Depression! Has It Ever Affected You!

United States
February 28, 2007 10:23am CST
I have recently been under alot of stress and now I think that it has upgraded to Depression. I cant even think of anything positive in my life right now. I also been have headaches in the back of my head and neck and my shouldres are killing me. I also have been having back pains. Has anyone been through this before. I have start thinking crazy now like: sometime I think that a have a tumor in my head, or maybe a virius. And I read that all these things can come for stress also. Please Help, what do you think.
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35 responses
@Karmalina (647)
• Australia
28 Feb 07
It sounds like you're depressed and under too much stress for sure. I have been through depression and it can have physical effects on you you wouldn't believe. The best thing for you to do most likely would be to see a doctor. If you are wary of seeing a doctor about it try taking extra special care of yourself for a week. Make sure you get 8+ hours of sleep, eat 3 balanced meals a day and stop and take a breather every now and then. Also, don't let a doctor rush you in and out of the office and give you a quick fix. Not everything can be fixed with medication and not everything needs it.
@xionous (439)
• Belgium
1 Mar 07
ya you should see a doctor. im always under stress and depression but i never let it take over me. i always have something else to do to avoid the stress. if im sitting somewhere and its like the depression is taking over me i start to listen to music or sit down to chat or go for a walk. nonetheless a walk with friends or hanging with friends are of great help. i always have something to smile. like i have a collection of jokes. whenever i dont have anything to do i collect good jokes. i read them only when im too depressed. depression has a very bad effect on health. i dont feel to eat when im depressed but there is no other way but to eat. so always try to avoid your depression. dont let it take over u rather u take over it.
@cipher2004 (1183)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I don't think that you can get a tumor or virus from stress.But it looks like you are severly depressed.I was in bed for over 3 months one time.I was raped at at party someone put something in my drink.These were friends of mine.How embarrassing.I felt so dumb going out.Anyway back to you.What seems to be the problem.Everyone calls me "Mama Gina" because I try to help people all the time.Your head and neck are probably hurting because your are probably spending too much time in bed.Am I right?How can you not think of anything positive.You woke up alive didn't you? Think of those that are homeless.You have a home don't you?You even have a computer.Most people don't.Please tell your problem.If you do not want to post it email me.It is on my website.
@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
28 Feb 07
yes, i think most women have it after having a baby, mine lasted 4 onths but then i was back to my old self, the change in life and having no time to onces self
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Feb 07
I have been suffering from severe depression for years now and there are many things that depression will affect. If I were you I would make an appointment and talk with a doctor. If it is depression they can put you on medications, these will not take it away but they will make it easier to handle everything that goes along with having depression.
@tinam13 (839)
• United States
28 Feb 07
yea....when i was younger, like in 4th grade i said that i was gonna kill myself and everyone flipped out and got really serious about it. i didnt know it was that serious and i ended up having to see a therapist for about a month and a half, i had to beg my way out of it. one day i told my mom, i begged her not to take me anymore and she stopped.
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@tarz05 (2)
• Australia
1 Mar 07
I have suffered from Depression before. I recently moved away from Home (Australia) to The United States (Texas) and left my family, all of my friends, including my girl friend, to attend a College. For weeks I didn't sleep well, and I constantly had a head ache. I was told to take medication, but my parents wouldn't let me, as they said it is dangerous. The way I got through it was, after spending the first few weeks locked in my room, I one day decided to get out there and meet people. I did, and almost instantly It began to fade. Friends are so important and with thier help, depression can be killed!
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Stress can really take a toll on our bodies and it comes out in sometimes surprising way and sometimes predictable ways. You need to take some sort of break. A day or weekend. I would help you if we lived close, so the best I can do is say, go have some fun. At the park, walking around the mall, visiting grandparents, whatever it is that would give you a possibility of a good time, a laugh, good advice, or some spoiling if you have such a wonderful friend or family member. Good luck. I am sure you can benefit from some balance in your life.
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@SGOEL27 (927)
• India
1 Mar 07
yes it affect me sometime ago. my hubby didn't have a good job and this was depress me that why my relationship with my hubby is getting worse. but after two year it become good .
@ormsky (38)
• Thailand
1 Mar 07
Michele I have been going through the same thing for a while now I take st johns wort which seems to help I also do deep breathing inhale with your hand on your tummy and when you inhale your tummy should rise hold for a couple of seconds and exhale and repeat for 5 mins I also have a self hypnosis tape which helps. also try repeat saying "hour by hour by day by day things get better in every way" repeat about 30 times or when you feel down. what you tell your sub mind enough times it starts to believe and will respond. chin up hope this is helpful. Ormsky
@joodzki6 (596)
• Philippines
1 Mar 07
well, better see a doctor..maybe have some check up. and take away the stress. do something that could help you with friends, go out and have some fun. think of all the positive things around you...i think that will help you ease the pain and stress, somehow.
• India
1 Mar 07
s depression means worry , none in the world with out dipression . i am not an exception to that.....
@subathra (3519)
• India
1 Mar 07
Having seen your discussion, i feel that i can help you since i too have stress and other problems.Having received a doctors advice i started walking in the morning from 6.00 a.m to 7.00 a.m say about 6 miles a day and also i do small excercise.After this i became free my depression and also very happy and i can consume good food.i suggest that you do this to get relieved from all kinds of ailments
• Bangladesh
1 Mar 07
u should take sufficient rest, sound sleep. yoga is a good means for u. if possible have a travel in hilly sites.
@m_audrey6788 (58482)
• Germany
1 Mar 07
Hi!yes everyone does I guess, but what is happening to you right now is more of psychological thinking the more you think negatively more pains you will feel. Don't let stress destroy your life, give yourself positive outlook because all happens for a reason. Make yourself busy like put-up a small business, go out with friends and move on :)
@nandans (1160)
• India
1 Mar 07
It affects 90% of the population. I am also its victim..
• India
1 Mar 07
i think u have serious depression Disease, so plzz consult with any gud sychologist, bt try urself to go out in parks n n talk wth others n have fun n avoid to think of any matters.. i also think much, even since las two yrs i was also depressed bcz of some probl;ems at home, n i lost my weight too, even my headache started every nght or day, bt nw i have tried alot to be jus cool n then i got myself well, bt whenevr i start thinking my headache gt start, so i try mostly to forgt mostly n gt relax.. so i would like to suggest u same plz buddy leave thinking n go out with ur family ur partner.. n hav fun..
@harivinod (781)
• India
1 Mar 07
yes friend, i suffer from depression
• United States
1 Mar 07
It is quite possible you are suffering from depression, but it is not necessarily a chemical thing. Sometimes stress "mutates" to depression symptoms.
@helpme901 (157)
• India
1 Mar 07
lol!! don't worry my friend it is nothing like that. you will be alright. I am damm sure nothing is wrong with you. Yeah I am in this situtation from last 3 years. It is very tough. check out this link it will help you. But have one thing in mind that you have to be the supportive hand of yourself. No one can help you much in this situation
@reykja (121)
1 Mar 07
I think it is stress but not a tumor or a virus. When you are stressed, you may not realise it but you contract your muscles everywhere, but especially the areas around your shoulders and stomach would be affected, as well as your head, that is why you are feeling pain in those areas. I think you should take time to relax, an hour a day if you can or less, but make sure it's daily. Just sit in a quiet room and do things that you like or just listen to relaxing music. Try not to think of all the work that you have to do or about the things that stress you. Your body would get some rest this way. Hope this helps!