what is the best way to maintain a long distance relationship?

February 19, 2007 10:25pm CST
My girl-friend and I trusted each other. We been maintaning our relationship for more than 3yrs and now were far from each other for my future reason for her. what is the best way to maintain our treasured love for each other now that were far apart?
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29 responses
@fujin1985 (684)
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
I am in a long distance relationship too. We're nearly 4 years now, and we've not seen each other for 3 years already. I guess it's the constant communication that's making our relationship going, plus the trust, which i know is visble with the two of you too. Additionally, you've got to have a lot of patience. Really, a lot.
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• United States
20 Feb 07
well long distance relationships are very hard! however im a firm believer that with alot of faith trust and optimism they can work out just fine! as the person above suggested, stay in contact over phone net ect.. if possible see each other in person once in a while. and like said faith trust and optimism :) best of luck to you!
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@cheenlly (3477)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
long distance is really difficult and i know what your going through my dear cousin. so the best way is to just keep in touch to her no matter how hard and difficult it is. even if your both far away just maintain the warmth of your love through phone by calling her or texting her. trust should be the great foundation on a long lasting relationship. so you have to take care of that. have the faith that all thing will be fine soon and you will be near together soon.
@harxian (671)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
long distance relationship is really hard to maintain but you can worked it out booth if you have the factors like faith,trust and communication to one other with that you can survive in your relationship,it is also hard to have a relationship with out a presents,so though you are physical present at least you are mentally and spiritually present to her by communicating her and not to loose contact to her like chat or e-mails.and if its Gods well that you will end up together then it will be done.good luck on your relationship and God bless you booth^^
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@yana0806 (565)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
Just don't break you communication! Always call her, or text her, or you may use the internet to chat!
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@Meg109 (95)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Long distance relationships are difficult, but possible with hard work. Call her, chat over the net, be sure not to lose contact. How far away has she moved? If it isn't to long of a drive, try to meet up with her every now and then. Goodluck. :)
@toonatoons (3737)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
thanks to technology, we now live in a borderless, smaller world. constant communication is essential, which thanks to emails, cellphones and other forms of communications media, is possible to be done everyday. using a webcam to chat or talk to each other would help, too.
@sahira (1071)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
In order that your relationship be maintained,just always keep in touch with her,by calling her through phone,and using internet..there are so many ways in keeping in touch with her.And the TRUST is important.think positive for her while she is far away and assure her that you are sincere and will not look for another just because of her absence.
@coolcager (496)
• Costa Rica
22 Feb 07
do chat and emails everyday. and always trust each other no matter what. and dont cheat on him/her .
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• Nepal
22 Feb 07
i think trust is da most essential thing dat keeps da relationship for long time...so u should hab trust in each other
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• Philippines
22 Feb 07
Although maintaining a long distance relationship is hard, I still believe that if you both really love each other, you can make the relationship work. What you need would be constant communication, honesty, trust and fidelity to make a long distance relationship work. If you and your girlfriend really want to make things work, you both have to work hard for it. Good luck and I hope this advice helps you. (",)
• India
22 Feb 07
the best way to maintain long distance relationships is to make compromises.You have to sacrifice everything that comes in the way of you and your partner.
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• Philippines
22 Feb 07
uhmm i think it's not a big deal nowadays especially with the modern gadgets we can still communicate to our loved ones through mobile phone or through net.. communication's really important so you have to atleast talk to her every other day or everyday. :) welcome to myl0t hope you'll enjoy your stay here..
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@sunny1984 (639)
• India
22 Feb 07
You shoud keep talking on telephone daily.And show that u both love with each other.
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@allwin (297)
• India
21 Feb 07
try some flavourin way to maintain the relation. try writing to each other sendin cards or crazy toons that you draw by yourself... jus express your love man!!
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• Philippines
21 Feb 07
well it is hars to maintain a long distance love affair, but if the both parties are dedicated and they love each other, long distance relationship can be a beautiful one.
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• Philippines
21 Feb 07
Communication is the best way to maintain long distance relationship. Without it, your relationship,is nothing. Even chatting,sending her mails and calling her through phone,is better than never.
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@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
I would like to congratulate you for having survived that long in your long distant realtionship. I would say constant communication and very strong resistance to temptations. Having that kind of arrangement is a very difficult to maintain should I say. First temptation lurks around and would woo you to commit once in a while resisting that could strengthen your love for each other more. Constant communication is a real help especially when the T word comes in. I would also suggest that if it is possible to go home and have a grand date so to replaced those times you were absent that would greatly help strengthen your bond with each other.
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• India
21 Feb 07
they best way to maintain a long term relationship is to be in contact and have faith. you should atleat make sure that you are spending atleast few minutes everyday on the person who is far
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• India
20 Feb 07
i think the best way would be keep mailing and chatting with her.. and by sending her loas of gifts and expressing your love through the gifts.. would make her feel a lot better..
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