Best restaurant in your community

United States
March 8, 2007 6:28pm CST
Hey there, I am interested in knowing what your favorite restaurant is. I am not looking for answers like McDonald's, but rather restaurants that have specialty foods, a local mom and pop diner, or just a very good place to eat. What is the restaurant called and what is the best food you have had there?
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11 responses
@anjoks (2080)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
Here in Manila, so many great restos really! .. I'm a filipino so i would definitely suggest all filipino restaurants you can find here like Dencio's, Gerry's Grill, Kamay Kainan, Saisaki, Jo's Inato. Anything you can find there such as grilled meat, grilled fish, grilled squid and all the works! (",)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I have not had that type of food I don't think, but it sounds very good! Do you have any simple recies of your ethnicity that you can share with us?
@tictac714 (975)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I have a family owned an operated small Italian restaurant called Viggiano's which is walking distance to my apt. It's the best!! All their food is excellent, but my friends and I go there for the bruschetta, it's just out of this world. Everything though, from chicken parm to sausage and peppers to dessert is excellent. Plus there's an area to eat outside in the nice weather so it's really fun.
• United States
31 Mar 07
I love those kind of restaurants where you can eat outside if it is nice! And I love Italian food to. You had mentioned one of my favorite dishes-Chicken Parmesan-yum! I haven't had that in forever...I will have to make it soon. :)
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@sahira (1071)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
Here in our place,philippines,i always love to eat and hang out with my family at MANUKAN bamboo restaurant..this is very famous here in Cagayan de Oro..their main menu is Grilled chicken pitsu with rice and atsara or papaya tidbits with vinegar,the sauce is deliceous,hot sauce actually,then if you like dessert,you order buko halo with ice cream.It's not too expensive.I love that restaurant!
• United States
9 Mar 07
I don't think I have ever tried any form of Phillipino cuisine. America has many ethnic cuisine type restaurants, but there is not one like that around here that I know of. Is it at all similar to othe Asian cusine such as Japanese, Chines, or Thai? My family loves Chinese food. They are very common hre in the States, especially buffet style restaurants.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
I like a Mexican restaurant that is very near my apartment building. Right now, i've forgotten the name of it, although it's on the tip of my tongue. At any rate, my husband and I like to go there in the summer and have fajitas. Enough for two people for $9. It's great!
• United States
10 Mar 07
Wow-I love when you can grab a great dinner for just a few bucks! And I love fajitas-thanks for the response.
@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
Well, I know of one restaurant in particular that I've enjoyed quite a bit of food from over the years. It's a place that I really like a lot and I sometimes wish they had more of them around this city. I love the Old Spaghetti Factory. It's got to be the best restaurant hands down in this city in my opinion! I know that my other half & me have shared a lot of days creating memories there. I know that when we want to go out for a romantic dinner we tend to have that be one of our number one choices. I know that for my Birthday one year he had taken me there & I was served such amazing food & my other half even got them to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me when we went there before.. What 'The Old Spaghetti Factory' is.. It's a pasta house that is downtown that me and my other half have gone to a lot. They make a killer dish that I can never get enough of when I do have it. I have their "Cajun Chicken Alfredo" and each time I almost want to faint because it's so good. I don't know what it is about that one pasta dish but it's so very good I could take a huge jar of it home with me and still not have enough. I find they put just the right amount of cajun seasoning & the alfredo sauce they make is to die for in my opinion.. It has to be one of the best that I have ever tried quite honestly.. I know that I haven't had a plate of that same pasta from another establishment without being slightly disappointed. I feel like there is only one place in this city where can get it where it is made to my liking. There is one other restaurant where I have had it but their version is lacking something that only the Old Spaghetti Factory has. I remember once I went to a restaurant & I asked for a cajun chicken alfredo.. And they brought me instead a sauce that tasted like cheese whiz.. And didn't give half as much as I would usually get from that other restaurant.. So I've learned if I want this dish it's best to just go to 'The Old Spaghetti Factory" instead.. As I'm thinking of other specialty restaurants that you can get a good meal at. I can't help but thin of another restaurant that has given me decent food for a good price just like that other place I enjoy pasta from. This place is called "Swiss Donair" though and for the price you pay you get your money's worth. My other half & me will usually get them to deliver us our order and they're pretty fast in getting the meal out to us here. I haven't had a better donair yet and probably won't for a long time. There is a pizza chain in the city that we had gotten stuck on for quite some time. We find ourselves always trying new things and things. We haven't had from that place in a long time, but I used to remember ordering the same pizzas every time. They made them surprisingly good compared to the one time that had actually turned me off of eating from there. I remember not wanting pizza from that place for the longest time because I had a problem one time with an order we got from them. In conclusion, the above stated three restaurants I believe serve the best in their respective styles of food. I enjoy having a meal from every one of them from time to time. They all offer probably the best value for your dollar too which is something I always look for when it comes to eating dinner at a restaurant! . . Thanks for allowing me to share! xx
• United States
10 Mar 07
I have the Old Spaghetti Factory too, and it is quite good. I was born and raised in the Midwest though, and the best Italian restuarnat I have EVR had is Avanti's. It was a small cahin around the community I grew up in, and they have some of the best spaghetti and fettucini ever!
