Do you have an aquarium?

@Asafbs (154)
February 16, 2007 2:56am CST
If so, how many fish and which type of fish do you have in it? I have an aquarium with 1 cleaner fish and a red-eared turtle. They live togther in such a harmony! What about you?
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5 responses
18 Feb 07
Yep I have an aquarium Its about 4 feet long! I have 3 gold fish in there! They love it as they have plenty of room to move about. I have a large round fish bowl too! But thats only used if the tank needs cleaning Lynn-Marie
@Hwuechi (22)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I used to have a custom made tank. Its very nice and I do keep all my fish healthy. If you all need any question on how to make a custom tank I'll be happy to help.
• United States
16 Feb 07
right now i only have a little 2 gallon tank with a betta in it. im hoping soon, to get a larger tank though. i really miss having all the fish to sit and stare at! lol
@MyAd0425 (45)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Oh i missed my aquarium! i was keeping an red blood oscar fish, parrot fish, gold fishes,
• India
16 Feb 07
well i have a big aquarium where i have 6 golden fishes,three angels (two black and one silver white angel fish) then i have a tank cleaner....and did i mention also have two part is they all are livin together.I still remember wen i bought angel fishes the shopkeeper sd it wont go with shark and golden fish bt then now all are livin happily.........:)