Im loosing time on myLot

March 5, 2007 10:46am CST
i believe my life changed from the time i Joined mylot. and it changed in BAD, i dont have A LIFE anymore. How many hours per day you people spend on internet and mylot? OR em i the only one pour soul here?
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2 responses
• United States
5 Mar 07
Hi ladywoods, I started to feel just like you at the first. I haven't been here that long, and I don't want to say I quit without really giving things a good chance. I thought long and hard and lost a bit of sleep over it all but came up with what everyone else is saying. Limit your time. It's a vicious circle. If you limit your time you don't make as much, but then, if you try hard to make anything you spend all of your time doing much for little. In my case, I'm retired. I stay at home 98% of the time. That doesn't mean I don't have anything better to do. I still have a house to run; meals to prepare, house to clean, laundry to do, yard to mow, and I still have the things I like to do outside mylots. I decided I would run my mylots just like I do the rest of my life. I have to take care of 'business' first. I get my husband off to work, do breakfast dishes, put in a load of laundry, and do the things I know I need to do. Once that's out of my way, I spend my private time for me doing the things I want such as reading, answering emails, or getting dressed (I still get dressed and wear makeup) and do my hair. When I know things are out of the way, I know I can spend time on mylots without worrying about the other stuff. I don't mind walking away from the computer when the telephone rings or if someone comes to visit. It's not like I'm on some kind of schedule..... If I'm going to make anything, it's better than making nothing. If I can add $10.00 to my bank account at the end of the month, it's ten dollars I didn't have to begin with. If I add nothing, well, that's when it will be time to re-evaluate. Right now, ratings, friends, the number of posts, or anything like that aren't important to me. I had rather spend time in a good, thought out resonse to any discussion than just give a quick two or three line response just to raise my numbers. The concept of Mylots is a good one. We just need to be thought provoking and give good response and maybe (for me) not worry too much about ratings or how much money you can make. You just have to decide what' important and treat this like you would a special interest or hobby. If you make a little money at it, great. If you find you just can't fit it into your life, it's not that big a deal..... Then again, I could be all wet........
• Greece
6 Mar 07
Thank You very much for your great comment! I will take your advice! thanks hun!
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Mar 07
Ahhhh - t'ain't nut'n honey. But I'm glad you enjoyed my response. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
@oarnamav (2708)
• India
5 Mar 07
dear ladywoods, you have just made some 19points in the braces and how come you could say that you are loosing time on mylot? Do you know there are few users on mylot who are working in mylot since six months and more, they have points/rating over to 10000. There are more than 900 users who have crossed the 1000 mark, all this is an indication of time spent on mylot being worth to. So relax and keep working untill you get the pleasure. But do not change your regular life style of living. You should not strech & strain your body and brain too much but just spend a little time as an enjoyment on mylot. Wishing you best experience and great pleasure on mylot.
• Greece
5 Mar 07
Yea 1000 point, whoaaa thats A LOT. its incredible 1000 many posts and reply you had to do to reach such a great result. mybe it would be interesting to do a statistic about, mybe these is a nice idea to ask mylot to do for us a Personal statistics to see how much time we are logged on and how many posts/reply or other data in graph. what about that?