obese son "whats your opinion"?

United States
February 27, 2007 9:34am CST
do you thnk this mother should lose her son, because he is obese?they are trying to say maybe "child abuse", which they mentioned neglect.it was also mentioned, he could die before 30 yrs old. what do you think, is it right for a parent to lose their child because of being obese?
2 responses
@calico79 (173)
• United States
28 Feb 07
It's a matter of getting kids off the TV and the video games and outside in the sun where they can play and burn energy. And let's face it...some parents just don't know how to tell their children "no". If they are eating more than an adult portion of food....they have had enough. Quit buying them candy and junk. Don't let them step all over you...YOU are the parent. It is not wrong to limit your child's food intake if they are getting enough to eat. If this mother is not doing what it takes to keep him healthy and there is no medical reason why he is obese then "yes" i do think that he should be placed somewhere else where he can get the care that he needs so that he doesn't have to live his life worrying about his health.
@lols189 (4742)
27 Feb 07
well i think its right to lose her son as obviously she has not been keeping an eye on his diet and she has also let him eat to get to that extent. really it is her own fault