how to impress any person?

March 1, 2007 5:33am CST
i want to propose a lady, tell me the tacts regarding the things that i need to perform to impress her.
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11 responses
@catcai (1056)
• Philippines
1 Mar 07
Welcome to mylot Birnale!!, well, what you can do is to be honest to her and not cheat her in anyway- be a gentleman- open doors for her and stuffs like that, bring her her favorite flowers, write your feelings for her in small notes that you insert in her notbook or bag- write a poem if you can, bake her a cake, prepare and cook dinner for her. Respect her family, befriend her friends, appreciate her- always compliment her, watch her favorite movie with her no matter how corny it is. Be good at your job, make her see that you are a responsible guy and you can take care of her. So far these are all i could offer i hope you can find it useful though... whats most important is you be HONEST with her all the time. ok?
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
1 Mar 07
just show your true persoanlity to her, be natural and honest, never try to do something u do not usually do to impress her bcoz woman will know easily Just be yourself
@ToMatriX (94)
• Indonesia
2 Mar 07
First of all, Be your self. show your best quality, and the important thing is, Express your self, not to try to Impress your self. Best of luck.
@oarnamav (2708)
• India
2 Mar 07
Vishalrao birnale saheb aase karu naka! Welcome to mylot. Please do not attempt anything like this atleast when you are going for some permanent relations, it's ok if you are in a travel and not going to see this lady anymore in the future. Because if you will impress somebody with some tactice would not work tomorrow. There can be every possibility that this lady might be knowing you through some source, which can't be ignored. I think you should represent your self in the manner in which you are exactly! The honesty may pay you a little but exagaretion or misinterpretation would ruin you forever. So my friend don't impress but open your kind and true heart instead, will work positively.
• India
1 Mar 07
well it depends upnon you the by making impressible comments you can impress like you are looking beautiful or by saying some sensible words or sentences
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@aweins (4199)
• India
1 Mar 07
hello my friend, quite an interesting question. so, you wanna propose a lady, well first and the fore most thing that i wanna clear out first is that dont go on for any filmy fundas as they wil not work here. i m posting quite a long response but do read it. IT WILL WORK. i donno whats your age and whats the age of the girl, are you in same college or office collegues or whatever..... i m not writing this to bore you, but i m myself a lady so i think i can justice your question well. girls can never get impressed by any filmy style of approach or behaviour. see, if u are collegue, either college, or school, or office first try to know her likings and dislikings. her interests her views what she like to talk about and what is the thing which she like to be praised. first do your ground work of studying her, knowing her. then start with a simple hi or hello. then if you go on same route you should offer lift or if you are not capable of giving lift then wait for her and start going together. win her confidence one by one and you will come close to your manzil very soon. dont ever abuse anyone infront of her. in the start you can start up your discussions with a topic that is related to both of you . like if you are in same office then the atmosphere there or other collegues there can be a topic to talk to. ask about her family . Dont ever give her a hint that you are attracted towards her. Be very casual in talks as well as in actions.Dont let your hands move any where unnecessarily ( i hope you understand) .try to make her build interest in you . this way it will be easier to you to come close to her ( obviously as a friend ) or you'll loose her forever. if its just a lust or a bet with a friend to propose a girl then you can do anything . but if you seriously wanna win her heart, do what i wrote, i donno what everybody else has written but i m very very sure that what i have written, if u do that every girl, in this world ( except the ones who are just one night stand) will be yours.thats my BET. be as much polite and descent as you can. but that should not look like you are over acting. what ever you say, feel it.your eyes are your inner mirror. if you'll not do so, and if the girl is smart enough to read your eyes, which will not match your words, you will be CLEAN BOLD. I WISH YOU LOADS OF LUCK. and wish that when you start the next discussion you start it, with your lady and till then she becomes your Lucky Charm, sitting by your side. GOD Bless You. may you have your first approach very successful and Confident.
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@aniket0 (80)
• India
1 Mar 07
i will say vishal just love her unconditionally so you can impress her more than impression you can show her how much you care about her and if someone cares about you you always get impressed so go ahead let her know your true love and best of luck
@torque20 (57)
• India
1 Mar 07
just feel it wat she feels an b sweet an cute as much as u can
@girishk87 (188)
• India
1 Mar 07
just like me
@webbuff (926)
• Philippines
1 Mar 07
Just be yourself! its the best way to impress any person.
• India
2 Mar 07
yaa...very interesting subject..there r some basic steps u have to follow.. 1.brush ur teeth regularly 2.bath regularly. 3.most important step is FORMAT ur own HARDDISK REGULARLY thats good n little bit interesting naaaa SO BEST LUCK TO PROPOSE.....A OLD WOMEN