Oh God! there's something really in the lyrics that makes it mark to anyone who hear it. It is really heartwarming and like what you said peaceful.
• Philippines
13 Mar 09
I have two all time favorites by sarah maclachlan. I love "Do What You Have To Do" and "Answer." They spell out what I feel; they just have the right words and melody.
@hxqyj110 (108)
• China
25 Nov 08
Angel is my love.Her voice is beautiful and i like her very much.Her songs make me calm and usually touch my heart.
• Australia
20 Feb 07
I'd probably have to pick, "Adia". Although a lot of the others songs from the album Surfacing really also stand out for me like "Angel", "Do What You Have To Do", "I Love You", and well you get the idea. Hah. This was just such a definitive album during my early years.
• Philippines
1 Mar 07
good enough is a good song. ice cream, sweet surrender, fallen. acutally, all her songs are a fave. she is indeed one of the best talents in the music industry.
• United States
21 Mar 07
I really like "Ice Cream," "Posession," and "I Will Not Forget You."
@mirabe (10)
• Chile
1 Aug 07
Full of Grace and Do What You Have to Do, are beautiful songs with wonder lyrics and melody. Sarah's voice carries me to a quiet and peaceful place.
@mirabe (10)
• Chile
1 Aug 07
Full of Grace and Do What You Have to Do, are beautiful songs with wonder lyrics and melody. Sarah's voice carries me to quiet and peaceful place.
@mymavy (6)
• Philippines
10 Jul 07
i love her song "angel". i can listen and sing that song for hours, lol! i also like adia, i will remember you, and fallen.
@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
17 Dec 07
I like angel and sweet surrender, i will remember you is a good song to.
19 Jul 07
I agree with you Angel is so peaceful i like it very much ,I also love Adia, Do what you have to do,I will remember you and building a mystery
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
"Elsewhere" from the album Fumbling Towards Ecstasy. Whenever I listen to that song, I always feel like I'm floating on air. Other favorites include: "Possession", "Fear" and "Plenty".
@AmbiePam (86259)
• United States
11 Feb 07
Sarah McLachlan is no doubt a true talent. You have good taste in music. I do love her song, "Angel" so much. But I also love "Sweet Surrender", "Posssession, and "Building a Mystery." My favorite is no doubt "I will Remember You." From the soaps, to Third Watch, that song just had a purpose. And a little sidenote for those who aren't familiar with more than her big release hits, try catching "Ice Cream", a song from Bed of Roses, a movie starring Mary Stuart Masterson and Christian Slater.