I am falling in love with a person...whom i don't know

@archiee (322)
February 10, 2007 11:27pm CST
yes i think i have feelings for a person whom i don't really not known much....i have been taking chances to fall in love but always lost hopes. again i am taking chances to get into the valley without a rope...taking a hope to carry on and with a faith that i will not let me break so easily after the relation would break
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19 responses
• India
11 Feb 07
it is alswys better to do smthing to get your love instead of sitting idle and thinking about that if your love is true you are definately going to get it.so go ahead my friend
@archiee (322)
• India
14 Feb 07
thanks buddy
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@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
just keep on holding into that rope but do not forget to sling it around your waist so when you slip , the fall won't be that hard.hope to love but not to expect of what is to become, feel and just enjoy the moment because you might not feel that way again bu if you have been hurt remmeber to love again as if you have never been hurt before.
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• India
12 Feb 07
i dont think tat this is love ....it has to b infatuation possibly or just attraction...how can some1 love anybody without knowin him/her..
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@Rittings (673)
11 Feb 07
I fell in love with a girl who lived 7000 miles away and we had only chatted on the phone and the internet. It was pretty spectacular, so I believe that anything can happen in this life. When we first met at the airport in Jakarta, I was sooo happy that I cried (she was already crying coz on phone to my mum in the UK waiting for me to arrive also! haha). So I am a total believer in love this way. Go for it is what I say. You only live once in this body, so make the very most of it. Love and light.
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• India
11 Feb 07
it would be better if you understand the person his background etc before you can actually fall in love. you cant judge a book by its cover. so better be sure before you jump into seriously so that you dont have repent after it broke off....best of luck ...
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@naadia (828)
• India
11 Feb 07
i dont recommend it.since it may hurt you when something turn out wrong.so prepare for some worst scenario.dont love her blindley.i am only at 18 and i dont know much about this love but i am giving from my own experience.why dont you try the person you know well!it may be safer!
@mjgarcia (725)
• United States
11 Feb 07
Take your time. You never really know a person until you've spent a great deal of time with them. At first everyone puts on their best behavior. Its easy to fall in love with an image, but over time that image will disolve to reveal the real person. When you find the right one - the real person will be better than the image.
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@babyjane (1390)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
That's strange but it's not impossible. Love struck when you haven't expected.
@kirenz (374)
• Canada
11 Feb 07
Love just happens and you never know how or when it happens. but does that other person loves you too. there is very old sayin. "go for the person who love syou not for the person who you love" and if you love the person who loves you is a great thing. and if that person loves you too than dun think about it. go for it . and lots of best wishes from us. :)
@kirenz (374)
• Canada
11 Feb 07
exactly, thats wat i was trying to say. we should always go for the one who loves us. cuz we cant make anyone love us.
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@soorimd (300)
• India
11 Feb 07
yea most people in their adolescent years imagine falling in love with unknown person and start dreaming and building castles.to a certain extent this is a healthy trend after all you live in your feelings rather than in reality
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• India
17 Feb 07
love is reson of life and it happens nobody fall in luve u never know when u fall in love with some one you know that whom u love most he hurt u most so dont be afaired of breack ups
• India
12 Feb 07
how can u fall in love without knowning someone.......may this is only ur imagination............plz dont be so emotional...its ur life .be carefull
• United States
11 Feb 07
I think love is all about taking chances. It's what happens as we get to know someone else and we discover that everything about them makes us feel crazy. If we always guard ourselves against getting hurt, we will approach everything too carefully and with the expectation of feeling pain. Enjoy these moments while you have them, no expectations, no thoughts about where it will go or when you'll get there. Just experience it and enjoy.
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@p0yz0n3 (11)
• India
14 Feb 07
well... i juz love u soooo much archie .. n i dont think u r in a valley widout a rope !! m ur rope .. !! n wil be thea for u 4ever !! everytime ... anyhow !! m with u !! n i love u ... juzt love u like anything archie !! u r d best anyone can dream of ! i love u .. n i really cant live widout u !! i mean it ..
@neon2000 (2756)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
Try to associate with some of your friends and have a healthy outgoing life. You will soon forget what you feel. But if you are eager to pursue the girl even if you don't know her, it's up to you. After all, its your feelings that count not others.
@Mazna123 (65)
• India
11 Feb 07
well takin risk in life.... is wht real life is all abt.... until n unless u dnt take chances how will u knw the consequences.... so take the chance,,, becos if u dnt u will never kw wht wud happen n may b u might regret tht whn u had a chance y didnt u take it.... love happens,relationships are made and broken but u cnt do anythg abt it... wht u cn do is...try ur luck once agn... becos until u dnt go thru failures in life u wont knw the joy of sucess.... right... wht say....
@vivien_9 (229)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
HOw do you say you don't know a person?
@yana0806 (565)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
Can that be possible? How can you fall in love with a person whom you don't know? Atleast you must know him a little bit!
• India
11 Feb 07
i think it's not love it's a infatuation.---just cool ur mind n do what ur heart says bust of luck-------------