what improvements must be made in orkut....give ur suggestions...

orkut - orkut...google place
@meera88 (737)
March 9, 2007 4:07am CST
hey guys....we all have enjoyed orkut.... now what improvements do u think tat orkut must make...? jus giv ur valuable suggestions... i think tat orkut profile mus be made like hi5 profile with more html linking n video sharing n music sharing applications....
7 responses
• India
9 Mar 07
to improve orkut what further can be done???... its really very tough question because orkut is improving day by day although there are some improvements needed to increase the privacy in orkut because as we have heard about copying the snaps of other users and making a fake profile etc. 1. to avoid this problem there should be some option to hide our snaps. 2. there should be a option that no one cant open our scrapbook only those persons are allow to open the scrapbook those who are already in a user friends list...no strangers are allowed.... i think these improvements can really be helpful for the users.... enjoy..cheers..!!!...adios...
@meera88 (737)
• India
10 Mar 07
well that will be good....cos i also feel unsafe by uploading pics in orkut...n when persons who dont know me visit my profiles...
• India
10 Mar 07
Orkut is amazing man .But it still need some improvements . LIke -- The scraps are open to all. its better if the scraps could be viewed only by friends rather than open to all type. And it would be nice if continuous monitoring of orkut is present like in mylot inorder to avoid indescent communities and postings..
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@meera88 (737)
• India
10 Mar 07
but orkut has nearly 25 million members compared ti 77 000 in mylot....so it will be difficult to watch all of them....so those fake profiles abuses cant be stopped......
@kool78 (490)
• India
9 Mar 07
I do not agree with you. Orkut new improvement is a welcome but i do not think orkut is a place to share music and videos. It is way in which you can stay in contact with the old ones amd make new friends. There are many others sites from where videos and music can be downloaded. Orkut should keep the purpose fro what the site was!
• India
11 Mar 07
Great response dude.I too feel the same.It should serve the purpose
• India
12 Mar 07
1. Trough orkut we are getting so many spam mails so orkut team must try to build a better spam blocker for spam mails 2. As in myLot orkut have to allow us to edit the profile theme like menu color, font etc etc 3. Search option in orkut is not better so they have to improve that also.
@mx_aman (2101)
• India
9 Mar 07
Its One and only Security...
• India
11 Mar 07
Yes, orkut must improve it's security features.
• India
9 Mar 07
yeah..it really agree with U that..it must be brought similar to hi5.com ..... And can also....can give Free SMS facility...ring tones sharing,e-Books Sharing...
• India
9 Mar 07
there shud be some privacy in orkut
@meera88 (737)
• India
9 Mar 07
well if orkut starts givin the sms facility...it wud be great...are there any sites which gives this sms facility???
• India
9 Mar 07
yeah ... it must be like myspace where we can customize our profiles, sharing music and should be made more secure ... thats what I feel ...