• United States
10 Mar 07
We usually enjoy Olive Garden, Outback steakhouse, Red Lobster, etc. But there is a small restaurant that makes homemade gyros and other Greek food and it has to be the best. They should have a chain of these, just like the big ones.
• United States
19 Mar 07
I have only had Greek food once that I can recall. (Ethnic Food Day in elementary school.) I know we had a meat dish with a rice or a fine pasta, and we also had stuffed grape leaves. Both I remember were awesome! I don't know of any Greek restaurants in my area. But the community I live in is fairly small too.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Well, being a very small, crappy town, we have only one national chain restaurant (other than fast food) and that is Applebees. They were great when they first opened but have gone to hades in a handbasket! The best food in this God-forsaken town is a locally owned Mexican restaurant called El Azule Grande. The best thing there is a burrito superior in my opinion and of course the fried ice cream!
• United States
9 Mar 07
I know exactly what you mean by a crappy town. The only chain we have in our town is Subway! WE have a couple little diners but I very rarely go ther because the food is not fresh and it is greasy. I love Applebee's though! A little expensive but I have had some great dishes from there. You must be burnt out on the food? Or do you think the quality of the food or service is not as goos as it once was?
@mommyaiai (295)
• United States
9 Mar 07
The best restaurant in my community is dennise,i like their breakfast like sausage and egg and also their lunch the shrimp skewer.This is the restaurant that me and my family most visit.
• United States
9 Mar 07
Thre is a Denny's not far from here too-about 20 minutes. In all reality I am burnt out on them. It seems I have eaten there a lot, and whenever the group I am with cannot agree on a certain cuisine, we end up at Denny's. I guess there is alittle of everything, but I think it is all beginning to taste the same! Do you know what Perko's is? Perko's is a lot like Denny's, but I think the taste and quality of the food is better. You should give them a try some time, if you can find one locally.
@tad1fan (3367)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
You won't get McDonald's or any of them from me,we don't have any where I live....It's a 45 minute drive to favorite here in my little town is called Downtown Kitchen.....everything is homemade and it is favorite meal there is the bbq'd meatball,mashed potatoes and veggies
• United States
9 Mar 07
Ooh bbq-ed meatballs do sound good. Wow the closest fast food is 45 minutes away? You have me beat! Our nearest is about 10-15 (next town over) if you don't count the Subway here in our town.
@Newbie11 (197)
• United States
9 Mar 07
In my community there are good restaurants like Texas Roadhouse,OutbackSteak house that are special for steak.There is also restaurants for Mexican food like Taco bell,Baja Fresh.There is a greek restaurant known as Greek Isle famous for greek food.For pizza there are pizzahut,califonia pizza .There is an old traditional pancake house known as Grandma's Pancake House.They all are very favourite to me.The best food I had was the Country Fried Chicken in TexasRoadhouse.The Texas Roadhouse is my favourite restaurant.
• United States
9 Mar 07
You must live in a pretty poulated area to have such great restaurants! (There is no Pizza Hut around here, and I miss it!!) Ooh, yum, the restaurant you had mentioned Texas Roadhouse sounds very good just by the name! I love the entree fried chicken.
@yiemega (300)
• Malaysia
9 Mar 07
A Best Restaurant at my country is PK Corner, its located at Kelantan (one of state in Malaysia). The best cook here is Bone Soup or in Malay word we say that "Sup Tulang" and Tomyam (This is a thaifood) in this restaurant its make it too.
• United States
9 Mar 07
Hmmm. Bone Soup? That really doesn't sound that appetizing. I would imagine it is just a name though? Or do you eat the bones or have to pick them out of your soup?