Now they're saying coffee is GOOD for you!

@w1z111 (985)
United States
March 7, 2007 10:53pm CST
I wish they'd make up their minds. A while back (years) they said coffee wasn't real good for us, especially frequent consumption. Now they're saying it's good for us. Don't get me wrong, I like my coffee...just wondering how much of the other information we're getting is erroneous.....? And why?
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6 responses
@wildhorse (1293)
• Egypt
8 Apr 07
I think coffee was always known to have good effect and said to be good for health, but some studies may have exaggerated its negative effects and asked people to not consume it daily. I think it was never said that coffee is a real health risk within normal limits but maybe what is "normal limits" is what they are now changing opinions about.. I guess if we will follow studies we will not eat or drink anything, as it always seems to be contradicted studies about everything!
@w1z111 (985)
• United States
8 Apr 07
OK...sounds logical enough, but I do recall (back in the 1970's I think) when "they" said coffee might contribute to heart problems as well as pancreatic cancers. Don't think they still feel that way, but that's one of the 'scares' I recall about coffee...but it might not have been regarding "normal limits", as you said. Thanks for the post.
@happylim (658)
• Malaysia
8 Apr 07
I was told that if we drink less than three cups of coffee every day is good for our health but more than that may harm our health.
@w1z111 (985)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Yea...I'm sure you're right...too much of anything is not good. Thanks for the post.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
8 Mar 07
I always thought the coffee itself was good for you but the caffeine was bad.
@w1z111 (985)
• United States
9 Mar 07
You might be right about that...I'm not sure. Might have to look into that. Maybe 'de-caf' is the 'healthy-choice'. Thanks for the post.
@babyjane (1390)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
According to a new study, depending on your genes, the caffeine in coffee is either good for you or bad for you. The link between coffee intake and the risk of heart attacks is a controversial issue. Scientists know that coffee, a major source of caffeine, is metabolized by the enzyme, cytochrome P450 1A2, and some individuals who have that particular gene are "rapid" caffeine metabolizers, whereas those with a different variation of the gene are "slow" caffeine metabolizers.
@w1z111 (985)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Indeed! Very solid info here! Well done! I didn't realize there were two sides of the story, either. Thanks for the very informative post!
@dld999 (118)
• United States
8 Mar 07
You know the propeller heads - they think they know the answer, so first they craft the question, and then they design the experiment or study to support their answer! And anything is bad for you in excess. Like with most other things, I think that we all just need to be more aware of what we do and put into our bodies and don't overdo any particular thing. I love coffee, I "need" it in the morning but I limit it to 2 BIG cups a day generally and switch it out with tea, preferably green, or just hot water.
@w1z111 (985)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Yep! Just wish they'd make up their minds sometimes, y'know? Makes me wonder if all of it is really just 'smoke & mirrors', and we truly DO live in an 'artificially-driven' society....!? Thanks for the input!
• Philippines
8 Apr 07
What I know is too much o f anything is bad for you. So drinking too much coffee is not healthy. But drinking 1-2 cups a day is healthy.
@w1z111 (985)
• United States
8 Apr 07
OK...sounds logical to me. "Moderation" is the byword then, no? Thanks for the post.