Who's lucky - brad or jolie?

@dipima (172)
February 19, 2007 11:43pm CST
Do you think Brad is the luckiest guy on the planet to have Jolie by his side? Or it's the other way round?
4 responses
• Philippines
11 Mar 08
interesting discussion you got here. my wife thinks jolie is so lucky to have pitt and i think the other way! hahaha! LOL. they're both wonderful people. i guess the answer to this question depends upon who you are a fan of.
@yuanchang (474)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
i think jolie is more luckier. because brad is a very handsome man that everybody is pining for. he's been around longer than jolie. i do not know anything else but i just feel that jolie is more luckier than brad in having each other.
@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
I think its vise versa. Brad had Jen and no kids and always doing movies and projects. Now all you see of him is babysitting those kids which is sweet and all but I think he is get used in a way as well.
@em1040 (159)
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
for me its brad pitt whose lucky to have angelina. even though angelina had an attitude problem before, she now works for the u.n, have so many charities, adopted beautiful and healthy children. and look at that killer lips and curvy body.