If you had superpowers, would you be a villian or a hero?

@reaperz (1266)
United States
February 22, 2007 3:37pm CST
Which side would you most likely choose? The evil side or the good side? To me, I would choose the hero side because I want to help out the world and help out others. Although, being a villian sometimes seems fun.... What would you rather be?
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4 responses
@rekkusu (601)
18 Apr 07
I AM YOUR EVIL OVERLORD, WORSHIP ME I would choose to be a villan, because evil is fun =p
• United States
18 Apr 07
I could not be good or bad i perfer anti-hero like the punisher or ghost rider live out side the law help who needs help and punish those who are wrong in my eyes
• United States
23 Feb 07
I would not be either. I would be a vigilante. Why? Well, I am neither good nor bad. I am good and bad. I will save those who need saving the most, but to those who do evil, who is to say that I will not hurt them? I may go Punisher on those who do harm to others.
@rachelzwo (310)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I would definatly be a hero. I would rather be known for having done something good than something bad.