Are you a follower .... or Leader ...

@braided (698)
February 20, 2007 11:35am CST
In North America ... we pride ourselves on Diversity and Independence ... Do you do what you want with the rules of respect for one another of course ... or follow status quo ... ? Do you need to fit in or Are you willing to live on the edge so to speak? If your pastor/priest says Dont do this? Do you research it for yourself and ask your God what is right? or do you just follow the advice? ... When your doctor says do this ? Do you research it and find out what is best for you or just do what he says? If the kids in your class all get a piercing in their bellybutton .... do you follow to fit in or just do what you want? Just wondering ....
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12 responses
• Canada
21 Feb 07
I would have to say i am in the middle i tend nto to follow and other seem to wait to see what i gonna do before they give an opinion. I make my own path in life with respect to others. I am not a person who belives in religion although i belive in some higher power that is responsible for something. As for being told to do or not to do soemthing i make my own choice no matter what others may think too many lemmings these days.
@braided (698)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
good way to go ... but can be a tough way to go too ... battling up stream can be hard ... i know i have done it several times .. but I have
@braided (698)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
thats kool ... i also dont believe in religion but a higher power is a definite alright in my books .. i just use the word god because most understand that .... but yea making your own decision is always to me the best way but hey not here to judge anyone just voice opinion and hopefully others will too ... thanks for your response .. have a good day ..
1 person likes this
• Canada
23 Feb 07
I is tough to make your own choice sometimes becasue most peopel are worried about not fitting in or making an unpopular choice and haveing to live with it. I prefer to make my choices adn deal with what comes from them.
• United States
21 Feb 07
My mother always told me that a person is judged by the crowd he hangs around with. That is very true. In high school I knew alot of people but hung around with very few. I didnt and still dont care what other people are doing. I do what I know is right for me. I have to look at myself in the mirror everyday and know that I am a good person. I dont want to go along with what others are doing just to fit in, it has to be right for me.
@braided (698)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
Exactly what is right for you ... i like that ... thanks for your comment ...peace
• Nigeria
21 Feb 07
Definitely not a follower. Mostly a loner, since I can remember people have always came to me for opinion or advice which is funny to me, I'm just trying to make my own way
@braided (698)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
Hi we are all trying to find our own way and the fact that people come to you for advice says that they respect you and want to be like you ... thats a compliment to you as a person and you must be on your way to finding or maybe you already found your way ... thanks for the response .. peace .
@ygkchaitu (387)
• India
21 Feb 07
I mostly a leader and few times a follower. I inspire most others to achieve something and be a winner in life. People do accept what i preach and follow me. Not exactly preaching but i motivate them and make them work for the oaths they have taken up. As a follower, i follow the principles of life given by great people of all time.
@braided (698)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
interesting .... thanks for your response ...sounds like you got your sh**t together ... smilin
@billNted (39)
• United States
21 Feb 07
The only time I am trying to follow or fit in is when I am driving on the road, to keep from getting pulled over by P.I.G.S. I do not attend church anymore but am still a spiritual person. Do not agree with all of the hipocracy in religion. I am currently growing out some natty dread-locks for the cause, and do not know too many white boys in Georgia going that route. However, if my doctor gave me advice I would probably take it because he has been my doctor for so long and I trust him.
@braided (698)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
Hi ... yeap i hear that ... i too take care on the road for that reason .... and i as a white woman have braids so not to many have that either ... i think of myself as a trend setter ... have been for a long time ... so lots of people ask me where i get that or where do you get your hair done ... they want to copy ... i hate that ... i like my indivuality and i want to keep it ... i guess its a compliment but ... if they all do it i will have to change it ... but when i like something then i keep it til i find something else to try ... smilin
@jkpaid (99)
• Uganda
21 Feb 07
i do the opposite of wat i am told sametime that is wat keeps me goin
@braided (698)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
mmmm a rebel ... a man of my own heart ... smilin
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
20 Feb 07
i dont like to think of myself as either a leader or a follower, id rather do my own thing, its up to others to decide what they want to do
@braided (698)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
true that ... thanks for your input ..
• United States
20 Feb 07
If you took a poll most people would say they're leaders, but the majority of humans are followers, by nature. I'm neither, just someone who's always been on the outside because I make my own decisions regardless of other people's opinions. I had no friend in school because I didn't follow the fads, and I've had very few in my life because I value intelligence and honesty more than the qualities most people admire.
@braided (698)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
i hear that ... i had many aquaintence but very few friends ... i knew how to flit from one group to another but i never stayed long enough to get involved just long enough to hang for a bit and see what people were into .. i like to do things on my own terms ...if a group is going out ...i tell them i'll meet them there if i dont want to go ..i dont have to ..if i want to leave early ..i do ... and it goes that way all the way across the board ... some may say i'm selfish ... but its because i just dont like what others want to do all the time and i'm not comfortable in the situations so ..i have to leave ...smilin..
• United States
21 Feb 07
I am a follower if my friends have something or doing something that's legal I will probally end up doing it or buying that product or wearing that clothing brand or using charmin toilet paper there is so many things that I copy off my friends. It's almost like monkey see monkey do, well... ok it is monkey see monkey do, I know it's pretty bad but I just don't want to stand out or looking rediculous in front of people, well... I don't wanna stand out anymore I always stand out becuase I'm so dumb. That's why I like being a follower.
@braided (698)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
Dont beat yourself up ... you are probably young and most younger people dont want to stand out they want to belong and fit in ... so you are completely in the norm ... you could very well grow out of that when you realize the group isnt always right and when you find out what you really like ...right now its a time of discovering .... what and who you are ... what and who you like ..... so copying is the starting point ... its all good ... do what makes ya happy and just learn and watch and grow ...smilin
@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I am really not a Follower, OR a Leader. I'm not sure how I'd really describe myself... I'm sortof off in "left field" somewhere, deciding which way to go. Sometimes I discover that those choices are REALLY different from how the rest of the world thinks. At other times, it turns out that my taste is "just like everyone else's." I really have no.... "emotional attachment"... to EITHER following what's popular, nor to "being different." I guess what I'm "attached" to, is finding my own path to peace and contentment. I feel equally happy when that path is shared with someone, or when I am walking alone.
@braided (698)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
I hear that ... isnt that what we should ..i hate to use the word should but yeah ... finding our own path to enlightment or peace or whatever ... emphazis on our own ... and maybe someone will share that as well ... if not ok then ..its all good ... smilin .... thanks as alway for the comments ...
• United States
20 Feb 07
I can't stand people who follow others blindly. I mean some people will be followers but when I see someone heading for a cliff edge because they won't see things for themselves but are just copying someone else it kind of rubs me a way. I am a natural leader. I see no need to fit in or be popular. I mean I do what I do to please myself,my parents,God, not the masses. If you ask me being a follower is dangerous because if your not careful of who your following it can lead to self destruction.
@braided (698)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
Yes i like that remark about it being dangerous ... I was born in Germany and I wasnt alive during the war but everything I read tells me that Germans followed a manic ... not that it was totally their fault but the conditions at the time made it a ripe place for this to happen .... but this is why i think its so important to research things before you follow a bunch of people because you believed what they said instead of finding out for yourself by doing some research ....thanks for the response ...
• United States
21 Feb 07
My mother always told me that a person is judged by the crowd he hangs around with. That is very true. In high school I knew alot of people but hung around with very few. I didnt and still dont care what other people are doing. I do what I know is right for me. I have to look at myself in the mirror everyday and know that I am a good person. I dont want to go along with what others are doing just to fit in, it has to be right for me.