did u find a true friend?

@sareee (22)
February 14, 2007 11:51am CST
Hiiiii frens.Did u ever come across a true frend?Can u share ur experiences?
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8 responses
• Canada
15 Feb 07
I thought I had a true friend for the past four years...then she turned on me when we moved in together last february, and we had a huge fight, both of us moved out on bad terms. She basically became very jealous all of a sudden of my boyfriend, and me making friends with some of my co workers...then started to be very rude to me and my friends/boyfriend, till it became totally unbareable and she started to threaten me. I now have my own place, and have not heard from her in months. I dont think we will ever be friends again. A lot of true friends i had, abandoned me for boyfrineds..they would get a boyfriend and suddenly just forget about me. So I think to me, my one true friend is my mom...she's family, she's always there for me, and we hang out and can talk about anything. i know she's trust worthy and we've been friends for years through everything.
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@210286 (86)
• India
14 Feb 07
I think i don't know the exact meaning of true frnds,as to whom so ever i think as my true frnd ha/she some n how betray me.may be im so bad that no one can be my frnd.but still i feel my one frnd is my true one as she listen me and help me still now also.
• India
14 Feb 07
may be this is because till yet ,you haven't find a friend like me:) just kidding. yeah sometimes we find that people have betrayed our trust. sometimes they hurt us. but dont think that you are bad (may be there are some mistakes from your side, you know better) but as i think if people betray your trust then you are not bad but they are stupids who could not understand how precious is to have one's trust.
• India
7 Mar 07
no i m still waiting for ....
@geeta151 (312)
• India
15 Feb 07
yes i do have a best friend she lives in india and is my pal since highschool.she is a rael fairy beautiful inside out.she's been with me when i had difficult time handling my parents when i was in love with my present hubby.
• India
15 Feb 07
hi there every one... well a true friend ... with whom we can share our experiences ..... this depends on how much u are expecting back from ur friends because if u expect too much from any of ur friend or loved ones i mean u just blindly trust any one and expect too much from tat person or ur friend you will get hurt so wat i say is share ur problems and experiences with friends but don't expect too much from them nots because they will not help you ... being your frined they will def try but don't you think they have a life too and if because of something u ask them if they land in trouble u will not feel right so just keep givin and sharing and don't wait for returns....... Remember.... A True Friend is one who asks Wat is Wrong with you ? and not .. Is there any thing wrong with you ?
@imajons (31)
• India
10 Mar 07
hi sareee, i got a true friend, his name is manmadh. he is my schoolmate. he is the best because we both share same character, he is like my mirror image.... i feel blessed!
@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
14 Feb 07
I've had few ppl in my life that I believe were TRUE friends but one person who I haven't seen or heard from in over 15 years comes to my mind & then I heard that he got killed but it wasn't confirmed. I love him in the way that you can only love a BFF so much that I named my son after him (they have the same initials). I also believe he loved me for what I was-that is a TRUE friend. +'s 4 U :)
• India
14 Feb 07
i have a lot of friends. and i think many of them are really true friends. well, i have never examined them and i think that its not good too, but i feel that if someday i'll need them they will be there. i think this faith, this trust is very necessory. thats why i trust them and i am sure they all have a great trust in me too.