Rats in a Fast Food Restaurant - Are We Safe?

Rats In KFC-Taco Bell - This is a photo of a rat in a restaurant.
United States
February 28, 2007 7:07pm CST
So I was reading this article about a NY City KFC-Taco Bell restaurant that the news filmed rats running around in. The day before the city inspecter had been there and sited them and told them to clean up, but let them stay open! Insanity! I was just thinking about all the times in my life I have eaten out. If a health inspecter in NY doesnt think rats are a big enough problem to close a place down, what do the rest of them think? Are we safe from illness and disease when we eat out? What do you think? Heres the link if anyone wanted to read the story. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17378700
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2 responses
@Zo0mZo0m (1357)
• United States
1 Mar 07
No we're not safe from illnesses and diseases when we go out. Look at what just happened here in West Hollywood. On February 14, 2007, Valentine's Day, Wolfgang Puck's employee exposed many celeberties and others at the 2007 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit thingy they hold every year. The news media where erging everyone that attended this festivity to have a Hepitites A testing asap! Man! We need to say our prayers at every meal. It's not safe out there... Be careful, be cautious, be safe when eating out.....
• United States
1 Mar 07
OH! I saw that today! If the rich and famous arent safe what about us poor folk? Ugh. Thanks for your response!
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@Zo0mZo0m (1357)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Yeah. It all comes down to being human, rich or poor.
@aretha (2538)
• United States
1 Mar 07
no we are not and its sad really. we had stopped at a mcdonalds on one of our travels from PA to OK and we were just about done eating and seen a cockroach go across the floor. i had never seen a roach before. i didn't finish eating and we left. kind of makes you wonder.
• United States
1 Mar 07
That is gross. I know in some places infestations are higher, but you would think they would just be cleaner and stricter! I sometimes takemy kids to McDonals for the playland. I had to crawl in there recently to retrieve my child and it was disgusting! It stunk and was greasy...I lodged a complaint...they should try to keep it cleaner! Thanks for your response!