Rather that Wallow in my Sorrows, I am off to Bake some Brownies.

United States
February 27, 2007 6:49pm CST
There is nothing better than chocolate to lift ones spirits when you are feeling down. After pondering about what to make, I thought about warm brownies. Nummy. I enjoy mine with walnuts. I would rather have the chewy ones over the cake brownies. I can almost smell them now.
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36 responses
• United States
28 Feb 07
OMG Those sound SOOOO Good right now, Warm gooey brownies, with extra chocolate drizzled on top.... Im starting to drool!
4 people like this
• United States
28 Feb 07
You guys have got me drooling. I've got Betty Crocker mix omehwre I'll have to find it. Ooh gooy if my favorite.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
28 Feb 07
You should make the brownie cheesecake that I posted. It is wonderful. It will lift your spirits in a hurry. I think I will go get me a piece to eat while I surf the net. I hope you are ok. Feel better soon. Ok???
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• United States
28 Feb 07
That was what I wanted to do, but didn't have all of the ingredients. I have them today. The brownies came close, but didn't really give me that chocolate high I so craved. : )
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• United States
28 Feb 07
I'll be right over LOL
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Mmmm :) Hope the brownies make you feel better! I know they say you shouldn't eat when you are upset, but sometimes it just helps! If you really want to make a good snack, get some vanilla ice cream and carmel to top the brownie with. Now THAT is a "feel better" snack!
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Oh I love brownies so much. I haven't made them lately because I'm the only one that eats them here. And that is just way to dangerous..I'm afraid I would eat them all...lol I like them with walnuts too. I love having a fresh homemade brownie with vanilla ice cream on it..yummy Oh God I think I'm starting to drool....lol I'll be right over, I'll bring the ice cream.
@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I must have missed something why are you unhappy ??? I just got home and this was the first discussions I came across ... but brownies with pecans a rebetter ...lol and the chewier the better too ...lol the ones make cake like get to dry and they just don't taste the same ...
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• United States
28 Feb 07
I love pecans in brownies, but I only had walnuts on hand.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
28 Feb 07
Yes I am with you, Ithink chocolate could very well solve the problems of the world, when i am down I like to eat chocolate and go shopping....all problems solved...;0
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
28 Feb 07
You know, I like the chewy brownies better too. My partner and I had a craving for brownies one night...some time ago...and ran to the store to buy some boxes. But when we made them, they turned out to be like a cake brownie. We thought we did something wrong. Do we made a different box of a different brand...we couldn't decide which one to get, so we bought several to try them all. LOL But sure enough, they turned out like a brownie cake!!! We finally resolved to realize that if you want the chewy kind, you would have to get the old fashioned. LOL But now I am not allowed to have them anymore. :( So, will you eat one for me? :)
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• United States
28 Feb 07
Not a problem Tia.
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@GardenGerty (158296)
• United States
28 Feb 07
My favorite brownies to bake were always the Hershey 5 minute recipe. I may have lost the recipe, though, as I have not made them in some time. It made a big 9x13 pan of brownies, and was really simple to make. They were chewy, not cakey, and good with nuts or without. i also used my Amish friendship starter recipe, with chocolate pudding, chocolate milk, and added chocolate chips and nuts. Baked it in a 9x13 plus one 8x8, and those were yummy brownies, as well.
@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
2 Mar 07
Oh, I hope you find the recipe!
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I agree, chocolate does help make you feel better. I ran out of eggs so I will have to wait until tomorrow. I haven't made brownies in awhile. I have a homemade recipe that I really like making. I like both the cake like and the chewy ones. I don't care as long as it is chocolate.lol.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Oh my you are so evil LOL....I've been wanting to do some baking myself and brownies is on my list but I've not been feeling well (physically) so its not happened yet...I think over the weekend though I'll make some carrot cake, brownie, fruit muffins and some banana bread...all my fav things LOL
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
28 Feb 07
SSSHHHH.. don't let my daughter know, she absolutely loves brownies and she will find a way to get to you. Am glad that you doing something for yourself. I can imagine your kitchen and how good it will smell. They are bound to cheer you up from the gathering of ingredients to the eating of them with you favoriate bevereage. Mine would be milk. Anyway, hope you thouroughly enjoy them and have a great time making them.
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• United States
28 Feb 07
Nothing goes better with warm brownies than a cold glass of milk!
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@Eskimo (2315)
28 Feb 07
When I was young, brownies were a junior version of the girl guides, I didn't know you could bake them, I suppose they could be quite chewy. I guess that's what happens when they sit too close round the camp fire and get toasted.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
2 Mar 07
ROFLMAO!!! We call them brownies and girl scouts!!!
@hopefoo (1145)
• Malaysia
1 Mar 07
Hi EB!!! :) Baking brownies eh? Are you going to share? Send em this way! LOL I can't bake. I've tried but I guess I don't have the basics. I once baked cookies that turned into brownies. They didn't harden at all. I think I had too much butter in them or maybe not enough soda powder? But thankfully my friends finished it cause it was super chocolatey. hehehe
2 people like this
• United States
2 Mar 07
I bet they were splendid. Love chocolate.
• United States
28 Feb 07
I agree with you, chocolate is absolutely awesome & can always lift your mood. I hope that you are feeling better :)
2 people like this
• United States
28 Feb 07
I can smell them too, lol. I love fresh chewy brownies...almost more than you know what. I like to add some vanilla ice cream in a dish, with two brownies, and some hot fudge sauce. Now, there's a good comfort food. I hope you're feeling better.
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@mnflower (1299)
• United States
28 Feb 07
yummy brownies are awesome, chocolate helps very much with depression it is also a motivater to help you get and get going so you can get out of that down feeling..I always like to do something special like take a long relaxing bath when i get down and out..I am not a big chocolate eater...
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@yanjiaren (9031)
28 Feb 07
i love brownies but i am not very good with nuts as they always get in my teeth lol..it's not the nuts fault....my teeth need fixing..i am so tired i just had two chocolate marshmallows with a cup of tea.
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@maribea (2366)
• Italy
28 Feb 07
i am happy to see that you're feeling better or you're doing something to cheer you up....it seems that brownies worked very well!!! I don't eat many sweets or cakes (because I don't like sweet things very much) but the thing I like the most about cakes is baking and having that wonderful smell of home made things spreading through your home...it is a smell that sounds of home, peace, ancient time and family...mmm..I can quite picture you...tasting your favourite cake, your eyes closed, your mouth full of those soft chocolate, your heart warmed by these wonderful feeling of something good and warm...mmm..have a nice day
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• United States
28 Feb 07
I always warm my brownies, the I top them with a scoop of ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream. I agree with you about the walnuts-- I add them to my brownies too. And I always make mine with less eggs to avoid that cakey type. Talk about comfort food!
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