Normal birth or caesarean?

February 11, 2007 11:15pm CST
I would say I prefer normal birth. Oh yea its pain alright but u heal faster and the pain is only during labour.Caesarean..well tat takes weeks to heal and the scar.I have the morning after where u hv to get up and the pain..oh my god! cant explain it..just the PAIN lol .I have 4 kids..only the youngest is by caesarean cos I have to not by choice.So I've experience both and still think normal birth is better...painful but better lol
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4 responses
@Melusine (25)
• Israel
12 Feb 07
Hello za_applez, If the pain is what you are afraid of, I would warmly recommend epidural against C-section. With an epidural, the pain is about as hard as that of small bruised being gently pressed. Yet, it enables you to be fully conscious and in control of the situation. For my second born, I slept through all labour and woke up, fresh and rested, about one hour before having to push to help him out. My last child, due to a medical condition, had to be removed early by C-section. Thoug also done under epidural rather than total anaesthesis, I was feeling helpless as the doctors were n complete control and the only thing I could do was waiting for it to be over. And, instead of a disconfort for a few day on my private parts, I suffered for weeks in my abdominal area and it was a nightmare to get my figure back. Believe me, if you have the choice, go for natural birth with epidural. It's a blessing. And, congratulations!
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@mikncas (73)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Caesarean all the way my first was emergency c-section and yes it was a little tender for the first couple days but bearable. my second I was given the choice and everyone said go natural it is easier and you have a stronger bond. welllet me tell you it was NOT easier it was awfull (sorry ladies) she was 8lbs 2oz and I couldn't push her out I pushed so hard I caused over 100 hemeroids worse case that the specialist of 40yrs. had ever seen they had to get a vaccum to put on the babies head to help pull her out. I suffered for over 3 months I couldn't do anything for my baby is all I could do is soak in a tub the only bonding was between the baby and daddy...
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@andak2007 (3229)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
My first baby was on normal birth, yeah it was painful. Now i am about to give birth to my second baby, actually im due by the end of this month and i am always praying for a normal birth because i cannot afford the caesarean operation and i hate to have that scar. So please pray with me to have a normal birth.
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@anij34 (317)
• United States
14 Feb 07
I had a C/S and actually was really happy with it. I went back to work full time with NO restrictions after only TWO WEEKS!! I still hurt a little as my stomach muscle healed and was strengthened but I am glad I had the c/ I was NOT able to even dilate to give birth and I was two weeks overdue. Next time we are just going right for a c/s.