beside mylot whats you do mostly in net

@catch_me (930)
February 16, 2007 1:11pm CST
i know mostly all users will reply tht they got busy in mylotting for earnings stuff..but beside mylots whts u do in net... i just prefer to have a chat wid friends, mails, n some stock mkt activities..wht abt u
5 responses
• United States
16 Feb 07
i write articles for three different websites..make money posting in another up my other myspace page so i can sell it on for cash..stuff like that.
@catch_me (930)
• India
16 Feb 07
iam also interested for the same things to make money online...which sites xactly pays thats much confusions....
• United States
16 Feb 07
i usually check mails,chat with friends and read online news.sometimes i watch some movie or tv shows on net.
@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Email and myspace, and I also work as a texting op and chacha guide, plus Im just getting into the blogging world. ..Im never bored, lol
@cap_leo18 (357)
• India
16 Feb 07
i like to surf through a lot if torrent site to find some useful programs and filims ,i like to collect a lot resourse from the ne ,but using of that is too less compaired to the collection of such resourses
@f3rcho (258)
• Argentina
16 Feb 07
I like to read some blogs, after checking my mail, and if none of my friends are online... Also, I read the news and download music. I do researches and paperworks for school too.